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post file.

But it's probably due to suppression of tabulation before multiline parameter. Some editor replace it with spaces. Look for this!! I have not this kind of this problems. In the next release i modify cfg file structure to avoid this issue

Quote from jasonmatthews :Hmmmm, doesn't work It just gives me the fox ones, which I made default... when I am in fox..

When I change default to anything other than fox nothing happens at all either..

Look for the "MaxLapTime" of the combo on TrackInfo.cfg if present. Look at your PB file if time are present

Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
Quote from FL!P :
- If you go to multiplayer directly after you launched lfs & lfsRelax, splits and fuel work fine (except that fuel stops working as soon as the combo changes).

It's normal because each car don't use same quantity of fuel. But 2 or 3 Lap later this work again
Quote from FL!P :
- If instead you watch a mpr, the splits work, but not the fuel, even when you go to multiplayer or single player next.

Fuel don't work if it's not your car ( protection of player's strategy ). But on replay i don't try i, but i think fuel don't work
Quote from FL!P :
- If you go directly to single player, splits and fuel won't work. If you go to multiplayer next, splits will work, but not fuel.

Strange i don't have this issue, i try more... Wait please
Quote from FL!P :
It would be cool if splits/fuel and gaps were cleared when the race ends and you're sent to the lobby. At the moment, if some info is no longer calculated, it remains displayed.
It would also be very cool to have a hotkey to hide/show ingame info. At the moment, shift+b hides it, but as soon as it's updated, it appears again.

On todo List


S3 licensed

For now i do a break. Sorry for this , but i need it.

For your problem, this occur if you use LFSStat in Live mode, but not on replay. This soft was made to work on replay.

If you have a bug on Replay, send me your replay.

S3 licensed
There is probably an error in your cfg file

S3 licensed
Yes it's a debug feature an represent distance in meter between you and car arroud you in meters in X and Y Axis

PS: I look for the PB send by Flip ASAP
S3 licensed
You need to have installed .NET 2.0 for microsoft on your computer! ... 62-4b0d-8edd-aab15c5e04f5

S3 licensed
Try to replace




Now car are in short format in new version of insim X

@Yisc[NL] : can you explain me more what do you want please? With example. Thanks for the config file

Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed

I look for Pb of memory. There is not problem of leak memory. LFSRelax register info of each node of each player for one lap to determine gap. .NET use many memory.

finally the size of mem used seem to be normal

S3 licensed

Yes i can bundle it if only you release source . It's only the condition.

Fine job

S3 licensed

Thank you very much YamaKawa, i put your link in the first post of LFSRelax.


PS: YamaKawa i prefer Honda . I got a 1000 FireStorm
S3 licensed

I write for my vcation.

It's not an error but a warning. Don't worry it's normal because your file it's not yet created. For the memory abnormal use, i look when i go home. I think it's TSREMOTE.dll not free ram.

S3 licensed
put utf-8 encoding in your html file
S3 licensed
Thank's flinty72,

Doc updated

@flinty72: it's the last version for 4 week, i go in Italy in this afternoon


S3 licensed
New version : 1.49

Rewrite many part of the collision routine in 1.49. I hope this work fine for all now

Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
is your LFS is in hight priority? Replay work fine on my old computer also.

S3 licensed
Test 1.48 before, after replace exe and test again. Look for better.
S3 licensed

Test version : 1.48 in first post ( pit Spotter on certain config ). It work on a CPU AMD XP2000 and on 4400GT graphic card


Don't put LFS in Hight Priority mode, in this mode LFSRelax loose most insim packet and pitspotter don't work correctly

Send me report!


Try also the exe attached to this post ( an alternate )
Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Demon68 :in turn 4 or 5 of the first lap it says left or right a few times when there is no car. I heard the same mistake on 2 computers, but if you hear nothing wrong than it must be computer related somehow?

What's your config in LFSConfig
DxR, DxL, DxB, DxF?

Edit: On slow machine, PitSpooter don't work correctly ( i try it on an old computer ). What is your frame Rate on LFS and your config?

Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Bladerunner :One thing I noticed when using TSView...
I have my Mic bound to my 'CTRL' key, and when I press it to talk, InSim throws a wobbly, spams me with a load of error messages, and then dies

Next time I get this phenomena I will try and save the repaly, so you can see what I mean.

Change to 1.47

Quote :I just tested it on the replay of the last OWRL race, and it stil makes big mistakes. In turn 4/5 you can see/hear what I mean:
I start from place 6

I look for 10 laps, and i view nothing abnormal. Can you more explain the problem? one time you pass a car stopped and pitSpotter say nothing, it's normal because your speed is more higthter.
The second time you pass a car, pit Spotter say correctly where this car is.
Sorry, but i don't understand . In other case, cars in front of you are to far.

Quote :Hi Gai-Luron, I tested v1.47 online and found pitspotter to still be a little inaccurate although I think at times that it seems that it is trying to finish its 1st message before being able to adjust for the change of car positions and saying the correct message. Not sure if that has something to do with it. But I did here "your in the middle", so well done on getting that working

Normally, when a position change, the first message is cutted with the new message. Here it work in this mode

Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
Quote from JMacari :well that worked, not sure why i had such a problem lol. thanks

the pitspotter seems to be a bit misleading, it told me a car was right when i could clearly see the car was not via mirrors. just me or has this been common?

Can you run LFSRelax in replay mode and look in helico view if LFSRelax make mistake. If yes, send me the replay i look for it. I try for long time tonight in helico view and i don't see mistake. Maybe the 50ms... . Wait and see

Quote :Trying to match Scawen with 1 patch a day?

I try, i try

S3 licensed

New version : 1.47

Quote :
- Increasing periodicity of collision 50ms instead 100ms for pitspotter
- Middle now work, tested

S3 licensed

LFSRelax work with

port set in config in TCP mode
port - 1000 for UDP reply from MCI et outgauge

You can use UDP only mode i think to use the gateway. In this case set TCP mode to false and port to 29999

S3 licensed
Bonjour les pilotes!

Laisse pisser!!! pas la peine de se prendre la tête. Des mals comprenants il y en a partout, même là-bas!

French is also official language in E.U. , learn-it, i think next messages, i write it in french or in spanish ( speak in most part of the world) or maybe in Italian for fun

Au revoir

S3 licensed

For the new add-on, i need your help because now you are an expert of configuring LFSRelax.

You can make a HOWTO for the noob and contribute to this way in the happyness of LFS community. I include this HOWTO in distrib under your name and your PM.
But even if you do this, i think there will be always people who don't read this file and they will fill your email or pm because they don't want search a little before post. I think of answering the requests as often as possible, but I cannot spend my time holding the hand with all.

Now, i wait your contribute, "your add'on" to LFSRelax.


S3 licensed
It's a joke,

i know how is difficult to code and i think that Scawen work hard. When i was young, i coded some commercial game and i know the work needed to do this.
I will never have launched out in a project like LFS. It is not by incompetence but it is necessary to be fool to do that all alone. This is why I never criticized Scawen and will never criticize him, even if in the future he decided to stop all.

He is a professionnal coder and me i create programm for fun, it's not my job! (that was a few years ago)
