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S3 licensed
Beats headphones are quite good.

But not for their price.
S3 licensed
In all honesty you probably won't notice a big difference in anything below a 37 or 42 inch set but you'd have to look for it.

Most console games don't run in 1080p and all HD broadcasts are 720p.
Last edited by DTrott, .
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Well jack, as my knowledge in cars is expert.

It sounds like your car is broken.

You might need to get it repaired.

I hope my diagnosis has helped!

hit the nail on the head
S3 licensed
My car lost 1st, 2nd and 5th gears as in when you selected them nothing happened.

It turned out to be linkage, apparently a single bolt had come loose and dropped down into the gearbox. Kinda lucky it was found, it could've ended up being fired through the casing.
S3 licensed
I'd be all for these crazy regulations but only if it means that people won't get ****ed over on insurance.

I've never had my own policy on my car simply because I cannot afford it, meaning I haven't collected any no claims bonus or whatever, despite driving for two years with no accidents.
Last edited by DTrott, .
S3 licensed
Back bacon is best bacon

S3 licensed
This has made me really hungry.

Imma put the oven on
S3 licensed
I've got a kit for a Honda S600, I bought it and have never got round to putting it together.

I should really put it together.
S3 licensed
Seat belts are for jessies
S3 licensed
Damn those Bulgarians stealin our cars and women.
S3 licensed
Buy an old boombox most modern boombox should be called noise boxes, normally cheap 5 watt things, I've got one of these:

Cost me £4 from a boot fair, 40w, nice bass and works a treat despite being about 30 years old.

Running the thing costs more than what I paid; requires 10 D cells
S3 licensed

Storm in a teacup ahoy
S3 licensed
Quote from garph :Holy fudge monkey batman! Thats some testicle busting insurance prices!

Why? How old are you?

I've been driving for two years with no claims and this month my insurance went up be £40 for inexplicable reasons.
S3 licensed
I am a genuine beefeater

S3 licensed
Quote from TiJay :**** that, some chlamidya test people give out free cinema tickets! Wouldn't do it for anything less

I now feel cheated and violated.
S3 licensed
A friend of mine caught chlamydia, she then slept with this boy who then slept with his girlfriend and then they got it too.

She's a bit of shlag that girl, but as her sister puts it: "she's a nice girl, she just has a lot of unprotected sex".

Also I had one of those tests they do around colleges and got a free glow in the dark sperm!
S3 licensed
It may have been mentioned but can logitek have a custom title under his name?

Can mods do that?
S3 licensed
Quote from logitekg25 :and im 15, not very educated, cause sex ed is second semester this year..

We got sex ed in primary school (~10 years old)
S3 licensed
You can get those crazy fangled hubless wheels these days ... around_hubless_wheels.php
S3 licensed
How old are you logitekg25?

Quote from logitekg25 :we have sex ed?

but google it, you can get herpes from kissing. i have a cold and idk if that makes me vulnerable. and its not genital herpes, its herpes of the mouth or whatever, which isnt as bad, but idk the details behind it

You can get herpes from kissing in the form of a cold sore...
S3 licensed
I think the XR2 pepper pots are cool.
S3 licensed
Quote from Tomba(FIN) :

Sorry for bumping an oldish thread.

I'd just like to know how to get teh shiny wheels
S3 licensed
I'm not sure whether to get this game or the first one.

IS this one much better than the first?
S3 licensed
I'm looking forward to this game so much.

The original on PC in my eyes looking back was so far ahead of its time.
S3 licensed
There's an E-Type Jag owned by someone local, and someone round the corner drives a Renault 5 Turbo.

But today at work a Mini Marcos was parked up.