Lookie-lookie at our ickle n00bkins! Oh loook he looks so grown up! How old are you? 14?! Oh gosh you're so big! Have you been pottied yet? yep? gooood, now it's time for beddy-bye! NO! DON'T WEEWEE HERE! NO!!! ........
Sorry, I couldn't resist it No offense, of course.
LOL Everyone @ this forum should create a thread called "****'s thread of 3d things" . On topic: This is not bad, but still, the headlights freak me out, they're too wavy IMO, and set your Index of refraction for the windshield to 1.0 because the interior looks.... strange Imagine the view from the inside on the ouside... Can you drive that?
Err, Boris, why not wait for it first? How do you know what the system requirements will be? What if they'll be the same/a bit higher? Well, :lfs: currently runs on computers with no dedicated GFX card at all, so I think it's a bit too early to begin worrying about an upgrade just for :lfs:
PS What the heck is a Barton?
PPS Sorry if i dont make sense, its 5:57 in the morning and i had no sleep
LOL that level took me 15 minutes! Ok here's a tut: The cards are in a right sequence
1.look at the cards back
2.see the number? if no forget this card, if yes: step 3
3.the number you see on the back is the number of a letter in a cards name
4.take that letter to the final window