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S3 licensed
This function return server date, it's not really a Lapper Function, but system function

How is set your server date?

S3 licensed
Need ";" after


replace with

S3 licensed

using registeraction

S3 licensed

Sound Good.

Anyway i'am little affraid about OnDrive event called 10 time/second. It's for each player or for all?
Because that's can charge CPU. Don't forgot that GLScript is tokenized interpreted language. If you have done test and this don't change usage CPU, forgot that i say previously .

For your's modification in Lapper can you send me a svn patch?

Good job

for mode, maybe a modes.lpr displaying all mode avaiable mode registered on catchEvent OnLapperStart with function
registerMode( $idMode, "Libel mode",$state_mode, backcallOnChange );

retreived or setted by
$myMode = getMode( $idMode );
setMode( $idMode, $state );

$idMode and unique id of registered Mode
$state = "Yes" or "Complete" etc...

$state_mode are all mode selectable in gui select screen mode

I hope you understand my very good english

I dont know if backcallOnChange is very usefull, in this case i have to dev a new GLScript function CallSub("nameOfSub"[,arg1,arg2,...,argn] ) to have this to work in script language

Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
I also do a modification to avoid use of unset for var if it's assigned with getOfxxxxxx function.
S3 licensed
Bug in who.lpr

Add line unset( $currPly ); near line 105 in who.lpr

$currUserName = $ListOfPlayersDoWho[$i];
unset( $currPly );
$currPly = getplayerinfo($ListOfPlayersDoWho[$i] );

S3 licensed
Work here, do you have strange car in your hostname
S3 licensed
Quote from Gai-Luron :...
I reinstall all my computer after a crash, i hope that release is not corrupted

I haven't reinstall dev visual studio
S3 licensed

Take 'b' release, the 6 ( 64bit version ), or if you want to continue with 9.2.6, take only litenvent.lpr in this archive

I reinstall all my computer after a crash, i hope that release is not corrupted

S3 licensed
Beta release 6.000 for 64bit system

Beta Release for 64 bits test

S3 licensed
For person who send me a private message use this sql command to Add a record in fi_regro, needed or add it manualy with phpmyadmin

INSERT INTO `gcomp_fi_regro` (`id_fi_regro`, `lregro`, `banniere`, `affiche`, `visible`, `message`, `aide`) VALUES
(1, 'DEFAULT', '<img width="985" height="203" src="/UserFiles/Image/logofrance.jpg" alt="" />', '', 1, '','');

The power of Gcomp it's not in user interface, anyone can make better interface, the power is in all that is not visble to the end user. the automation in subcsribe, relation with LFSLapper, getting race result, calc points, race parameter. I don't know if manually you can set race result for 5 pool, calculate point and ranking, statistics, replays in less than one hour after races.
I never say Gcomp can fit in all type of championship but it's a good base and can be extended

Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
Help to test LFSLapper 64 bit compatible
S3 licensed
Can one or two person can help me to test accurately LFSLapper in 64bit mod to view if all in database access work fine.

Because i made, some change in database access, i don't think that this can occur but i am affraid of breaking database.

Send me a PM message with your mail and i send version 6.0 of Lapper to one or two person

Thank you in advance

GCOMP (complete championship PHP application )
S3 licensed

it's time to release a complete championship PHP, Mysql application used many years on the French league, PLFS league, OPEN RACE TROPHY league, Internationam Championship IC08. I write it many year ago and i never release it

Why i release it now? Because nobody in french community really want continue championship organisation and i think it's a shame to leave die this program. I hope this help you in championship organisation.

this sources are also under GNU licence:

More info here :
Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
Yes it's a full operational system, very automated

No known bug,
Feature request:
result for qualification ( no only pole ) give points ( easy to do ) with that you have. Only add a new bareme and attrib points on qualification validation

CAUTION : I don't dev anymore this application. no update in the future

Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
wadallat take a look here:

if you are a PHP coder, very good for you to continue this application. it's already very complete

GCOMP (complete championship PHP application )
S3 licensed

it's time to release a complete championship PHP, Mysql application used many years on the French league, PLFS league, OPEN RACE TROPHY league. I write it many year ago and i never release it

Why i release it now? Because nobody in french community really want continue championship organisation and i think it's a shame to leave die this program. I hope this help you in championship organisation.

this sources are also under GNU licence:

Quote :
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.

unzip file, then open README.txt to view how to install it.


it's not a clean distrib, it's only a zip file. If someone want to use it and continue to dev it, He can, but i want this app remain a freeware application.

You can have an overview of this application here ( only user view, admin it's not visible with this user ):

use ORT choice

login : test
pass : test

- Multi language
- LFSLapper interface, live qualification, live update of qualifying players list
- LFSStat interface to retreive result, Semi automated result entry
- Automated points system
- Complete Championship parameter
- Multiple championship
- Multiple race per championship
- Multiple round for race
- Multiple points for race
- Individual Ranking
- Team Ranking
- Country ranking
... And i forgot many, many specs
- Templates can be created, 2 default template provided.
- Use of block independant module ( included, tsmodule, lfsserverOn module )

CAUTION : no Update, no new release, this soft is released in this state

Use template.php parser from phpBB
Use Frank Oberlechner forms lib :
Use ADOdb Database Abstraction Library for PHP

Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
Like echo in your script PHP who receive call. Debug trace
S3 licensed
Put a trace on your server to view if page is called
S3 licensed
not work on 64bit, modification not all done
S3 licensed
Sorted, Download b version.

I change to Visual Studio 2008 and i forgot to change some things
Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
New intermediate Release :

Quote :+-------------------------------+
|Changes from v5.925 to 5.926 |
Files to replace From the previous version
- LFSLapper.exe
- addonused.lpr
- utils.lpr
- consts.lpr

1. Add new function RandomNum to have a randomized number
RandomNum() return a decimal number between 0 and 1
RandomNum(a,b) return a decimal number between a and b
RandomNum( -100,100 ) return a number between -100 and 100
RandomNum( 100,120 ) return a number between 10 and 120

2. Add new function isRegexMatch to test if an expression match a regex expr
Example : To test if a string is a time string
isRegexMatch( "^[0-9]{1}\.[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}", "1.24.30" ) return 1
isRegexMatch( "^[0-9]{1}\.[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{2}", "12.24:30" ) return 0

search regular expression on the net to know how work regular expressions

3. Add new function getListOfPlayerButton, this function return an Array containing
all the name of the currently displayed player button

4. Add a new lpr file containing some GLScript usefull fonction
Added in this file
- closeButtonRegex( $userName, $exp ) to close all button of one player that idOfButton match
$exp. $exp it's a regular expression
- adminMsg to send a message to all admin present on server

5. Add new event when practice start
OnPracStart( $numP ) this event receive number of player present

6 Add new lapper's vars
$raceInProg -> return value 0,1,2 relative to race status, look at consts.lpr
$raceId -> an unique race identificator that in the race start date time

S3 licensed
you need mono
S3 licensed
The two work
S3 licensed
I don't know