Hi, I've gotten a lot more into LFS lately, and I'd like to join a racing team. I'm 14, but I'm pretty mature and I've been playing racing sims for years. I use a G25, with no assists

I'm an intermediate driver, and I'm somewhat decent at making setups. I have 4500 miles under my belt, and out of 47 finishes, I have won 16 times, gotten 2nd 5 times, and 3rd 6 times. I'm looking for a more casual racing team that does shorter races and has flexible schedules, and preferably one in North America so that timezones aren't a problem.
I'll drive any of the cars in the game, and I'm pretty decent at all of them. I really like oval racing the most (because of how important the setup is, and the challenge of figuring out a good setup, and drafting is pretty fun) but I can do any kind of racing and have a great time. No, I'm not a Nascar fan (when I do oval racing, it's always open wheel

) I'm a clean driver, and I try as hard as possible to avoid contact, even if it means slamming on the brakes and losing a position. If someone does hit me, I'm calm and cool about it and don't get angry or try to hit them back. I really like driving the UF1, it's probably my favorite car for racing because the races are always so tight and competitive.
Thanks for reading