Just an information, LFSLapper is not a CTRA System and never will be! it'a a race qualify managing system. If you want CTRA like, try to code your own programm.
I don't think it convert this two language. it's MonkOnHotTinRoof who make this module ( thank's for him ) and when he do it this language was not implemented in LFS. If you do modification in this file and add this languages, please send me the modified file
It's normal that lapper stop LFS restart, because it's lapper who decide to restart race only when percent in config file was reached not when LFS decide
Syncing et FTPing it's two different things. Strange what you say
ABout Flags, it's Flags that are used for : Event OnNotMatchFlags()
Event LapperStart() is usefull to set globalvar or playervar ( soon ) at start of lapper. No number limitation for vars, be carefull do not use same name as builtin var like $SectorSplit1, etc.. . To avoid this issue, you can prefix all your globals var with "Glob_" example $Glob_myvar . The script must be more lisible and you will see immediatly globals var.
Comming soon playerVar
playerVar $myvar = 12;
the value is the default value for this player when he connect to server. Script can change it in player event. the new value is set only for the current player who triggered Event, unlike globalVar that is global for all players
I don't want remove Split1.. Split3, because you don't use it but other admin lapper can use it if needed.
$toto is a test var i forgot to remove
for userauthentification, i know but i remove it when i find time to do . This don't stop working application
+----------------------------+ |Changes from v5.712 to 5.713| +----------------------------+ 1. Flags players for current player tested also when on track and changed( mouse,view,...,etc)
2. Add new event : OnLapperStart this event is triggereg when lapper start
3. Add GlobalVar ident to define var that are global and visible on each event. Event OnLapperStart() GlobalVar $myvar;
$myvar = "it's a test"; EndEvent
This var now it's visible in all event and can be used or changed. All modification are visible on other event.
Ok, i understand now, it's a demo server. It's normal you have two line with your nickname. Because before patch Z LFS don't send username but nickname in demo mode. I save PB with nickname as username. Now all player have username and for Lapper it's a new entry. Erase your PB file.
For the wish, i put in on Todo, for now i look for other interesting things
PS : it's demo file, do you have a big licensed file?
Because time value are 1/100 of second time. But the two line work, Lapper do the conversion to put it in good format.
"1.10.12" = (1*60*100) + (10*100) + 12 = 7012 in 1/100 of second
PS: guys i just want to say you when you call sub, event and function, when you use test with IF...THEN..ELSE...ENDIF, when you use expression, like concatenation, add, sub, boolean expression with && and ||, you create a prog and you're a dev. this is the base of the programmation. If you look a real language, there are much add-on only to help you to dev quickly like var structured and loop block, but bases are the same. think about this
Race restart it's not a player event and Lapper can't know player who have triggered this event. I hope you understand what i mean! In this case you can't use privMsg and button for a particular player.
But you are rigth openGlobalButton must be active and closePrivButton also. I look for it.