|Changes from v5.923 to 5.924 |
Files to replace From the previous version
- LFSLapper.exe
- Add event OnChangePos in LFSLapper.lpr or replace LFSLapper.lpr
1. Fixed bug in setuserstoredvalue when not used in player event
2. Fixed bug in getuserstorednum when not used in player event
3. Fixed bug in getuserstoredvalue when not used in player event
4. Fixed bug in privmsg when not used in player event
5. Add new LFSLapper function StripLFSColor to remove all color and lang char in string
$var = StripLFSColor("^7toto^8tata");
6. Add new Event OnChangePos triggered when player change his position in race or qual
Event OnChangePos($userName,$lastPos,$currPos)
|Changes from v5.922 to 5.923 |
Files to replace From the previous version
- LFSLapper.exe
- Change in LFSLApper.lpr
old -> Event OnDisConnect( $userName )
new -> Event OnDisConnect( $userName, $reason )
1. Add new arg to event OnDisConnect
Event OnDisConnect( $userName, $reason ) # Player event
Look at const.lpr to view reason list
# Leave Reason on disconnect
const LEAVR_DISCO 0; # disconnect
const LEAVR_TIMEOUT 1; # timed out
const LEAVR_LOSTCONN 2; # lost connection
const LEAVR_KICKED 3; # kicked
const LEAVR_BANNED 4; # banned
const LEAVR_SECURITY 5; # OOS or cheat protection
IF( $reason == LEAVR_DISCO ) THEN
privMsg( "Normal disconnect");
privMsg( "Lost connection");
|Changes from v5.921 to 5.922 |
Files to replace From the previous version
Add new arg to function RegisterNodeAction and RegisterZoneAction, for
no modification add "" in the new arg
old -> RegisterNodeAction( "BL1" , 140 , DisplaySpeed );
new -> RegisterNodeAction( "BL1" , 140 , DisplaySpeed,"" );
Add new arg to function RegisterNodeAction with ""
old -> RegisterZoneAction( "MyZone", "SO6" , 337 , SA_Test3 );
new -> RegisterZoneAction( "MyZone", "SO6" , 337 , SA_Test3, "" );
1. new arg in functions
accept a newArg that is of the subroutine called when leave a zone, node.
RegisterZoneAction( "MyZone", "SO6" , 337 , SA_Test3, SA_LeaveTest3 );
RegisterNodeAction( "BL1" , 140 , DisplaySpeed,ExitDisplaySpeed );
If you don't want a leave subroutine or enter subroutine put "" in arg
RegisterNodeAction( "BL1" , 140 , DisplaySpeed,"" );
RegisterZoneAction( "MyZone", "SO6" , 337 , "", SA_LeaveTest3 );
2. Fixed bug in !pitwindow command
|Changes from v5.920 to 5.921 |
Files to replace From the previous version
1. Add new event when the drift score is reseted due low speed
Event OnDriftResetScore( $userName ) # Player event
2. New function GetUserStoredNum, like GetUserStoredValue but return a numeric value
or -1 if the stored value is a string
GetUserStoredNum( key );
GetUserStoredNum( userName,key );
3. New function GetStoredNum, like GetStoredValue but return a numeric value
or -1 if the stored value is a string
GetUserNum( key );
GetUserNum( userName,key );
4. Fix error on parser when one function splitted in multiline
5. New player Var, this var can also be set
ViewSPBSplit, // What split PB to Show, S = Session, P = PB, W = World record
ShowSplitPb, // Does the split PB iare showed 1 = Yes, 0 = No
UnitSpeedKmh, // What's unit is used for speed and distance 1 = km 0 = miles
6. Add new function GetListOfLang, return an array containig the list of lang available in LFSLapper
|Changes from v5.836 to 5.837|
1. Add GLScript command for User Event
setUserStoredValue( key, value )
This function store the value associated with key and username
You can use this to display a topUser
2. Add GLScript command for User Event
getUserStoredValue( key )
This function retreive the value associated with key and current username
You can use this to display a topUser
3. Add GLScript command for User Event.
topUser( title,key,mode,argv );
-> title = Title of the Top displayed
-> key = Key used to retreive corresponding values ( limited to 50 characters )
key = "Champ1Race1"; // Display top for the specified race
key = "Champ1Race%"; // Display top for the specified Champ
find all value and make a sum by player where key begin with Champ
you can also write it with key = "Champ1%";
'%' Replace a part of a string in retreiving values
You can make more complicated structure
key="2009Champ1Race1" // Find result for race one in Champ1 in year 2009
key="2009Champ1Race%" // Find result for all race in Champ1 in year 2009
key="2009Champ%" // Find result for all Champ in year 2009
key="%" // All cumulated result
-> mode = "DESC" or "ASC" Sort sum value descending or ascending
-> argv = same as Top
4. Add GLScript command for User Event.
nearUser( title,key,mode,argv );
Same as topUser but list is positionned on current username