there's something wrong with some of the videos in this forum.
1. they are a bit cliche and are not original
2. they are boring.
i know there are a lot of film makers in this forum who broke ground and were creative.
Don, Mp3Astra, unokeva, trackah123 (that was wierd...), squidhead ect.
it doesn't nessarily have to have insane effects like greenscreened people inside the cars or rendered environments.
Kraniwani for example... he did a music video with only 2 effects. Black and White and Film scratches. He has about the 3rd most views on youtube for a Live For Speed Film. Look to those videos and find the action and the sense of the cars flying by the camera.
Now about your video.
It wasn't really that bad.
I mean.. I've seen worse and i've also made worse. I think what the foremost thing you need to do is get yourself a proper video editing program. I'd start with either Sony Vegas Movie Studio or Adobe Premiere Pro.
Secondly Practice, Practice, Practice. Use LFS Tweak to make your drifting crazy if you want. Learn to use the FZ50 whatever. Just try to make sure you make a lot of replays and go through each one to see which one is the best for that corner and which one are you going fast and so on.
Thirdly, don't be discouraged by me. I'm only 12. I remember when i made my first video. Everyone rated me 6/10 or worse. Stick at it and you might be like the people above.
Yes i'm sorry this is so long.