Is it possible to make addusertogroup to actually add a user to the file ex lets say i wanted to make a command like !hireadmin fire_optikz001 it will actually add me to the admin.txt file and also removuserfromgroup actually remove the user frome it ex. !fireadmin fire_optikz001
why not we just have to meet in the server when u get s2 or when i get my demo server oh and btw [SC] only has 2 members now =/ we had 24 like 3 or 4 months ago
Last edited by Fire_optikz001, .
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"Lapper Version Information
[SC] Lapper version 2.0 Beta
made by [SC] T3charmy
based off of Gai-Luron's LFSlapper
next major update 5-25-09 to [SC] Lapper version 2.0"
the above text is exactly what my !ver says im having a relese party for [SC] lapper version 2.0
at 3 am till 7am GMT time any one who comes will get prizes have fun
we will have races drag races drifting and cruising HAVE FUN!