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S3 licensed

I don't say C# it's not good, i say only it's not adequate for graphic game and mcgas001 want to dev game. Garbage collection, it's not the best way to manage memory. I say that maybe because i dev application in code machine and with C i retreive this kind of thinking.
I use c# for Lapper, LFSRelax et LFSStat and for this it's a good tool, but for game i'am not agree with you.
Sorry, i can't explain more because it's so difficult for me to speak english.

I don't want make a war about language and i use or have used more Languages: machine code, C, C++,C#, Java, Pascal,VB,PHP,Perl,Ada, Basic, Informix 4gl. Each language is good if you know the limit of each and you know what do you want to do with.

In fine, try more languages and you can make your opinion yourself

Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
Ok, i make a release for you i think tomorrows because tonite it's "Fiesta" . Send me your email via mp And/or msn for information to install it.

it's also on GNU License .


PS: If you want make a distribuable and easy intallable version for LFS admin and put it on this forum, you can. Only, don't forget to put initial dev
Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed

I use a self made PHP script.

You can admin via Web page LFS Server, Lapper, Layout and Ban files ( you have already my source for ban ).

I don't release it as this because it's dirty code and i don't have time to beautifull it. But if you want it i can send you sources and a little help ( i don't install for you )

S3 licensed

First change

AuthAllowPlayer = All1; --> AuthAllowPlayer = All;

Look at your trackinfo.cfg file. there aren't ; at end of Line. Look at O Vs 0

Replace with original trackinfo file or generate another with the utility

I look at home tonigth if this don't work

S3 licensed
You must make a conversion of your cfg file. You can do it manually adding ; after each command line or use ConvCfg.exe released on the first page.

S3 licensed
Quote from dolistad :
AuthAllowPlayer = All;

S3 licensed

I try to give you my opinion

1 - Yes you can learn programming for yourself, but you need a minimal learning at school, not for programming but for some mathematical need ( By Exemple for 3D aspect ) and thinking approach. I Learn myself programming many year ago ( 26 ) and i make commercial games in France when i was young ( for VIC 20 and C64 computer ). But at this time it's more easy than now. Now you can't programming, make graphic rendition and find gameplay alone ( Scawen don't do it alone ). It's so hard.

2 - C# It's not a good tool for programming Games, it's to slow ( Microsoft framework it's not good anyway ). You can use compiled C++ or C language.

3 - For books, it's dependent from the language you choose. Try to do little application before start a game or make a little and not complicated game to learn that language.

When you have learned a language, it's not difficult to learn another.

In fact the best way to learn programming is to programm

Good luck

MPR format, find all Racers
S3 licensed

It is possible to find all users who have raced on a race in MPR. For now this file only contain, in the header, the finished racers.

I use LFSStat to have this information, but i want put on my web site the result of races more quickly ( 4 replay take time with LFSStat ) and then put LFSStat result after. Reading Mpr is the solution but racer who don't finish not appear and i need it to calculate points for this race.


S3 licensed

It's no so difficult, test collision on "pit Spotter" in LFSRelax take only 100 lines code ( little part of LFSRelax ). Look at source, i use only this mathematicel formula for rotation

x' = x cos T - y sin T
y' = x sin T + y cos T

  • T is the angle for the rotation. positive or negative
  • x,y coordonate of point to rotate.
  • x',y' coordonat of new point.
S3 licensed

Yes but with this method, you can't say if car are left, right, before or behind you. For this, you must do a rotation of each coordonate car to Know relatie position from your car to another.

Quote :
# CVHAngRad = Heading of your car in insim packet
# CVX = Your car X Coordonat
# CVY = Your car Y Coordonat
# currMci.x = Other car X coord
# currMci.y = Other car Y coord
# x = distance between your car ( you car is a zero axis now, x = 0, y = 0 )
# y = Distance between your car
# z = Distance between your car z axis
# x1 = Rotation for the relative position to your car
# y1 = Rotation for the relative position to your car
# Now x1 and y1 relative to a zero point ( your car ) positive of negative number determine the position relative to your car in X axis and Y axis

CVcos = (long)((Math.Cos(CVHAngRad)) * 65536);
CVsin = (long)((Math.Sin(CVHAngRad)) * 65536);

int x = currMci.x - CVX;
int y = currMci.y - CVY;
int z = currMci.z - CVZ;
// Make a rotation to put on axis y
long x1 = (x * CVcos - y * CVsin) / 65536;
long y1 = (x * CVsin + y * CVcos) / 65536;

Look at source (main.cs) from LFSRelax to know how do it.

Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
Hello, you are lucky because i never read this part of forum

The problem is that numbers var are to small on PHP for Time64 and you lost precision if you use it. For this you must use BCMath :

I attached a PHP file who admin ban ( work perfectly). You can find in this your response windstyle . With this file you can show, modify, delete banned player.

It don't work alone because this source it's only a part of a admin platin for LFS serveur on Unix system (FRH Team server ). But with little modification it can work alone as you want. ( $no_proc is used only to find path of the ban file because it's for our admin platin, you must modify this particularity for you and remove SESSION part )

If you want you can modify and release it as you want on your name but just specify who is the first developper thank's . It's also on GNU Licence like all my sources.

If you want more infos no problem


Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
Ooopppps Sorry, to much Wine for Christmas

Try this :

S3 licensed

New Lapper version;

Quote :
|Changes from v5.31 to 5.32|

1. Use in !top and !near the last car used by player requesting this info. If no last car ( player joining ) use defalutTopCar present
in config file
2. In autoaction add a switch !
If ! before a name, force nickName authentification if UseUsernameForAuthentication=true
If ! before a name, force userName authentification if UseUsernameForAuthentication=false
3. In AutoAction, you can use regexp expression in user pattern, type regex=your regular expression instead of user name
Exemple : if UseUsernameForAuthentication=true
Find all user who nickname begin with [COP]
Find all user who username begin with Gai
See regular expression on web for more info on how it work

!spec@!regex=^\[COP\].*|/spec {*}|

Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
Syncing et license mode

S3 licensed

Cool Men

LFSRelax do this and much more

S3 licensed
Hello Racers,

For Christmas i do a beta version of Lapper. Version 5.31 to allow multiple license server

Config file is changed I release an utility to cenvert old format to new

Sync BetWeen 2 or more Lapper are do every 20s, but i can reduce this to one Second. But for limite Disk access 20s is a good timing.

Try it and send me bug reports

Quote :+--------------------------+
|Changes from v5.30 to 5.31|

1. *** WARNING *** Configuration file is changed
the terminator of each line is ";" now.
I remove 'Tab' obligation for multiline command
To avoid to retype all yours configs files, i do an Utility ConvCfg.exe to reconstruct all cfg file in directory where you launch ConfCfg.exe
2. Add 10 levels authorisation for access server relative to time do by user on Car/Track
( Automatised license management for two or more server with Sync PB Lapper feature )
You can have one serveur for all Player, the second server with PB file synchronized
with the first and allows only user who have made a good PB on the first server
3. Add parameter in config file for this feature
Auth1 = XFG:BL1:1.30.10 | XRT:SO4:1.20.20;
Auth2 = XFG:BL1:1.10.10 | XRT:SO4:1.20.20;
Auth3 = ...;
Auth10 = ...;

AuthAllowPlayer = Auth1|Auth2|...|AuthX;
OnAuthAllowed = /msg {Nickname}^3 allowed on this server;
OnAuthNotAllowed = /spec {Nickname}|
/msg {Nickname}^3 not allowed on this Server|
AuthPrivMess=^3You have got level {auth};
4. Add New command : /auth to know your level authorization on this server

|Changes from v5.20 to 5.30|

1. Add ability to sync PB.txt for 2 or more Lapper
2. Add parameter in config file
SyncID = Sync Unique ID for this Lapper
SyncDir = Sync Directory name for Synchronization, all Lappers to be Synchronized must have same Directory
SyncIDsToSync = All Lappers ID To synchronize with you, you can't put here your current Sync Unique ID

Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
Use /spec and no /spectate

Scawen have modified this command

S3 licensed
Not much change

1 - Add new BMW Car
2 - Add new SO Track
3 - Decode 2 new Insim Packet


Comming Soon : Live PB.txt Sync for 2 or More Lapper.
S3 licensed

New Lapper and trackinfo versions for Patch Y

S3 licensed

I don't Know, i look more accurately when patch released. If there are modification, i don't want dev all


S3 licensed
Since 1.50, normally, LFSRelax work in Solo mode

S3 licensed

Yes, good Idea. It's a good thing to have challenge and look in other source .
Have Fun!!

An info : SO6 it's 3.0 km long

S3 licensed

Yes, but don't forget new track : SO6 et don't forget to change the utility convwr because of new car and track. There is also 2 new insim packets. I release modified source when patch Y is available because the bestsplit file can't be create for now.

But for waiting your solution is good


S3 licensed

Only for car where digital speedo is removed, XFG,XRG,LX4, LX6, etc...

S3 licensed
Quote from arnold cottenier :I've been trying to get the LFSRelax v1.52 to work in the X30 patch, but I keep getting this screen when I start up LFSRelax.

I use the LFSRelax v1.50 in X10 with no problems. Any ideas of how I can fix this? I know it has to be something simple to fix. BTW, I am typing "/insim 29999" before starting LFSRelax.

Thank you.

You have a 2 new parameter in config file for speedometer, append it to your old one, dont put your old config file only

Last edited by Gai-Luron, .