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S2 licensed
0_o I'm lucky mine is an E-MAXX... no flames at all!
S2 licensed
As far as i know there is no sound at all for tire popping, so you can't just basically edit it.
S2 licensed
Okay, update! I've decided to get rid of the FXO body and start the chassis!
Also can anyone tell me WHY the shadows and dark stuff are so noisy?
S2 licensed
Quote from ramtech :Just an update to the XRR
I dont seem to be getting the lights as i want them to be.. hmm
Comments on the headlights please

Windows are WAY too transparent, and the lights are too noisy imo. try to model them maybe? there was a tut on the net somewhere
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Yeah, and i am treated like a 3 year old, and i hate it. Some poeple think i'm not mature yet, but see, i can write near perfectly, and i AM NOT A 3 YEAR OLD FFS!

Lookie-lookie at our ickle n00bkins! Oh loook he looks so grown up! How old are you? 14?! Oh gosh you're so big! Have you been pottied yet? yep? gooood, now it's time for beddy-bye! NO! DON'T WEEWEE HERE! NO!!! ........

Sorry, I couldn't resist it No offense, of course.
S2 licensed
LOL Everyone @ this forum should create a thread called "****'s thread of 3d things" . On topic: This is not bad, but still, the headlights freak me out, they're too wavy IMO, and set your Index of refraction for the windshield to 1.0 because the interior looks.... strange Imagine the view from the inside on the ouside... Can you drive that?
S2 licensed
Hey, he's Brazilian, so it might be natural for him to make a ball stay in the midair, huh?
S2 licensed
ARGH!, fried bananas coming through! illepallillepallillepall Stop this demo-fever ffs
S2 licensed
1,29 :rolleyes:
S2 licensed
I wouldnt want you tailgating me...
S2 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :I am (optimistically) thinking that with S2 full, there would be some graphics changes, to the interiors, to the models, maybe tracks etc.. so i don't think that i could play LFS normally with my current sytem:
Barton 2500+
512 ddr 400 ram
Asus Radeon 9550 GE

... so i am planning on upgrading my computer... only LFS can make me do that , and i hope that it WILL make me do it, because i really expect some graphic changes..
Anyway, will it be enough that i only upgrade my graphic card and my memory..?
I was planning some graphic card for about 120 euros... and another 512 ddr memory, so 1 gig in total...
Will that be enough? I know that you also don't know how these graphics changes would be(if any), so it is a bit stupid question, but aproximately, will this be enough, i mean, to stay on my NF2 motherboard and AMD Barton 2500, and only upgrade graphic card and memory?

PS. Maybe a litlle sugestion for Eric and Scawen, if they are planning to do some graphic changes.. maybe there should be an option like "new graphics" and "old graphics" so people who can't play with new graphics can switch to the normal LFS with one click...

Err, Boris, why not wait for it first? How do you know what the system requirements will be? What if they'll be the same/a bit higher? Well, :lfs: currently runs on computers with no dedicated GFX card at all, so I think it's a bit too early to begin worrying about an upgrade just for :lfs:

PS What the heck is a Barton?

PPS Sorry if i dont make sense, its 5:57 in the morning and i had no sleep
S2 licensed
Quote from ethan520 :can you post the link?

Lol I even managed to install spinners and neon on XRT with that mod's new version!! Ill post a pic later
Last edited by Funnycat, .
S2 licensed
Quote from anbiddulph :well, it is your thread...

Well, it is. Anything on topic?
S2 licensed
UPDATE! I've recovered after the new year fever and working again! 2 hours of rendering with 4 light sources...

Last edited by Funnycat, .
S2 licensed
Quote from niffer022 :what you think of my very first skin and render

Low-res skin, standard camera of a standard scene, 5/10 not bad for a first one
S2 licensed
Quote from Dyllaann :lolz

You bumped a 2 week old thread just to say "lolz''?
S2 licensed

Hehe, I didn't change the button maps
S2 licensed

I was actually surprised
S2 licensed
Quote from Belain :still dont get 28

What was it?
S2 licensed
I'm on 51...
Last edited by Funnycat, .
S2 licensed
Quote from JamesF1 :Ahh, thanks.... that one REALLY had me stumped.

Oh, and by the way Funnycat, it's decadence not decadance.

Oh, sorry i got confused: in Russian it's Декаданс [D'ekadans]
S2 licensed
Quote from JamesF1 :I've been doing that for the past 2 hours

LOL that level took me 15 minutes! Ok here's a tut:
The cards are in a right sequence
1.look at the cards back
2.see the number? if no forget this card, if yes: step 3
3.the number you see on the back is the number of a letter in a cards name
4.take that letter to the final window


EDIT: yay 250 posts a round number
Last edited by Funnycat, .
S2 licensed
Quote from JamesF1 :I'm stuck on 24... I've researched card history, found out the names of all the cards, etc. and I'm still stuck!

Is that the cards one? Then look at their back and use the clue