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ok thanks guys, but i really still need some replays from Rally's ( with more people, about 20 in 1 race ) and dragracing replays. I already got enough replays from drifting and racing So Rally's and Dragracing replays requested !

Edit ; OH! and the crashing scenes ! PLZZZ
Last edited by DriftKing_Sidewayzzz, .
S3 licensed
Quote from bigcheese :I think you better make a movie after the new patch, coz after it your replays will not work ( correct me if i'm wrong )

Quote from asbjoern :yea its common that they dont work when a new patch is released

Yes i know but atm i even got replays from patch y, so i will record from diffrent patches anyway, so it will be patch y , z and the new one that will come, but dont worry before i will even START with anything for that movie, that will take a while. it will be finish in februari 2009 or something... because i will take my time for it, and atm its just collecting ppl's replays.

Quote from Stefani24 :Just look through and see if you can find something useful.

Thx, i'll see what i can do with it
S3 licensed
cmon people , i need more replays then that to make a complete movie !
i need race and rally's and dragracing, PLZ !
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Quote from ImportFantasy :I'll look into it and send you some on msn.

Thx Keisu !

Quote from Ogijs :i have a good replay, if i havnt lost it with 8 people in a row drifting....
ill try and find it how exactly do i give it to you ?

You can just upload it and send the link , or add me on msn and send it to me
My msn : [email protected]
New Live For Speed Movie ( ! REPLAYS NEEDED ! )
S3 licensed
Hi People ,

Well, i'm planning of making an LiveForSpeed Movie with all kinds of racing and stuff in it. But i will need you people to post some replays so that i can record it, since i'm a drifter i don't really have any replays from racing/drag/rally. So the following things would be great ;
Replays of :
- Racing ( Doesn't matter what type of racing )
- Drifting ( It's up to you, twin, tripple, or drifttrain )
- Rally ( Doesn't matter what cars or whatever )
- Dragracing ( Would be nice if there would be more cars in 1 dragrace and then just race it ! )
- Crashing Scenes ( If you have some funny replays from an big crash, or an crash that happened in an funny way, just post em' over here )

- Other special stuff that might come in your mind ? ? ?

But i want the replays to be good, and not some crap :P so CLOSE races, NICE races and rally's ( including crashes :P ) and ofcourse the sidewayzzz stuff ( maybe some really professional team drifts )

All the people that will be in the movie in the end will be in the credits and you all are free too come with your replays
Ways of sending me the replays :
1 - Upload it somewhere and post the link here so i can download it
2 - add me on msn and send me the file(s) : [email protected]

I can't tell yet when the movie will come out, because this depends on how many replays are coming in , and how much time i have for the recording/editting since i have got homework and school too.

Last edited by DriftKing_Sidewayzzz, .
S3 licensed
Quote from noob4ever :What I have understood so far is that you want more complex competitions. Competitions that will not take only one day. You might want to check lfstorque once in awhile because Saiko D has been organizing some competitions lately. Their comps are a tad more complex involving a few levels and its done over a few day-periods of time.

The problem with bigger comps is this: People don't always show up. If you organize one-day comp, people might make time for it and come (if they can). But if you also want them to show up another 2-3 days to finish the comp, they might not due to work/school etc.

I would rather have 3 different comps, in 3 different days. Rather than one comp that starts with 40 people day ONE, and only 10 show up the next day.

But all in all, if you do want to organize something like a bigger comp, you are more than welcome. But, make sure you know what you are getting yourself in to, alot alot of work.

You might have better luck on with help on this, there's people that will volunteerly take screenshots / edit, even movies. But someone needs to take the big responsibility and get it done

anyway, good luck, hope this post helped.

- ProtonXL

thank you very much But i know what i want and i have responsibility
But yeah, we'll see Thx anyway
S3 licensed
i knowwww, but i think you don't really understand what i mean
S3 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :

I know, but i didn't meant it in that kind of way.
Read my first post again, but this time very good.
Drifting Competitions ???
S3 licensed
Hi everybody,

I was thinking of making some drifting competitions because it's like, in the past of lfs, and also in S1 there were many drifiting competitions.
But i don't mean that i'm going to start alot of comps. but i meant that other people should make more competitions, for teams to take part in them and stuff. For example D1-Style leagues, or other things that won't just take 1 day , but competitions that will have a whole schedule, or with complete seasons. That kind of comps. And ofcourse we will need servers and drifters, and most of all it needs GOOD organisation. It will be fun, and you will meet more drivers and get to know more people of lfs, etc. Seems fun to me ? But dont get me wrong here, because i dont mean there need to be a 1000 competitions at thesame time, but more competitions , with GOOD organisation, that will take more time, as i said, with seasons or that kind of stuff. So lemme hear what you all think ? I would say it would be great ^^. ( Sorry if i made grammar mistakes;P)
S3 licensed
Nevermind i got it
Last edited by DriftKing_Sidewayzzz, .
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Quote from TopGearfan :Hello! I know that this is not the skin-request forum but I don't know if the skin already has been made. And yes, I have been searching the whole forum and also searched on google although I could have missed it somehow, but nevertheless;
Has this skin been made for XRT?

Hehe, i made it
S3 licensed
Quote from Thommm :I don't see how driving slower karts can have a negative influence on your driving style, care to explain? Because I think that driving whatever kart on whatever track is good for your driving style or adaptiveness as I like to call it.

I've been looking around on some track websites and I think renting pro-karts would be abit too much for the the average wallet. Besides that Berghem can offer us not only good karts, but also a wide variety of arrangements. Note that from this list I've only been to Driebergen (haven't driven the rental karts there but they looked slow) an Berghem. Oldenzaal seems to have a good deal too, but the location is even worse then Berghem. The rest seems to be even worse tbh.

I'm still in for some laps at Berghem

Driebergen has new kart now, as i heard and read here, Pottendijk is very close to me, but not for the others, just as for me Eindhoven would be kinda far, Driebergen is in the middle of the netherlands, which is centered for the most of us, except the english people and german. So that's why i'd prefer Driebergen, i also know NL_RevZ , have met him once. I still hope we are going there.
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Quote from Becky Rose :I dont know if that is legally valid or not in Dutch law, or whether the track would accept that . Over here i'd think it would be fine, perhaps with a telephone call first, assuming the track insurance accepts under 16's. (They usually can take 8+ yrs over here).

Oh yeah indeed, if the paper doesn't work i can call my parents and let them confirm im their son and that they allow me to drive there
No Probs. Thx
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :Legally I should think so (not that I know much about Dutch law), there should not be a problem there. The actual age or minimum height limit (you gotta be able to reach the pedals) will depend on the tracks insurance, which is why this has remained an unanswered question until now. Also you'll need a parent or guardian to sign the consent form on your behalf to actually race, none of us can sign that for you.

Oh that won't be a problem i can reach the pedals for sure But what do you mean "to sign the consent form on your behalf to actually race," Can't i juse bring a note with me from my parents with the confirmation that they allow me to do that ,and under that piece of paper a sign from my mum/dad ?

Quote from Biohazard :what about becky, kasper and so on?

Yeah i know, but you actually know IF it's going to be in eindhoven or whatever, ( i will go with the train for sure ) but i dunno, i might must travel with train for 5 hours ? lol >< 3 hours of traveling with the train to Driebergen should be enough xD

Quote from hrtburnout :PM poll says otherwise. As soon as everyone's voted, I'll make it public.

That poll only says that people voted for another track, doesn't mean the other tracks what are not so much voted suck. And that the track in Driebergen is the olders of Holland also doesn't mean it's bad. I actually believe that it would be nice to drive an older track ^^, a little piece of history
Last edited by DriftKing_Sidewayzzz, .
S3 licensed
Alright all, Becky, Vinny, i've read all your reactions. But i'm 15, and i still will be 15 in June 2009. But, am i allowed to drive a kart with two 160cc engines ? Maybe if i can't i first nead to proove that i actually CAN drive those little things, and maybe we could make a deal with the people who are renting the karts, but that will only be needfull if i CAN NOT drive them. I hope i can, because i really wanna drive, looking forward to this since the moment this whole idea started Anybody knows if there is an age limit for two strokers ? Oh btw, there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with Drierbergen, that the track is old, is a fact, but dat DOES NOT mean it's stupid or bad track, and as NL_RevZ posted before, they got brand new karts. Driebergen is only 3 hours in the train for me. As i can see that people are voting for Eindhoven now, I dont say that track isn't good or bad, but the PLACE, i mean, i live in Drenthe, that's some far traveling for me for a day of karting... And also, Driebergen in kinda centered in the Netherlands. I still think we should go to Driebergen..
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Quote from hrtburnout :I've got enough money. Anyway, as you see, most of us vote for June 2009. You're free to vote for other months.

Don't really think that will make any sence by now, you can count on it that i will become in July 2009 Circuit Drierbergen. Now get Victor !!!
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Quote from Koopa :Jeezzzzz 2009??? Thats way too far in the future, with a bit organisation you can arrange this this month, if not you need to wait till summer next year... So imo get a move on and arrange something this month, this is the last month that we have some decent weather, otherwise you need a indoor track..

July will be summer..
Last edited by DriftKing_Sidewayzzz, .
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Quote from Becky Rose :It's going to be a weekend, believe me it's a lot easier to take time out of school than it is to book holiday from a job!

Yeah i know, but if its not in a weekend, i can't just tell my school like "Aw, i can't come today because i'm going to Driebergen for a LFS Kart Meeting, so cya tommorrow, byee!!" XD
But yeah, taking a holiday from a job is a diffrent thing.
S3 licensed
Quote from Takumi_lfs :We dutches are getting some advantage if it's gonna rain = Kaw getting pwnd

Hehe that would be nice, some little dori aswell xD
Following is written in dutch :

Hey rick, kom je ook al ? Nice man, Die hele dag word gewoon super vet. Kan niet wachten tot het zover is
Maarja, check je later en kzie je daar wel
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :I'd rather not be in the Netherlands when there is a Grand Prix on as I wont get to watch it until I get back and not having a telly that means subjecting my Mum to a second viewing, can we pick a weekend that isn't a holy day (F1 weekend) please?

I think that won't be a problem at all, still alot of time in front of us before all this is going to happen. But i'd still prefer to have this in a weekend because i'm still going to school, and I won't really have time to come from monday untill friday...

Btw, does ANYBODY knows if Victor is coming or not ? I mean, it's in Holland, where he lives , just as me and alot more who signed up. Why would you not come Maybe work or some other stuff.. But we could still change the date ? alright Victor , if you read this, PLEASEEE COME
S3 licensed
I voted for June since this was already discussed and the first idea was June 2009. And most of the votes are going to June aswell.
Kart event in Holland , June 2009 ( Exact date is ?? )
Karting circuit Driebergen, Utrecht.
Times still need to be discussed.

But guys, about the exact date, it would be better ( For most of the people i think ) to do this in the weekend. That will be better for me, and for a few more i think. i Guess on some Saturday ?
All saturdays in June are :
June the 6th
June the 13th
June the 20st
June the 27th

Dunno why but 20 sounds good What do you all think about it ?
S3 licensed
I agree with all of you. Let's vote for a date now ? First let's just come with a month, then look if people can make it. I would say June 2009 ?
S3 licensed
So as i consider ( after reading several posts of you all ) the track is going to be Driebergen , Which i prefered myself too. Now we still have to get a date, June sounds fine i guess.. But still along way to go before it's June Since i know about this ( and the previous ) thread, i can't even wait to get to the track with you all and just raceeee

Btw, about something else, a friend of me ( who i know in real life too , also classmate ) also wants to come, but he has no s2 and no LFS Forum account ( rofl XD ) But can anybody put him on the list anyway ? Just put him on the list as "Drifter46" which is his name ingame. Thanks for that
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Quote from Math1js :I'm also 15 now, but if we do the kart meeting in june (wich is the plan right?)
I will be 16, so I think it will work out.

Hehe that's good for you but by that time i wont be 16 ,lol but i DO wanna race But i dont know about the plan that this whole thing is going to be in June ? Dont even know any date, lol XD