I never say "i don't want you dev an application with sources of Lapper" and you're rigth the_angry_angel when you say Lapper is under GNU licence and all of my other applications.
I say
But EK can't say he had dev all programm as he say to me and on his web site. that's hurt me!! I wait the release of sources now!
- Modification of the webpage www.lfsbuddy.com to accord with the reality
- The source of lfsbuddy will bee released in accompliance with GNU General license
- Excuses from EkinoxNH and Birder
- Modification of the webpage www.lfsbuddy.com to accord with the reality
- The source of lfsbuddy will bee released in accompliance with GNU General license
- Excuses from EkinoxNH and Birder
- Modification of the webpage www.lfsbuddy.com to accord with the reality
- The source of lfsbuddy will bee released in accompliance with GNU General license
- Excuses from EkinoxNH and Birder
A little Bug in your app, when you select remember me and you type a wrong password. App set cookie with wrong pass and if you try another time with remember me not checked. It's impossible to connect.
On line 264 AFTER if(isset($_POST['remember'])){ setcookie("cookname", $_SESSION['username'], time()+60*60*24*100, "/"); setcookie("cookpass", $_SESSION['password'], time()+60*60*24*100, "/"); } ADD else { setcookie("cookname", "", 0, "/"); setcookie("cookpass", "", 0, "/"); }
I'm not realy bored, but i'am thinking about a button library more flexible for Lapper and i don't find nice solution for now . Because i want it more flexible for future extensions.
If you want add file/url/list for your option, you can! i integrate it, no problem! Look at the ftp threading of the upload option . It's a solution to have no blocking issue. But not another exe, just a thread.
Start Thread at begining of Lapper or one thread by connection
Lapper send to thread the query of the new connection
Look if return value for that thread each main Lapper Loop.
Return value of thread must be : username, true or false.
If user is on server and false, execute NoLicenseAction.
If user is on server and true, execute LicenseAction ( must be added )
The only problem is if they are no web response , in this case you can remove or no ( parameter can be set ) user after X second if they are no validation by web ( web down ).
No blocking issue with this method.
Cone dogers are interested by your option, i think .
Send me your msn by Private Message to discuss about Lapper and Thank's for your Help.
Great! Ok for this extension. I had think to implement it in the next version. The only thing who hurt me is that if the web don't respond in time, Lapper is blocked in waiting response.
The possible way is to implement it in thread with TimeOut in case of no response
The second thing is better to add the ability to read a file like user allowed to run some command, QualUsers or AutoAction. Because some user of Lapper don't have web.
Exemple :
CheckLicense = &./licensedUser.lcs
CheckLicense = @Gai-Luron,gwendoline
In case of file, web can upload file who contain allowed users. In this case access is more fast
LFSLapper will be connected with host and not on LFS in your Local machine. It's better to put Lapper on server. The /insim 29999 it's on server, not on Local. In local your insim port must be close.
If you want use Lapper anyway, put IP adress of your 500server and pass in your local cfg file. open port if you have router and try.