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S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :Yes it does in GLScript ( Scripting language in LFSLapper ), you can take a look at this topic For now it's in developpement, but you can look at the dev server here [SC] Event Server ( if it's up )

it's not me who have dev this LFSLapper addon, but end user. Don't ask me how it work because i don't know how work any cruise server


it will be on [SC] Cruise Server and [SC] Cruise Demo tommorow
S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

all instances close and console close also?


EDIT: Can't reproduce, can i have more infos on how it crash, do you have message in MSS log files

i had this in previous versions with upd i havent tested upd with .18
S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :
- Rotation message buttons Mess1, mess2, ..., messLast,mess1,mess2 etc..

I had somthing like this in lfsalapper with sced. events but i removed it for lag reasons
S2 licensed
Quote from WIGGA :Have a trippe Screen Setup on Win 7 Professional x64 and Win Vista Ultimate x64. But I cant figure out how to set them right. I think the only way to do this is with a Trippe Head 2 Go or the new Eyefinity by AMD/ATI...

have u tried ultramon?
S2 licensed
ill help u

Do u want me to translate all the stuff that is currently french in en to english?

Part 1 = introduction
Last edited by Fire_optikz001, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :Release fix bugs available.

send me feedback.

|Changes from v5.917 to 5.918 |
1. Fix error when type !stop and then !start in LFS chat window

ment to report this a few days ago also did this ahppen to fix the upd bug? when i do reload or stop on on upd it would crash

i also need list group For my cruise insim or u can make ur own version
Last edited by Fire_optikz001, .
S2 licensed
nvm got it to work with ultramon

untill next week my monitors are unlvl -.-' im supposed to be getting another one that matches the one i got today
Last edited by Fire_optikz001, .
S2 licensed
looks like im gonna bribe parrents to buy me xp if i dont have it lyin around somwhere -.-'

or how do i set up softth for 2 monitors?
Last edited by Fire_optikz001, .
S2 licensed

Event OnDriftScoreReset
$userName # Player event
openPrivButton"resetscore",50,5,100,7,10,10,0,"SCORE RESET");

u missed an e in reset but istill dk if it would work :/
S2 licensed
Dual screens
S2 licensed
I just got another monitor today and idk how to set it up with lfs. Please Help
S2 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :This is not the same file as Gai-Luron is including.
But I'm sure the correct file will be out there somewhere.
Lapper contains this files:


If there are x64 versions of that, and we replace them, would that be sufficient?

thats the file i use on my x64 pc O.o

least it used to work

oter thing to try is recompile the sorce selecting x86 then it should work with x64 fine
S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :Release available for test purpose.

send me feedback.

S2 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :You don't need to have 64bit Windows.
I'm running a lot of 32bit applications on my Windows 7 64bit without any problem.
But when the software contains 16bit code, files, dll's etc. I won't work.
So all that's needed to get it running on a 64bit system is to get rid of those 16bit things.

Here try this
S2 licensed
Quote from natedog420 :wow your real smart just go away you dont know what your saying. a psu like there saying with about 50-60% of the psu being used is going to be more efficient and will only use what the computer needs therefore it will not be more power from using a bigger psu but it will be less stress on the psu and less heat and thats the whole point of computers is less heat the better

he is right tho think about it the engine uses more gas so you dont want to have to much just sitting there it would be a waste of money if u really think about it...
S2 licensed
Hey Guys need some Beta Testers please come have a look and tell me what u think
Last edited by Fire_optikz001, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :i got a lil problem in my cruise insim

if a user has negative money it has ( $ ) around the money but when a user has +money its fine my code for it is

"Cruise_HUD_Cash",2,140,20,5,12,-1,32,strFormat"^7Cash: {0:C}",GetCurrentPlayerVar"Cash" ) ) );

bump and

how to strip colors from somthing such as Blah Blah Blah
S2 licensed
i got a lil problem in my cruise insim

if a user has negative money it has ( $ ) around the money but when a user has +money its fine my code for it is

"Cruise_HUD_Cash",2,140,20,5,12,-1,32,strFormat"^7Cash: {0:C}",GetCurrentPlayerVar"Cash" ) ) );

S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :


IF( GetCurrentPlayerVar("TotDistMeter") >= ToNum$Refund GetCurrentPlayerVar("Refund") ) )
("Refund"ToNumGetCurrentPlayerVar("Refund") +  ) );  
globalMsg"^7" $userName " Recived $2500 ^1Reason: ^7Distance bonus" );
SetCurrentPlayerVar"Cash"ToNumGetCurrentPlayerVar"Cash" ) + 2500 ) );           

WORKED Great!!! tyvm now im off to work on finishing the beta... i dont have a server to test it on tho :P
S2 licensed
having a little problem... i tried this...

["1"] = "13200";
$Refund["2"] = "26400";
$Refund["3"] = "39600";
$Refund["4"] = "52800";
$Refund["5"] = "66000";

IF( GetCurrentPlayerVar("TotDistMeter") == $RefundGetCurrentPlayerVar("Refund") ] )
("Refund"ToNumGetCurrentPlayerVar("Refund") +  "1" ) );  
globalMsg"^7" $userName " Recived $2500 ^1Reason: ^7Distance bonus" );
SetCurrentPlayerVar"Cash"ToNumGetCurrentPlayerVar"Cash" ) + "2500" ) );           

but does not work :/
was thinking about doin (HAVENT TESTED THIS YET)


IF( GetCurrentPlayerVar("TotDistMeter") == ToNum$Refund GetCurrentPlayerVar("Refund") ) )
("Refund"ToNumGetCurrentPlayerVar("Refund") +  "1" ) );  
globalMsg"^7" $userName " Recived $2500 ^1Reason: ^7Distance bonus" );
SetCurrentPlayerVar"Cash"ToNumGetCurrentPlayerVar"Cash" ) + "2500" ) );           

Last edited by Fire_optikz001, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

I see your previous post about this feature. I try to put in LFSLapper but there is a problem to do that. In fact LFS send packet every 1/10 of second, but the distance that vehicle have done is wrong for this unit of time and by extension the speed is wrong. But near to true for 5 time unit (average speed).

In fact this is due to packet latency or lag

If i use this 1/10 of second unit, speed can climb up to 200km/h in one packet and 20km/h in next. The real speed is near 110 when i use more then 4 packet.

The GPS value can be correct every second, no under this value

there is a possibility if i make average of the 5 previous dist making a glissando for one step unit.
avg of packets ( 1 2 3 4 5 )
then avg of packets ( 2 3 4 5 6 )
then avg of packets ( 3 4 5 6 7 )

i try if i can do that , if this can be done, the GPS speed is late about 500 millisecond relative to real speed

i hope you understand what i say


that will be cool for drift points and such... would also help me with my cruise addon
S2 licensed
Is there a way lfor lapper to check wich version of lfs it is like demo s1 s2?
S2 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :Version is released as standard version. Please migrate your old LFSLapper to this version.


I stop dev for a while ( only if fix bug need ), i starts writing manual at ( in french up to date ) ( in english )

Gai-Luron french D:
S2 licensed
Quote from johnnylightning :four groups.


wheres the forth one?
S2 licensed
is lapper on the pc that the server is started on? if it isnt then u need to make sure u have the local ip (192.168...) if it is make sure the ip is