Camera Showoff
(5560 posts, started )
Camera Showoff
I'm starting this thread, because I've seen some photos from some of you guys back at RSC, and I know many of you enjoy photography, and I just got my first SLR camera so it has really helped inspire me.

Made a deal with my dad to get the camera for some work, and bought a separate lens and flash since then.

Nikon D40
18-55mm AF-S II ED DX Nikkor
55-200mm AF-S ED-IF AF-S DX VR Nikkor
SB-400 Nikkor Speed Flash
Hoya Polarizing filter for both lenses
Cobra Holster
Tamrac Explorer 5501 (just got it to hold my flash and other lens altogether)
Nikon Tripod (no idea where it came from)

P.S. For those curious how to take a picture like that, just get near a window or bright light, and put up some posterboard up against a wall or whatever so you get a quarter pipe. (I didn't notice the first time around, but putting shiny side up gives a nice reflection too).

P.P.S. This would also be a good place to expel some photograph tips and tricks for those seeking them.
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VERY nice pics (esp. the last).
My camera is a Nikon D50. Equipment so far:

Nikkor DX 18-55mm kit lens.
Nikkor DX 55-200mm lens.
Quantaray Tripod.
Lowepro Nova 3 AW bag. STRONGLY recommended.

You can view my pictures here:
#121 is awesome, that's a nice desktop!

Where is that and how long of a hike?

Nice work.
Nice camera, I was thinking of getting a D40, but Instead I got this:

Canon 350D
18-55mm Kit lens
Cokin Filter System.

New lens soon, was thinking maybe a 17-40L for christmas, but I think I really need a zoom lens so I can get into wildlife. Possible a 70-200L.

Here's some of my shots: ... unset_by_JackMcIntyre.jpg ... _Time_by_JackMcIntyre.jpg ... Woman_by_JackMcIntyre.jpg ... ation_by_JackMcIntyre.jpg

Its all for sale.

Edit: Some studio stuff: ... onder_by_JackMcIntyre.jpg ... nfant_by_JackMcIntyre.jpg
Some nice shots indeed guys :up:

A few of my own little efforts (click them to see the full-size images):

#8 - JTbo
I have Canon MX200i and Ixus75 which is new one, just got it.

MX200i is quite incredible camera, it is digital cam recorder, but it has also memory card slot and you can take photos to it, while it is only 1.3Mpx it still takes quite ok pics for web use, so I used it long time for photos too.

Had to get Ixus as I found out that I could use bit more clarity in pics that I take when on road, like this for example.

Haven't got much of any good shots with Ixus yet, still learning how to use damn thing as it is quite sensitive to shaking hands, also sometimes lighting is quite weird etc.
But it is damn fast compared to mx200i, at least I won't miss any pics because of slow starting or focusing anymore. Mostly I take pics from road or if I spot something interesting, also sometimes I find something where to take pic in odd angle and stuff like that, so I'm not going to get you bored with such shots here
Any recommendations for a decent digital slr for taking pics at the track? My dad bought a POS digital last year when the folks went to mexico which has a few seconds delay. Obviously not good for taking pics at the track. My camera isn't the greatest for track pics either, though.

My dad is planning on getting a digital slr, but hes not looking to go all out on one i dont think. Any moderately-priced suggestions?
Taking a picture of a camara is like writing your name on your pen...or etching your name into your penknife

Great pics though mate
Quote from MAGGOT :My dad is planning on getting a digital slr, but hes not looking to go all out on one i dont think. Any moderately-priced suggestions?

Depending on what you're looking for, these are the two best review websites available:

Just so you know, the cheapest entry level dSLR camera is the Nikon D40 which comes in at the $500 level depending on where you get it from (I suggest Cameta store on ebay [they also have a website, but their ebay store has all the cameras etc.])
I got my D40 which was a Nikon show camera for $470. < That is the exact thing I bought.

Yes there are cheaper dSLRs if you search (try not to look into grey markets, but knowing you, I doubt you would try to be cheap), there are cheaper out there, but the D40 isn't even a single year old yet, so it really is the cheapest camera you can get.

Deadwolfbones found an Olympus EVOLT SLR at cameta, for the $500 range which also would be a great buy, especially if you're paranoid about getting dust on the sensor, according to PCPhoto (which you get a year free of with Cameta), Olympus' dSLRs have the best automatic sensor cleaners on the market right now.
DWB found a deal, so Maggot, I highly recommend that Olympus, it is a fantastic deal.

Also I will add, if you are interested in fulltime image stabilizing, get a Sony dSLR, they have built in IS (VR in Nikon language) into the sensor.

As for Canon, I support and love Canons, however, they don't seem to be interested in the entry level people as far as lenses and accessories go. If you are interested in a Canon, make sure you have plenty of money if you plan on upgrading lenses.

But always, always always buy a filter, clear or polarized, when you get an SLR. Once a glass surface is scratched on a lens, it is virtually destroyed as far as going back on the market goes. One scratch will ruin a lens. Unfortunate for a friend of mine, he learned that the hard way.
Thanks for the info XC. IS; I assume that helps reduce blurring from shaky hands? (As you can tell, I'm not camera buff! :dunce: )

I'll pass it along to my father... ALMS at Mosport is in less than 3 weeks, and I'd love to get some GOOD pics from it this year
Canon S3 IS... To lazy to post anything atm.
#14 - Jakg
....queue the "fake" Camera - Kodak Z740!

Cant be bothered to cross post pictures - there over at
Nice shots guys. Here are a few of mine. I have a Nikon D70 I've been using for 3 years now I guess (or is it 4, I dunno!).
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Quote from Michael Denham :Nice shots guys. Here are a few of mine. I have a Nikon D70 I've been using for 3 years now I guess (or is it 4, I dunno!).

Nice pics in there mate. I prefer Nikon DSLRs and I have fond memories of the D70 - build quality alone kills Canon and Sony counterparts.
Those are awesome Michael, what lenses do you have (if any) for your D70?

I'm still trying to get a waterfall one, except every time I go to one it's always to bright outside to get any shots. The mountain one is really good to, I love those colors.
I use a Canon PowerShot A40. 2.0 megapixals FTW.

I mainly use it for Transformers Stopmotion videos im working on and its decent.
I love the waterfall pic there, Michael. Nice pics all-round, though
Quote from XCNuse :...I'm still trying to get a waterfall one, except every time I go to one it's always to bright outside to get any shots.

Break out an ND filter

I'm a Canon SLR type person, recently upgraded my 300D to a 30D, partly for the increased FPS, and partly for AI servo. Godsend for motorsports shots. I wander up my local track and wave it about on occasion. Good fun
#21 - JTbo
Would Canon 400D be stupid investment?
#22 - CSU1
Some pics from a shite camera

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Quote from JTbo :Would Canon 400D be stupid investment?

Probably the best bang for buck and a nice camera overall, but try out the Nikon D80 if you're after a more serious camera that feels like a proper DSLR in the same price range.
Quote from Michael Denham :Nice shots guys. Here are a few of mine. I have a Nikon D70 I've been using for 3 years now I guess (or is it 4, I dunno!).

Great photos! Nikons ftw!
Hey XC, some nice shots there. I aswell like the last one the best.

I have a Nikon D80 and some ooooold lenses from my dad. Mostly i use a new 18-200mm Nikkor lens with VR tho.

Here are some of my pics:
(posted them in another thread some time ago already)

My brother owns a Nikon D40. Great camera.

Camera Showoff
(5560 posts, started )