I drive a car, and switching to cockpit view under LFS i wonder why i can't see the bonnet/hood.
I have to put over 100º of FOV to see both mirrors, i hardly see what's on center mirror, and there's a huge area of the monitor covered with black - the roof of the car -.
There's goes the option thingy.
Instead let's teach how to drive in cockpit view, in a few months this is all forgotten and the chase view is no longer available.
Ducati: very fast bike
Yamaha : very good maneuverability
It's like a trade off, and since both racers are awsome and don't really make mistakes, it's the track that will select the winner (that's waht i think).
A faster track will allways suit Stoner, while a twisty and slow track will favour Rossi.
News Flash...drifter can teach real racers how to what, really?
Every real life racer know how to drift, real racers tend to avoid drifting, unless they are in a show off competition.
I believe chicanes were made to slow down, although a lot of chincanes in LFS are done almost at full speed .
It's never a good idea to pass on a chicane...if something goes wrong, it's very stupid to start blaming...chicanes are not meant to have cars side by side.
You could post what you do best.
How to pick the RACE_S setup or other setup and tweak it for for a specific track.
The most important things would be the dampers, springs, ARB's, etc.
Problem is, since you are running this script endlessly, you'll never see the output, unless you force it.
echo($out) works fine, problem is, you will only see the output after the script ends, wich never happens because you have a endless loop, to see the output, you have to force it.
Look at this 2 examples and you will understand:
No output forced...you see the result after the script ends.
//if (ob_get_level() == 0) ob_start();
while ($i < 10 ) { echo "<br> Line number $i."; sleep(1); //ob_flush(); //flush();
$i++; }
echo "Done.";
With forced the output...
if (ob_get_level() == 0) ob_start();
while ($i < 10 ) { echo "<br> Line number $i."; sleep(1); ob_flush(); flush();
$i++; }
echo "<br>Done.";
Hope this helps.
Last edited by fujiwara, .
Reason : Arg...Ian was faster :-)