if you run more than one LFSLapper ( it's better to run one ) put a different remotePort for each LFSLapper on same computer
remotePort=3001; remotePort=3002;
Yes "paragraph" ( better to say block ) only excecute when condition is true in THEN part or false in ELSE part. And block are delimited into IF condition THEN ... ELSE ... ENDIF. unlimited imbrication can be done. to have better reading it's good to indent your code to better view every blocks. ELSE block is optionnal
0 00 * * * * *
mean at 0 second when minute is 0 do action. Action is done one shoot because there is only one 0 second at 0 mn or 0 second at 15 mn etc...
0 30 * * * * *
in extenso : at 0 second,30 minute, every hour, every day of week, every day, every month, every year
if you want display a message only the 25 december of every year at 0 hours, 0 minute, zero second
0 0 0 * 25 12 *
i know GLScript is a little bit complicated than standard config file ( like AIRIO ), but much powerfull if you try to understand how it work. Continue!
most script exist for lapper, better is
But your version can't work because they need an ENDIF and also because there is a logic mistake.
if tirst test is true, you are an admin and you go in THEN clause. But if you are admin it's not an obligation to be an half admin. Second test is wrong. /restart is never executed.
To retreive Angle_drift var, you have to write $retreiveiVar = GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Angle_drift" );
$myvar is a GLScript Var, everytime preceded with $
GetCurrentPlayerVar( idOfVar ) is a function to get internal player var, idOfVar is a string containing the id of the internal var without $
SetCurrentPlayerVar( idOfVar,value ) is a function to set internal player var ( not the builtin var, only new var ), idOfVar is a string containing the id of the internal var without $ and value is any value, string or numerical
, if i have time to write a doc, it will be better. Maybe in Setember
############################ #Actions to do on Car Reset# ############################
$MaxCarResets = 5; # Set to a positive number to limit number of race resets
Event OnMaxCarResets() # Spectate if player has used car reset more than the max globalMsg( langEngine( "%{main_maxreset}%" , GetCurrentPlayerVar( "NickName" ) ) ); cmdLFS( "/spec " . GetCurrentPlayerVar( "Username" ) ); EndEvent
Event OnCarReset() # Do something when the car resets globalMsg( langEngine( "%{main_oncarreset}%", GetCurrentPlayerVar( "NickName" ),GetCurrentPlayerVar( "LapsDone" )+1 )); IF( $ConfVar["MaxCarResets"] > 0 ) THEN openPrivButton( "carres_warn",50,60,100,15,5,4,16, langEngine( "%{main_specwarn}%" ) ); openPrivButton( "carres_msg1",50,75,100,10,5,4,16,langEngine( "%{main_resetrest}%",$ConfVar["MaxCarResets"] - GetCurrentPlayerVar( "NumCarResets" ))); privdelayedcommand( 4, ApplyCarResetPenalty); ELSE privdelayedcommand( 1, ApplyCarResetPenalty); ENDIF EndEvent
Lang "EN" ...
main_maxreset = "{0} spectated for exceeding max car resets"; main_oncarreset = "Car Reset by {0} on lap {1}"; main_specwarn = "^1Spectate Warning"; main_resetrest = "^2You have^3 {0} ^2car resets left"; ... EndLang
Lang "FR" ... main_maxreset = "{0} mis en spectateur pour excès de reset de voiture"; main_oncarreset = "Reset de voiture par {0} au tour {1}"; main_specwarn = "^1Attention mise en spectateur"; main_resetrest = "^2Il vous reste^3 {0} ^2reset de voiture"; ... EndLang
Mono.Data.SqliteClient.dll won't work in Vista. I am not the writer of this DLL and i don't have vista to try another solution. I can't do anything for you,