For some reason I keep on thinking about Need For Speed Carbon when I watched that vid An ABOVE average 8.5/10
The teacher called me Emily Bad ******* teacher
I have lots of spare time
trackah maybe you can do something with the demo users
you know make a place where you can film it
what are the specs of your computer?
AMD Althlon XP 2100+
ATi 9550SE (not that good )
And anywhay in only 10 yrs old
maybe you can make mutant people and they try to poison them so that they can get supplies and they try to get to the bottom of it
PS:how long did it take to make that vid? its f****ing huge
debra says 'run and keep running'.
so he spun out stayed there and RAMMED INTO YOU
and then he says your're gonna get banned
what's the username?
and use that find person search and go into the server he's in
then spy on him :hide: or you can race and see what happens
if it happens ban him and save a replay then give him a burning banana :bananadea