i wanna add a command where some one can do !report (usernameor bug) (what the user did or where the bug is) and it would save it to a file.
could some one tell me if this is possible or not. if not it would be a good suggestion.
i was thinking that if there was a turbo timer on lfs it would be the bombcause u could like set it to like how the rev limiter is and when u press i in a turboed car it would sence it and then shut off after 30 seconds or so
i want to make a user report file so if some one do...
EX. \rep exampleguy giving to many examples
it would save it to report.txt how would i set this up this is what i have but i know it dont work
Register MsgAction("\rep",MA_report); Sub MA_report() save( $argv ); EndSub
wait so u think my team has a lack of communication and yet we all talk to each other every day and we even have a team chat on the site and we have a private team server yea very lack of communication
maybe that was ur problem ur prices were to low im ofc sad but i have found another host so sorry kinda bad to see u go especially sorry about what my friend said too
i was thinking along the lines of like how cruise insim has reasons, why dont we have that for non cruise servers so it would be AND ALSO