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S2 licensed
sad to see it go, anyways good luck to Danny at NFS and others in the LFS sciene
S2 licensed
Name: Kristjan Järve
Car Selection: XRT
Car Number: 4
Team: Ministry of Speed
Last edited by exspeed, .
S2 licensed
#3 Kristjan Järve skin

deko says it's fine
S2 licensed
Quote from MuderGO[LT] :Lithuania:

Date: 03.02.2010.
Time: 21:00-22:00
Password: bclithuania

Please read the rules about qualifying. Qualifying must be done before 24 hours the round. Date is fine, but it has to be done by 20:00, the replays must be sent to me(if I don't make it to the server) by 20:00, 24 hours before the race.
S2 licensed
Kinda similar thing was asked from me too once, I said also "Live for speed" and then I get a response asking me, which one of it you're playing? I was like omg.. and had to repeat the name many times...
S2 licensed
it would have looked better if you guys joined 4SRT, but anyway good luck
Baltic Cup 2010 Discussion
S2 licensed
Got anything to ask or discuss, do it here.
Baltic Cup 2010 Final results, TOP 3 drivers and statistics
S2 licensed
Final results and standings of Baltic Cup 2010:

Tell me if you notice any mistakes.

Thanks everyone who had a free time and participated in the Baltic Cup 2010 and made it more interesting and more fun. Overall we always had enough drivers to have tough fights, stressful races and fun being with friends on track.
This year had his good points and bad points, but we must forget the bad points and hope that next year will be more exciting than this year.

Congratulations to all drivers, especially Karolis Kliaudaitis, Reno Kööts and Didzis Nackalns and also all the admins, organizers, server owners and host and other drivers who helped us to organize the cup. Also congratulations to all the countries, especially Lithuania who were unbeatable this year.

I hope you had a blast and I hope to see you next year with more skill, more excitement and tougher races.

Thanks and see you all next year.

P.S. Please don't argue or make any stupid posts in this topic, but you are free to talk and discuss about this seasons cup.
Last edited by andRo., .
S2 licensed
Qualifing dates for round 1.


Date: 02.02.2010
Time: 20:00-21:00
Server: EER
Password: est


Date: 26.01.2010.
Time: 21:00-22:00
Server: Baltic Cup - Latvia
Password: bclatvia


Date: 02.02.2010.
Time: 21:00 - 22:00
Password: bclithuania
Last edited by andRo., .
Baltic Cup 2010 Qualifying
S2 licensed
Explaining more about qualify.

Each country will have to post their qualifing date when they are going to do the qualy, it has to be done atleast 24 hours before the upcoming race,
so we can make the results in time for the race. The qualifing dates are going to be posted in this thread, so every countries "leader" must do it before every race
or they are not qualified for the race and have to start from the back of the grid. There can only be 1 qualifying for each round and it can be a maximum of 1 hour long.

The format for qualifing:
Quote :Date:

Be sure to save the replay and send it to the admins, so they can review it. Got any questions? Ask!
Last edited by exspeed, .
Baltic Cup 2010 Schedule
S2 licensed

The races will be held on thursdays as of the voting results the day stayed on Thursday. Races will begin from February, so you should have plenty of time to prepare for the races. There is 2 weeks between each race, it should be enough to practice for the races between the races and also do the qualifying.

Round 1: 4th February - LX4@BL1 - 36 laps
Round 2: 18th February - GTR(FZR+XRR+FXR)@AS3 - 31 laps
Round 3: 4th March - STD(XFG+XRG)@FE2 - 34 laps
Round 4: 18th March - FOX@AS7R - 27 laps
Round 5: 1st April - XRT@SO6 - 42 laps
Round 6: 15th April - XRR@WE1 - 32 laps
Round 7: 29th April - RAC@SO6R - 40 laps
Round 8: 13th May - FO8@AS4 - 24 laps
Round 9: 27th May - FXO@BL1R - 38 laps
Round 10: 10th June - XFR@KY2 - 29 laps

The races will be held from 4th February to 4th June(I hope this day is free for most people, so we could do 10 rounds).

Each race will be starting 21:00 UTC+2(3), the Baltic countries time.
Last edited by andRo., .
Baltic Cup 2010 Rules
S2 licensed

Every LFS racer who lives in Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) can participate in LFS Baltic Cup 2010.

Short qualification, grid and race briefing:

Each country organizes qualification in own servers, up to 32 racers are able to take part in qualification. Representatives of each country must inform about upcoming qualification date in “Baltic Cup 2010: Round (1, 2, etc..) Info & Discussion“ thread.
Qualification must occur earlier than 24h before upcoming race.
Qualification must be 1 hour in length.
After qualification representatives must save replay of that qualification.

Grid sorting:
Top 10 drivers from each country are sorted by lap times. If two or more drivers made exact time, higher position will take driver which made that time earlier.
Grid sorting must be done earlier than 2 hours before race. Grid list will be available in “Baltic Cup 2010: Round (1, 2, etc..) Qualification Results“ thread.

In order to make grid, all drivers must be in server 10 minutes before beginning of the race.
If there is left empty space in grid it can be filled by next driver by lap time, but it can‘t be more than 10 drivers per country. Participants who did not qualify still can take part in race, if only there will be left any space, they will be placed at the back of the starting grid.
1 free-work pit stop in race is mandatory.

Country Code and Name format:

County code: Country code must be blue for EE, red for LV and green for LT.
Name format: N.Surname (in white).

White dash between country code and driver‘s name is required.

EE – K.Dremljuga
LV – A.Pavars
LT – M.Runas

Penalty list:

Chat in race – +10s for 1 line.
Crossing the pit line when exiting the pits (at least with 2 wheels) - +20s.
Cause of accident – from 10s to 50s.

Short cutting:
1 time = +5sec to your finishing time.
2-5 times = +10 sec.
6-10 times = +15sec.
11. - ... = +20sec

All listed penalties are added to final results after the race. All other penalties that are not listed are made automatically by server.

Points system:

1st - 45
2nd - 40
3rd - 35
4th - 32
5th - 29
6th - 27
7th - 25
8th - 23
9th - 21
10th - 19
11th - 17
12th - 15
13th - 13
14th - 11
15th - 9
16th - 8
17th - 7
18th - 6
19th - 5
20th - 4
21th - 3
22th - 2
23th - 1
Last edited by andRo., .
S2 licensed
Team Name: got pedo?
Entered Cars: 1
Starting numbers for the car: 3
License Applications for the team:
Kristjan Järve / exspeed / Male / EST
Last edited by exspeed, .
S2 licensed
voted for Ndrew
S2 licensed
LFS Username: exspeed
First and Last Name: Kristjan Järve
Country Code: EST
Desired Car Number: 4
Team Affiliation:
S2 licensed
Then don't download skins from some unknown sites, there are plenty at lfs forum.
S2 licensed
nice one, good luck
S2 licensed
Good luck Kevin, looks good
S2 licensed
bringer of the, chief, camwhore, nig*er, his waifu, invade?
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
very nice
S2 licensed
good luck for 2010 and nice skin
S2 licensed
Quote from georgereb :could i join legends racing team?

S2 licensed
Quote from JPeace :jelousy? think before you type an answer man, nobody is jelous of him, we have no reason to, he can do whatever he wantes to do, and atthe end of the day. nobody gives a cr*p.

I think you guys do, for spamming this thread like that.. w/e
S2 licensed
why care about this so much? he can do whatever he wants to if it's fine with him or it's just a huge jealousy about him... whatever meh

congrats Reno, have fun :P