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S2 licensed
Quote from Rooble :Cougar for sure

Ill do one that no one will get!!! And no it isnt a Ferrari

Pathfinder? Frontera? WHAT THE **** IS IT? illepall something asian or european mid-90, I say
S2 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :Karla tis a perfect name.

A bit too feminine though
S2 licensed
I need a clue
Last edited by Funnycat, .
S2 licensed
D I R S F A !
U D E T U H !
M I T I N A !
B O A L N H !
A T R L Y A !
S2 licensed
Quote from Leifde :[Off-topic]The head caterer at my school is A. Dick

[OT]You fail at vB code you have to close tags [/OT]
S2 licensed
Quote from Krane :Cart, Shopping Cart.

Quote from Krane's sig :The pig go. Go is to the fountain. The pig put foot. Grunt. Foot in what? ketchup. The dove fly. Fly is in sky. The dove drop something. The something on the pig. The pig disgusting. The pig rattle. Rattle with dove. The dove angry. The pig leave. The dove produce. Produce is chicken wing. With wing bark. No Quack.

Your signature explains everything
S2 licensed
Quote from c0nv1ct :Hi, i'm pretty new to LFS, only had the game maybe a month. I've been playing since i got my xmas present (G25) early this year. As a total nub, having not played a racing sim since 1998 when i got the first MS FFB Wheel, I decided to pick 1 car and 1 track and get used to it. So for the past few days i've been hotlapping the FOX on BL1, and getting faster every day, though still crappy at 1.10 as my PB.

Recently i've been giving online racing a shot, the only problem is, I keep getting nailed and ran off the road. I do my best to avoid myself hitting other people, but usually someone else hits me.

Now to the point of my thread... What is the general rules for avoiding contact in a race? Who has the right of way, i guess is what i'm asking. Who has the obligation to avoid who? I'd just like to clarify things because i'd like to race clean.

Let me give you a situation as an example. I'm on the straight in BL1 and I make the next turn slightly late (i gotta work on my consistancy) and the guy behind me takes advantage and attempts to pass on the inside. Now we are parallel to eachother around the corner, but when I finish my turn and am on the edge of the track, the other player continues his turn right into my side and wipes us both. Now, if he's slightly ahead of me at this point, should I brake and allow him to finish his line? And If i'm slightly ahead of him, is it his obligation to brake and get behind me?

I just want to know, so I'm not the a**hole that ruins peoples races.

Man, I wish all newbies were like you...

Anyway, what TiJay said.
S2 licensed
Quote from TiJay :Arnie or Ah-nuld the A-Class.

(I know, Arnie was Austrian but they're close to Germany.)

Hey, Arnie looks suitable! But think of more... And i think his surname should start with "Mer"..
S2 licensed
Quote from Blackout :nothing wrong with it

...almost... anyway, Richard sounds too noble for an A-class
S2 licensed
Blackout You gotta get yourself some brains illepall As it says on your avatar
S2 licensed
Come on, answer, please!
S2 licensed
Lol, this vid is soo cool And I LOVE this song, the best one from Flatout 1 and 2 [badlysinging]GIRLS JUST WAAANT...TO BEEAT THA BO-OYS....GIRLS JUST WA-A-A-AANT[/badlysinging]
All about Sid Murray
S2 licensed
Okay, I'm building up a 3D character, It's a car, like in the "Cars" movie, I'm almost finished with the model, I just need a name, which I have no idea about, so I'm asking you all to think of it and vote , It has to represent it's manufacturer (Mercedes), and the character himself (It's a male ). Some images are attached for reference.

OKAY, the name is Sid Murray
Last edited by Funnycat, .
S2 licensed
Okay, I'm done with that, but I've got 1 more thing - How to move the whole object while Morpher is applied and don't **** it up?
At this moment it's static (attachment)
Last edited by Funnycat, .
S2 licensed
Quote from squidhead :I am fluent with russian

Heh, I'd do that better, 100% Russian is my most native language , you russian-wannabee
S2 licensed
The mouth should be easy as pie (PAI illepall), the car doesn't have large lips, it's a male, so I just gotta cut out the basic form
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :they should be rectangles (i say rectangles and not squares, because.. well.. do i really need to say why?)

for example, shaddix, an extremely good modeler (who i believe might be working for Rockstar games sometime soon, gave my polyflow on my Z4 a somewhat good rating; he said it looks fairly good everywhere except the hood ... 20Z4%20Coupe/01fdde76.jpg

you should check out some forums to get some help though; specifically:
SMCars, CGCars, and Sektor41

:schwitzone! I think.... much better now, huh?
S2 licensed
Quote from XCNuse :1st one, the XRT looks WAaaaay to small, makes it look smaller than an original mini

lol, it's the G that looks WAaaaay too big, not the XRT
S2 licensed
Oh, yeah, it's 10:4 aspect ratio, 1 LCD is 5:4, 2 LCDs are 10:4
S2 licensed
Quote from glyphon :wow...that's a really wide wide screen. if my calculation is correct, that's a 16:6.4 aspect ratio. kind of an unusual size

Well, :lfs: handles it ok!
S2 licensed
Quote from TyresHot :it would be better you compress your picture, very thanks at all,good desktop

Hurray! I got a 2nd monitor! :smileyrai
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
This one

Quote from me, white letters, lol :Drifting through gears or CityDriving Cops & Robbers?

S2 licensed
Okay, now I post couple of my poorer edits and one of the good ones The last is the best
S2 licensed
Quote from Xaid0n :

Lost or Desperate Housewives?


Keiichi Tsuchia or Fernando Alonso?