wow ! great,thanks ! i dont know than why am i getting so high qoutes btw im 28 and been driving for almost 12 years with no problems. ill look at the link also
need some help guys in he UK ! So im in london with my car with hungarian plate,i know i can only drive 6 months here. What would i need to do to have a uk plate on my car and most importantly how much insurance i would have to pay? i went online for a qoute where i didnt get some of the things(like claims n stuff) and i got qouted around 5-7 K annual which would be ridicoulus.i also changed the car to an m3 and a supra and they were over 13K.. Could you do me a qoute for lets say my car '97 320i please?
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no really? i was just thinking today when he stopped, if i was a reporter i would of asked him " have you thought about doing other sports,coz u just have no luck in any race +ur old "