This is meant to be an LFS thread, not a AC / RF2 or what ever thread. There is an AC thread already in Off Topic, because regarding LFS it is off topic.
But as you mentioned, AC might be the "nutts" as people put it, but I have heard first hand from a professional "REAL" driver that it does not compare to LFS's feedback / physics or sound.... although as you say, this version of "AC" is work in progress, but then so is LFS
So what's the difference except you need a semi power horse to run AC "I cannot run it, and my PC is no slow coach" hence why I have not purchased it but I can run LFS / GTR2 / Power and Glory / GT Legends on MAX Detail with Triple screens on a 4800x900 res but with AC, I get 15fps with everything turned down and on one single monitor
Yeah I tried that, and it still doesn't work. I don't start LFS the usual way, as I use CRSEmixer for better engine sounds, so this requires a .bat to start LFS.
There is very few teams now from the real old days, us being one, The Taxi Drivers, SCCC is another, Team NIC are still about to name a few, but we are proud after almost 10 years, (Our 10 Year Birthday is next year )
we are still here supporting this sim.
I have finally purchased a dedicated server, with Airio included and this is open to all S2 CLEAN drivers. I will try and rotate as much as possible, with Tracks and cars.
I hope you S2 drivers find this a usuaful free addition to the server list that is already available.
What makes this server different from any other server out there. Well its S2, so only S2 Licensed drivers will be there, and also, you will make the difference.
Happy Racing
I would like to thank Master Hosting Servers for an excellent service and rapid setup
LIke World of Tanks I guess, free, but you can purchase content. I haven't played it yet, massive 5.6GB download, but was just wondering if anybody has or is on here, and is it worth it
ROFL TVE....My red bottle is on the last glass :o)
I would love to know this "sim" that surpress's LFS physics and FFB as what I have heard so far, from friends that hay paid for all and sundry, I have not heard a good word yet, about physics and FFB. Content, oh hell yeah, they are raving about content and tracks digi mapped and the such, but really if your racing do you look at the bling?