Yes, you can change your username in the main screen of LFS, Upper to Lower all or some letter without any problem. In some release of LFS, you do an unlock and i do this mistake. I upperize my first letter tu upshift.
I look in my prog where to lowerize all letters of username and how to make a fusion of multiple PB with differents usernames ( upper of lower letter for the same username ). Wait a while.
@Punchy: Monkster release a new version of webstat, do you get-it? I put the link in the first post.
So pretty raimbow ... no ?, FIXED in the next release
If everybody's username is "_demo", you will have one PB. The PB file will be very small . Seriously, username is the unique key in the PB file and i need it.
Bigs internals modifications are made in that scope and are 90% time spent for this new version. Rest of 10% are the new features Thank's
No, sorry, not for demo server because in demo mode, there are no username, just nickname. Now i prefix nickname with "demo." for create username to avoid conflict with licenced user who want play in demo server.
In fact my username is Gai-Luron, if i play on demo server, Lapper retreive my username and use it "Gai-Luron". If a demo player use for his nickname "Gai-Luron", his username is void because he is a demo racer and Lapper create username "demo.Gai-Luron". In this condition, any demo racer can't scratch my PB or licenced PB. It is the reason of change saving PB for demo racer.
Because now it's in trackinfo.cfg and it's more powerfull. You can add multiple action on different splitting time and this for each car/track whithout changing cfg file when you change car or/and track or when there are different car on same track. You have an utility if you want generate this file automatically relative to WR in the first Post or you can edit it for your own purpose.
There is no problem to merge the two application. In fact, when i write, i don't know existence of your. I do it for fun and it take 2 hours to dev it! You have the source of mine and yours. Look what is the better sources, i use some code object i use in Lapper and LFSStat ( insim, codepage, etc... ).
For me it's not a problem to merge or no. As you want . But the only thing i want is that sources are released with application.
A good evolution is to be select channel on LFS, and change TS server. What do you think about?
The best way is to put in SPB1,SPB2,SPB3,SPBL
in this wrong lines, this reset session SPB
In attach file a prog to do this : CLeanSpb.exe yourpbfile.txt
Make a save of PB file Before and verify the file generated
1) Username
2) Nickname
3) Lap for this car/track on this server
4) Date PB
5) Time PB
6) ShortCarName
7) PB Lap time
8) Track code
9) SP1
10) SP2
11) SP3
12) SPB1 ( Sector PB )
13) SPB2
14) SPB3
15) SPBL ( Last )
have you restart Lapper before split line? Do you remember in wich occasion?Maybe go to pit after split1 ans reenter in track( i think is this, i Fix it)?
FIX: Occur when race Restart and you have do Split1 previously. Also when you join race after shift+P
Thank you for this information. I did not know the existence of this similar program.
However, I don't think of having lost 2 hours of my time to create this utility because i always give the sources of my programs for the curious ones and those which would want to modify them. ( you can add the choice of channel, etc.. )
Indeed, if insim is again modified and if I don't want modify my programs, somebody can do the changing because it has the sources. Remember LFSStat, Smith don't want release his source and i have to rewrite all. Fortunately that Monkster gave its sources, if not today LFSLapper would have died. (Thank's again Monkster )
I don't understand why programmer for LFS keep sources . It's a pity.
In fact in demo server, username is nickname with prefix "demo." to avoid conflict with licenced user. Then Lapper create new entry username "demo.škoda 105 tdi" for demo Racer.
This is the new version of Lapper: 5.0. Why 5.0? Because there are many major internal change. Now the LFSLapper is more easy to modify and i can integrate new features in it in the future. It's a great idea of SCAWEN to modify insim. Thank's to SCAWEN!!
This version modify your PB file. Save it before launch the new Lapper, it's more safe.
The cfg is more different, use this new cfg file and adapt to your configuration. Don't use your old cfg file
Today, i do for fun a little prog to visualize who speak in TS in your LFS screen ( in buttons ). You can set size and position in the cfg file. You must be on track or other player must be on track. Ok, Team Speak Overlay do the same thing, but with more CPU usage :haha:
In fact, i do many modification and improvement in LFSLapper. I put some modification of LFSLapper in LFSStat ( like WR ) and i hope you love it!
Thank's to all for the bug report.
For the lang you change only lang in config file with your language and the next stat are in your lang. I try your language file and it's work fine, thank's i put your file in the next release