Hi People
Well, i'm planning of making an LiveForSpeed Movie with all kinds of racing and stuff in it. But i will need you people to post some replays so that i can record it, since i'm a drifter i don't really have any replays from racing/drag/rally. So the following things would be great ;
Replays of :
- Racing ( Doesn't matter what type of racing )
- Drifting ( It's up to you, twin, tripple, or drifttrain
- Rally ( Doesn't matter what cars or whatever
- Dragracing ( Would be nice if there would be more cars in 1 dragrace and then just race it !
- Crashing Scenes ( If you have some funny replays from an big crash, or an crash that happened in an funny way, just post em' over here
- Other special stuff that might come in your mind ? ? ?

But i want the replays to be good, and not some crap :P so CLOSE races, NICE races and rally's ( including crashes :P ) and ofcourse the sidewayzzz stuff ( maybe some really professional team drifts )

All the people that will be in the movie in the end will be in the credits and you all are free too come with your replays
Ways of sending me the replays :
1 - Upload it somewhere and post the link here so i can download it
2 - add me on msn and send me the file(s) : [email protected]
I can't tell yet when the movie will come out, because this depends on how many replays are coming in , and how much time i have for the recording/editting since i have got homework and school too.

Well, i'm planning of making an LiveForSpeed Movie with all kinds of racing and stuff in it. But i will need you people to post some replays so that i can record it, since i'm a drifter i don't really have any replays from racing/drag/rally. So the following things would be great ;
Replays of :
- Racing ( Doesn't matter what type of racing )
- Drifting ( It's up to you, twin, tripple, or drifttrain

- Rally ( Doesn't matter what cars or whatever

- Dragracing ( Would be nice if there would be more cars in 1 dragrace and then just race it !

- Crashing Scenes ( If you have some funny replays from an big crash, or an crash that happened in an funny way, just post em' over here

- Other special stuff that might come in your mind ? ? ?

But i want the replays to be good, and not some crap :P so CLOSE races, NICE races and rally's ( including crashes :P ) and ofcourse the sidewayzzz stuff ( maybe some really professional team drifts )

All the people that will be in the movie in the end will be in the credits and you all are free too come with your replays

Ways of sending me the replays :
1 - Upload it somewhere and post the link here so i can download it
2 - add me on msn and send me the file(s) : [email protected]
I can't tell yet when the movie will come out, because this depends on how many replays are coming in , and how much time i have for the recording/editting since i have got homework and school too.