First off, my bad, I mis-understood what I was told, as I just copied and paste what I was told (you purchase it now, then get discount on full release)
OK so you pay £30 now, for a non multiplayer, non AI racing sim. £30 for a hot lapping sim...until the final release, when you get the rest for free.
£30 up front to pi$$ about with an unfinished product on your own, that doesn't even work with SoftTH ( ok poor mans triple display ) but the likes of Race 07, GTR2 etc etc all work perfectly.
Moose, it's not me that is insane, getting people to part with their money so they play with billy no mates or no AI and only 4 tracks is insane.
NKpro nor AC work with SoftTH, any version as I have paid for NKPro and got AC Demo and tried every version under the sun.