Because time value are 1/100 of second time. But the two line work, Lapper do the conversion to put it in good format.
"1.10.12" = (1*60*100) + (10*100) + 12 = 7012 in 1/100 of second
PS: guys i just want to say you when you call sub, event and function, when you use test with IF...THEN..ELSE...ENDIF, when you use expression, like concatenation, add, sub, boolean expression with && and ||, you create a prog and you're a dev. this is the base of the programmation. If you look a real language, there are much add-on only to help you to dev quickly like var structured and loop block, but bases are the same. think about this
Race restart it's not a player event and Lapper can't know player who have triggered this event. I hope you understand what i mean! In this case you can't use privMsg and button for a particular player.
But you are rigth openGlobalButton must be active and closePrivButton also. I look for it.
You have no chance, only in your thread you have this stupid post. Don't worry, your work is great! continue man. I am very happy to see dev who spent time for other pleasure without attemping nothing. I am sure Scawen are happy to view dev community around his software. If he don't want it, he never create insim interface.
But hide only apply on OnSpbSplit1, OnSpbSplit2..., OnSpbSplitLast. If you want your code to be hidden, put it in ths events.
In fact
OnSpbSplit1 triggered at same time than OnSplit1
OnSpbSplit2 triggered at same time than OnSplit2
OnSpbSplit3 triggered at same time than OnSplit3
OnSpbSplitLast triggered at same time than OnLap
The only difference is the hiding or no by config user.
No fuel left work only for a local player. You don't have info of the other player. Ahead of drivers use very much memory, i don't install it in Lapper. If player want this feature he can load LFSRelax
You can't modify buit-in var in Script ( if yes you can crash Lapper, too many risk ), only your's vars
Oh no i stop testing, i find a dirty solution for this issue. I have no control on much things to do a correct investigation. I can control only my insim app.
You are Right, the only person who can answer at all of our question is Scawen, because he can put debug info in his app.
For me button are sended to insim dedi with no issue on TCP and UDP.
Edit : a new info.
If every 30 buttons, i wait 10ms, button are displayed with no problem.
If i remove waiting, button after +/- 45 start to be displayed 1 per second. If i stop insim App. LFS client continue displaying button for a while. I presume it's LFS Dedi who flood LFS Client. But why when i put this waiting value each 30 buttons, this work fine
look at changes.txt or news options
config file is renamed with lpr extension
Last change
+----------------------------+ |Changes from v5.706 to 5.710| +----------------------------+ 1. AvgSpeed is allowed in all player event
2. Fix $allow regression
3. Allow && ( and ), || ( or ) in expression example: IF( $var > 2 && $var < 5 ) THEN ... ENDIF 4. Add new Var $HostName -> Current host Name
Caution : Configs files before are obsolete and use UTF8 or ansi editor like psppad to edit config file.
Open cfg/LFSLapper.lpr with UTF8 or ansi compliant ( PSPPAD -> ) editor, you can find Lapper.INI in doc folder and put it in pspad subfolder Syntax to have colorized lapper config file
+----------------------------+ |Changes from v5.706 to 5.707| +----------------------------+ 1. Add new var $isBestSectorSplit1 -> 1 if this sector split is best than previous Best, otherwise 0 $isBestSectorSplit2 -> 1 if this sector split is best than previous Best, otherwise 0 $isBestSectorSplit3 -> 1 if this sector split is best than previous Best, otherwise 0 $isBestSectorSplitLast -> 1 if this sector split is best than previous Best, otherwise 0
2. Remove var $CurSplit -> Split duration for the last sector $BestSplit -> Best Split duration for the last sector $DiffSplit -> CurSplit - BestSplit $BestSPB -> is the last sector is best than previous Best $SplitNumber -> Split number
3. Remove event OnSpbSplit
4. Add event OnSpbSplit1 -> Event triggered when sector split is done and showsplit on config player is true OnSpbSplit2 -> Event triggered when sector split is done and showsplit on config player is true OnSpbSplit3 -> Event triggered when sector split is done and showsplit on config player is true OnSpbSplitLast -> Event triggered when sector split is done and showsplit on config player is true
5. Add Var $PBLapTime -> Current PB on current Combo $diffLapTimeToPb -> Laptime - PBLTime
6. Now +-/* work also on time value example "0.10.10" + "0.01.20" = "0.11.30".
7. Fix disconnection when request button sended to fast to host ( LFS bug )
8. Add event OnSplit1 -> Event triggered when sector split is done OnSplit2 -> Event triggered when sector split is done OnSplit3 -> Event triggered when sector split is done OnLap -> Event triggered when sector split is done
I try this tommorrow. I hope this will be solve my problem.
but what i don't understand is if my insim app send request to host to query display button on LFS Client. I can put delay between buttons but for only beetween my insim app and host. I have no control under flood from host to client.
Thank's for your answer
PS: if this solution work, i try to create thread to enqueue data and send it with interval beetween request.
EDIT: Work fine with 1ms delay between 2 buttons on windows system. Strange solution. If Scawen can do anything in LFS to avoid to use this solution
it's not new colors var you need but $BestSPB for each split and last lap.
or Better
One event for split1, split2, split3, splitLast, in this case you display only button for this event. When onSplit1 is reached, clear all button and create a new set.
onSPlit1, clear old button and then draw all button
onSplit2, draw only split 2
onSplit3, draw only split 3
onSplitLast, draw only splitLast
For now i give you a new version. I hope you have all var needed