I thought we pretty much got it right last night, with out restricting the TBO ( as they are the slower class) The FZ50, RAC and LX was all up their on similar lap times
Basically what I was trying to acheive is a server than can competivatly host the RB4, FXO, XXR, RAC, FZ50 and LX as these are all road going cars, and gives drivers more options than just the TBO class, as some drivers don't like TBO.
If we can equal the field from the faster cars, it gives drivers more options.
I did email Scawen enquiring about adding the FXO but with slicks and downforce to the UFRGT and XFGGT (like the BTCC) gives us an extra car in that group
My thought was, instead of adding more content, just adapt things we have to give us more options while we wait for S3. The FXO is a fictional car anyway, so there is not comparison on handling and tyre modeling with its non real like counter part?