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S3 licensed
Fixed, download version b. Change only LFSLapper.exe

S3 licensed
Ok, i forgot one thing, i fix it soon
S3 licensed

There are little update and fix bug. Big modifications are not done.*

S3 licensed

send me feedback.

|Changes from v5.923 to 5.924 |
Files to replace From the previous version
- LFSLapper.exe
- Add event OnChangePos in LFSLapper.lpr or replace LFSLapper.lpr

1. Fixed bug in setuserstoredvalue when not used in player event
2. Fixed bug in getuserstorednum when not used in player event
3. Fixed bug in getuserstoredvalue when not used in player event
4. Fixed bug in privmsg when not used in player event
5. Add new LFSLapper function StripLFSColor to remove all color and lang char in string
$var = StripLFSColor("^7toto^8tata");
6. Add new Event OnChangePos triggered when player change his position in race or qual
Event OnChangePos($userName,$lastPos,$currPos)

S3 licensed
Quote from YamaSuba.NL :Been there, done that.. ;-)
I've tried this before and that would be my preferred call, but Lapper tells me the setUserStoredValue can't be used in a lapper-event..

Yes and that's a bug, sorted soon

S3 licensed
Quote :With this is it also posible to make a script for a rolling start.

Can you explain more?
S3 licensed
In console window when you use writeline
S3 licensed
Quote from YamaSuba.NL :That definitely would work for determining the fastest racelap and the player that drove it, but it's not quite what I need..
This determination should be followed by adding a point to this player's score, which is stored in the database. And that won't be possible in a following lapperevent like the next racestart, when using the SetUserStoredValue.
For that to work one should know who's the last finisher in order to make the fastest-racelap final, and that's a bit hard to determine.
That's the reason I chose to use a delayed command..

If you have player username, lapPB, you can use setUserStoredValue with this value in a delayed command. SetUserStoredValue can take an optional value that was the username and in this case you can use it in delayed Command. Use setUserStoredValue is the good storage you need if you want use topuser

SetUserStoredValue( $uName, $id, $value);

$uName is the username of the player

Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Fire_optikz001 :no i mean like lets say my servers name is ^0[^4^0C] ^7Cruise Server it would be cool if it showed the actual colors instead of ^0[^4^0C] ^7Cruise Server

Showed Where?
S3 licensed
You speak japanese for me. Color work in LFSLapper!!!!!!
S3 licensed

No because, fuel info is only sended by LFS in outgauge and only for local player.
S3 licensed
I don't think because i don't know in advance if the result is too big from stored file to put in arraylist. This risk to freeze LFSLapper.

I don't understand why you can't use userStoredValue. Can you explain me more and why private delayed command. Maybe there is an another solution to your problem if you explain it accurately.

S3 licensed
Yes also conts.lpr

You can add color in const but you need to concat them. Can't and don't want parse a string

Const RED "^7";

"This is " . RED . " red color"
S3 licensed
Release -> minor update

send me feedback.

|Changes from v5.922 to 5.923 |
Files to replace From the previous version
- LFSLapper.exe
- Change in LFSLApper.lpr
old -> Event OnDisConnect( $userName )
new -> Event OnDisConnect( $userName, $reason )

1. Add new arg to event OnDisConnect
Event OnDisConnect( $userName, $reason ) # Player event
Look at const.lpr to view reason list
# Leave Reason on disconnect
const LEAVR_DISCO 0; # disconnect
const LEAVR_TIMEOUT 1; # timed out
const LEAVR_LOSTCONN 2; # lost connection
const LEAVR_KICKED 3; # kicked
const LEAVR_BANNED 4; # banned
const LEAVR_SECURITY 5; # OOS or cheat protection

IF( $reason == LEAVR_DISCO ) THEN
privMsg( "Normal disconnect");
privMsg( "Lost connection");

S3 licensed

Yes it execute onDisconnect put provide $reason as parameter


EDIT : Heu, in new version that i'am not released yet. . You have view doc before my release
Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
razspb is only for session pb, no saved PB
S3 licensed

Do you select session PB in !myconfig?
S3 licensed
You need to programm and app to do that. i don't know if already one exist
S3 licensed

send me feedback.

|Changes from v5.921 to 5.922 |
Files to replace From the previous version

Add new arg to function RegisterNodeAction and RegisterZoneAction, for
no modification add "" in the new arg
old -> RegisterNodeAction( "BL1" , 140 , DisplaySpeed );
new -> RegisterNodeAction( "BL1" , 140 , DisplaySpeed,"" );
Add new arg to function RegisterNodeAction with ""
old -> RegisterZoneAction( "MyZone", "SO6" , 337 , SA_Test3 );
new -> RegisterZoneAction( "MyZone", "SO6" , 337 , SA_Test3, "" );

1. new arg in functions
accept a newArg that is of the subroutine called when leave a zone, node.
RegisterZoneAction( "MyZone", "SO6" , 337 , SA_Test3, SA_LeaveTest3 );
RegisterNodeAction( "BL1" , 140 , DisplaySpeed,ExitDisplaySpeed );

If you don't want a leave subroutine or enter subroutine put "" in arg
RegisterNodeAction( "BL1" , 140 , DisplaySpeed,"" );
RegisterZoneAction( "MyZone", "SO6" , 337 , "", SA_LeaveTest3 );

2. Fixed bug in !pitwindow command

S3 licensed
.dbs is an sqlite base, download sqlite addon for firefox to view it.

. elp is a text file, you can view its structure in elpStruct.txt in doc folder include with the LFSLapper distrib

S3 licensed
Last defined var is used, in this case your var. It's the same for event. New event overlap previous defined
S3 licensed

send me feedback.

|Changes from v5.920 to 5.921 |
Files to replace From the previous version

1. Add new event when the drift score is reseted due low speed
Event OnDriftResetScore( $userName ) # Player event

2. New function GetUserStoredNum, like GetUserStoredValue but return a numeric value
or -1 if the stored value is a string
GetUserStoredNum( key );
GetUserStoredNum( userName,key );

3. New function GetStoredNum, like GetStoredValue but return a numeric value
or -1 if the stored value is a string
GetUserNum( key );
GetUserNum( userName,key );

4. Fix error on parser when one function splitted in multiline

5. New player Var, this var can also be set
ViewSPBSplit, // What split PB to Show, S = Session, P = PB, W = World record
ShowSplitPb, // Does the split PB iare showed 1 = Yes, 0 = No
UnitSpeedKmh, // What's unit is used for speed and distance 1 = km 0 = miles

6. Add new function GetListOfLang, return an array containig the list of lang available in LFSLapper

S3 licensed

My choice was

one lang file for LFSLapper.lpr ( LFSLapper.lg ) and lang included in lpr file for rest of file or a lang associated for each lpr file.

Because, when change to one script file, no need to modify lang file, only add .lpr and maybe .lg associated with the .lpr
The best way is no modify any file, only add file or remove file, no edit

S3 licensed
Quote from YamaSuba.NL :Isn't the GetListOfPlayers for the racers that are online at that moment?
What I want is get the stored users/points that are in the storedvalue database in order to make a top-list out of it. So a list of all users present in the database with the points they scored up to this moment.
In this case from the StoredValue table in stead of the UserStoredValue.

All what you need is here, function exist since 5.837

|Changes from v5.836 to 5.837|

1. Add GLScript command for User Event
setUserStoredValue( key, value )
This function store the value associated with key and username
You can use this to display a topUser
2. Add GLScript command for User Event
getUserStoredValue( key )
This function retreive the value associated with key and current username
You can use this to display a topUser

3. Add GLScript command for User Event.
topUser( title,key,mode,argv );
-> title = Title of the Top displayed
-> key = Key used to retreive corresponding values ( limited to 50 characters )
key = "Champ1Race1"; // Display top for the specified race
key = "Champ1Race%"; // Display top for the specified Champ
find all value and make a sum by player where key begin with Champ
you can also write it with key = "Champ1%";
'%' Replace a part of a string in retreiving values
You can make more complicated structure
key="2009Champ1Race1" // Find result for race one in Champ1 in year 2009
key="2009Champ1Race%" // Find result for all race in Champ1 in year 2009
key="2009Champ%" // Find result for all Champ in year 2009
key="%" // All cumulated result

-> mode = "DESC" or "ASC" Sort sum value descending or ascending
-> argv = same as Top
4. Add GLScript command for User Event.
nearUser( title,key,mode,argv );
Same as topUser but list is positionned on current username

Quote from emit-nl :Hi,

I have a problem with the !ps command.
My LFSLapper won't receive the info from the internet..
I entered my pubstat key in LFSLapper, so it can't be that.

Is there something I missed?
Alle lines give '0' in the !ps window.

Thanks in advance!


Yes is only what you need, use pubstat in quote

$PubStatIdk = "5TG37yO15NvRCC66nR1k2J1SWv6H8MHw";

Do you have a parental control? i 'll have to remove on my computer.
Caution, value are retreiveid every 5s between each player, du of the lfsworld tarpitting

Last edited by Gai-Luron, .
S3 licensed
What do you want to read? put an example. Anyway you can use GetListOfPlayer, then read value.
Can you explain more?