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S3 licensed

For the new add-on, i need your help because now you are an expert of configuring LFSRelax.

You can make a HOWTO for the noob and contribute to this way in the happyness of LFS community. I include this HOWTO in distrib under your name and your PM.
But even if you do this, i think there will be always people who don't read this file and they will fill your email or pm because they don't want search a little before post. I think of answering the requests as often as possible, but I cannot spend my time holding the hand with all.

Now, i wait your contribute, "your add'on" to LFSRelax.


S3 licensed
It's a joke,

i know how is difficult to code and i think that Scawen work hard. When i was young, i coded some commercial game and i know the work needed to do this.
I will never have launched out in a project like LFS. It is not by incompetence but it is necessary to be fool to do that all alone. This is why I never criticized Scawen and will never criticize him, even if in the future he decided to stop all.

He is a professionnal coder and me i create programm for fun, it's not my job! (that was a few years ago)

S3 licensed

New release LFSRelax : 1.45
( i do patch more quickly than Scawen )

Quote :1.4 --> 1.45

1. Blink remain fuel when to Low
2. display big logo fuel when to low
3. Add acceleration info for 0-60Mph or 0-100Km/h ( you can change in conf file LFSRelax.cfg )
4. Add sound for to low fuel ( lowfuel.wav ) . if anyone have a better sound, send me the wav file
5. Add Average speed on last Lap on splitting block
6. Minor bugs fix

Have fun


Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed

Quote from flinty72 :
EDIT: I need to ask why would you disable outgauge?
Is it so you can run a different app?
If you do disable outgauge what stops working in or with LFSRelax??

- When outgauge is disabled calculation Lap/Fuel stop working
- I add this parameter, because some insim application use also outGauge and only one application can use OutGauge possibility ( One UDP connection ). Analog outgauge of Riskerdrumk can't work if i use outgauge. I add also this possibility, because i use the same object to connect to insim with LFSLapper and LFSStat and this application don't need OutGauge.

I look for your request about gapping color

S3 licensed
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD : one is to my best of that race. Is that about right maybe some headers in next version.

Not best gap split ( locally stored also )

@riskredruM : if one day you have time to spent, can't you explain me how work D3D8.dll and how to use it? It's not the first programm who use this kind of DLL and for me it's a mystery . ( including a web page on lfs and navigate on it, it's an idea i have )
I know that this DLL is between your application and d3d8.dll in window system folder to put your picture in the screen., but that's all i know
Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
LFSRelax 1.41 Released

Quote :Fix Minor Bug on Fuel!

Quote :I am wondering about the indicators of splittimes. What does it mean that the differences for 1st split are not equal?

The first column are the gap split and diff relative to your better absolute split1 2 3 and Last

The second colum are your split and difference between splits of your PB Lap Time and no better absolute split

in fact you can have bad gap split relative to yours betters gaps splits and have splits better than splits of your PB Lap Time

The sum of better gap split is the theorical PB Lap Time you can do it if in one lap you do all better Gaps splits ( Equivalent to TPB on Lapper when you type !spb ). For now i don't display this info. Maybe in next Release

Fuel work after one Lap or 2 depend if you start to pit after finish line or before. it need one complete lap to work. After this, it work always since shutdown LFSRelax or change car or track.

Quote :Originally Posted by PLAYLIFE View Post
Where do I extract the files to use this program? How do I configure the ports?

RTFM There is a doc!! Anyway

extract prog where you want. You need only bin directory, copy content where you want and edit LFSRelax.cfg file:

Set password in LFSRelax file according to your admin pass when you host a game on your LFS.

Set Username according to your lfs license name ( needed for saving PB)

launch LFS and type /insim 29999 in your LFS

launch LFSRelax

Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed

Test version of LFSRelax: 1.14

Quote :1.3 --> 1.4

1. Possibility to disable Outgauge in cfg file. You can connect other programm use outgauge
disable LapFuel possibility on LFSRelax
2. Save your PB on a file
3. Write a documentation

1.2 --> 1.3

1. Add info on distance covered
2. Add choice on Miles or Km for distance covered
3. Add splitting info about gain relative to best split and relative to PB split and PB lap
4. Add Lap remaning with current fuel
5. Add sound and visual alert when fuel under a value set in LFSRelax.cfg
6. Enable or disable block on inGame stat
. Split block
. distance covered
. Fuel remain
. Gap
7. Add color on nickname gap

Download on first post

S3 licensed
Hello racers,

New version of LFSRelax : 1.13

Quote :1.2 --> 1.3

1. Add info on distance covered
2. Add choice on Miles or Km for distance covered
3. Add splitting info about gain relative to best split and relative to PB split and PB lap
4. Add Lap remaning with current fuel
5. Add sound and visual alert when fuel under a value set in LFSRelax.cfg
6. Enable or disable block infos on inGame stat
. Split block
. distance covered block
. Fuel remain block
. Gap block
7. Add color on nickname gap


Removed, some bugs
Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed

Quote : tab !kick@birder|/kick {*}
tab !ban@birder|/ban {*}

rigth if "tab !ban@birder|/ban {*}" is the last line of autoaction
Quote : tab !kick@birder|/kick {*}|
tab !ban@birder|/ban {*}

need '|' between action

I think, i remove tab from multine configuration and add ';' on end of configuring line ( like C ) in the next release. I think it's better and more easy to understand.

PS : yes i go on holliday with a laptop but there aren't wifi where i go
Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
In fact inGame use OutGauge. Outgauge are in UDP and LFS have one UDP connection.

Here an explanation about parameter of pitspotter. All are in meter. You can adjust all parameter as you want. All are relative to middle of your car.

S3 licensed
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :Thought myself the second boxes were cumulative times of that lap.
The first the real split-to-split times.

Yes it's true. The first column is the diff between previous split and this split . The second the cumulative split ( it's for this the both columns of split 1 are the same, it's for better lisibility, you read a column for diff split and another for cumulative split ). For now, there are not best split displayed ( i have it but not displayed , wait a bit )

Quote :3. If you press SHIFT+B to hide InGame's info, it works as expected. But if you press it again, it no longer works and InGame's info stays hidden.

Yes not yet implemented

S3 licensed
Quote from birder :Great feature, can we use a list rather that @NAME

Also have a great Holiday.

List separated by ',' or file list &yourfile.txt

S3 licensed
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :Was not alone? AI's were there.

Don't work with AI

S3 licensed
Nobody have same problems???

can't join if there are already one player connected. I can connect if there are 0 player connected or if many players connect not in race, but in main screen.

S3 licensed
If you're alone he can't calculate gap between your and car behind you

Gap work only in Race, not in qualify.

Be patient for the rest of ingame

S3 licensed
S3 licensed
i put '.' for our server. But you can put any subdirectory of your ftp site

FtpServer =
FtpLogin = lapperplfss
FtpPasswd = ******
FtpRemotePath = .
S3 licensed

Strange : JOOS - MPSVS

When a player it's on the server and i try to join.

When i create a server on my LFS or on oiur dedicated server.

this happen to all player who want join

S3 licensed

Little modification to allow {*} in autoaction ( requested by VANE ).

Quote :+--------------------------+
|Changes from v5.13 to 5.14|

1. Add variable {*} in AutoAction who is the rest of the line racer type in ( argument ).
!ban@VANE|/ban {*}


PS: I put Lapper in Stand by because i go in Italy for hollidays. I return on September 3.
S3 licensed

New release of LFSRelax : 1.12

- Some bug fixes
- Include Spanish translation
- InGame information, uncompress in new folder to test it! ( no complete for now, only Beta )


S3 licensed


Updated for the next release

S3 licensed

Updated for the next release

S3 licensed

Because now all privmessage are multiline message and the separator is ':'.

In old priv message for spb or other there is ':' character, replace it by {colon}.

S3 licensed

LFSLapper : 5.13

Quote :+--------------------------+
|Changes from v5.12 to 5.13|

1. Fix stats bug and dstats bug

2. Add fields in trackinfo.cfg ( needed for future extension )
- lapTimeAction ( Action to do when a player do a specified time Lap )
- lapTime ( Time to trigger action )

trackinfo : 1.1

Quote :
1. You can indicate one coef for maxLapTime

2. Generate New format file: include "lapTime" and "lapTimeAction" for the new Lapper 5.13

Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed

Version 0.92

Fix bug qualification
