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S3 licensed
He cannot be dethroned if he's not playing, well at least thats what i think.
S3 licensed
28 laps and it was like the end of world...1st lap, 4,5 cars side by side trying to get the corner first , what is wrong with you people wanting to climb 10 places after T1, and then comes the chicane were i was out in both races, there's no room for 2 at the chicane and yet there was people trying to force the inside, respect at all.
S3 licensed
If mighty Chaz thinks Initial D theme song is ok, nothing to point
S3 licensed
Me cago...
S3 licensed
Thanks for a nice event, my race was ended prematuraly in 3 acts ...

1st (lap 53), did a manouver trying to recover from a roll, that never happened, but i had an encounter with a rail.

2nd(lap54) going to the pits, the nightmare happened, not only lost a lot of time fixing the damage, i had 4 tyres changed although there were in good condition for the remaning laps.

3rd (lap 55), the big finalle - got disconnected -
...ain't this amazing, after racing alone for 23 laps on 6th position .
S3 licensed
Fern Gold ........... :hidesbehi
1 SO track is enough :-), better have more room, than having a finish with 4 racers.
S3 licensed
I believe the problem with the TBO's is the opening of new servers with Open Wheelers, there's more people racing os SS's.
UF1's were never a problem, as i recall when there was a server with UF1's only, the damn server was allways full, and i mean FULL.

It seems empty when showing TBO's, but as soon the GT1's and GT2's are available, everybody joins.GT2's so much fun to drive too.
S3 licensed
save a slot for me too, plz
S3 licensed
Quote from Viper93 :This has been discused in previous threads.

Voting to change the track is done by a majority vote. It sucks when there are not many people on the server but there is nothing we can do about it, mathmatically the majority got what they wanted.

Vote to End and Restart are going to stay, on the whole it's not used poorly, just a shame that people do it when people are having a good race.

There's nothing wrong with voting when nobody is racing...problem is when someone is really finishing the race, i was in the middle of the 2nd split at AS7R and suddendly - bang - race ends...what is this ?

to The Very End, you probably don't see nothing wrong, but the past Saturday you were on the 6th of 8 laps at BL and people decided to vote for restart, as i recall you didn't took so well.
Last edited by fujiwara, .
S3 licensed
A few minutes ago, i was still racing, and the server switch combo by voting.
This is a total lack of respect for the drivers, and it should at least be forbidden.
Voting for ending when there's no racing is one thing, but when someone is still racing .....
S3 licensed
Quote from Becky Rose :We made some changes the other day that appear stable, as a result of that we'll be moving the UF1 to the Bump & Jump server and relaunching it with some new layouts.

You mean no more UF1's in RACE2 server ?
S3 licensed
LFS User Account Name - Fujiwara
LFS Racer Name - [Fluid] Fujiwara
Team [Fluid]
Race Number 11
S3 licensed
Any chance of changing one of those SO tracks by Fern Gold ? or KY2, KY2R ?
S3 licensed
Quote from Dru :come try the Baby UFr Fuji - it's great

I'm sure it's's the claustrophobic tracks i don't like, i need space, although this may sound girlish, i really don't enjoy racing on small tracks.
S3 licensed
Quote from Dru :...
Tracks will be short approx 45 sec- 1 minute laps..

S3 licensed
Quote from MrSkill :What does this OOS-error mean?
I getting this too, if I try to watch the replay of Flotch's XRR-BL1-WR.

Thats probably because his WR is quite old...
S3 licensed
Use this library, written in PHP:
S3 licensed
Quote from Glenn67 :Some Vids of Bathurst an stuff... ah the memories

Bathurst 70-80s -

Dick Johnson 1983 crash -

Brock chatting -

Bathurst 24hrs -

Greg Murphy Baturst 2003 Qual lap -

Greg Murphy incar Bathurst -

Heal Toe -

Crash compilation -

V8 Supercar Crashes -

Did i saw some Ford's XC Cobra ?
""Listen to the limiter protesting..." got to love this comments.
S3 licensed
Quote from richy : truly one of the greatest cars and amazing driving you have ever seen.

Mad max eat your heart out.

Mad Max droved a Ford Falcon XB V8, probably the most respectable car in Australia.
Last edited by fujiwara, .
S3 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :Thx!!! now i can enter to Race 2 server,, thx Becky

Are you sure?
S3 licensed
Quote from Blackout :Here is a skin to go with that.

But it still took a me a few seconds after the "wth, a blank page..??!!?!"
S3 licensed
The title was badly chosen.
There are a few chicanes that really are taken almost flat out.
FE1 (1st split)
FE2 (1st split)
AS3 (3rd split)
KY3 (3rd split)

FE chicanes are know for causing some mayhen and very nice flyings.
AS3 and KY3 are about two wheels on grass and thoatle up.

Chicanes are suposed to slow down, really slow down, not lift off or a nudge on the brakes.

For me the best chicane is the at BL and BL rev, where people really have to brake hard, there no way of cutting (on BL standard it's possible to cut on the exit).

And btw, chicanes does separate men from boys, chicanes were built to slooooooow down.
S3 licensed
The UF1 spins a lot mainly because of the short wheel base.
S3 licensed
Points ok, but i would like to purpose something: an extra point (1 point) for each time a racer complete 5 or 10 laps on the lead.
S3 licensed
Really ?
I thought i saw some yellow strippes there...but the point is: get upside down .
Quote from zeugnimod :I dont see a sccc car.

Im pretty sure its Fusion.