Hello Racers,
For Christmas i do a beta version of Lapper. Version 5.31 to allow multiple license server
Config file is changed I release an utility to cenvert old format to new
Sync BetWeen 2 or more Lapper are do every 20s, but i can reduce this to one Second. But for limite Disk access 20s is a good timing.
Try it and send me bug reports
Quote : +--------------------------+
|Changes from v5.30 to 5.31|
1. *** WARNING *** Configuration file is changed
the terminator of each line is ";" now.
I remove 'Tab' obligation for multiline command
To avoid to retype all yours configs files, i do an Utility ConvCfg.exe to reconstruct all cfg file in directory where you launch ConfCfg.exe
2. Add 10 levels authorisation for access server relative to time do by user on Car/Track
( Automatised license management for two or more server with Sync PB Lapper feature )
You can have one serveur for all Player, the second server with PB file synchronized
with the first and allows only user who have made a good PB on the first server
3. Add parameter in config file for this feature
Auth1 = XFG:BL1:1.30.10 | XRT:SO4:1.20.20;
Auth2 = XFG:BL1:1.10.10 | XRT:SO4:1.20.20;
Auth3 = ...;
Auth10 = ...;
AuthAllowPlayer = Auth1|Auth2|...|AuthX;
OnAuthAllowed = /msg {Nickname}^3 allowed on this server;
OnAuthNotAllowed = /spec {Nickname}|
/msg {Nickname}^3 not allowed on this Server|
AuthPrivMess=^3You have got level {auth};
4. Add New command : /auth to know your level authorization on this server
|Changes from v5.20 to 5.30|
1. Add ability to sync PB.txt for 2 or more Lapper
2. Add parameter in config file
SyncID = Sync Unique ID for this Lapper
SyncDir = Sync Directory name for Synchronization, all Lappers to be Synchronized must have same Directory
SyncIDsToSync = All Lappers ID To synchronize with you, you can't put here your current Sync Unique ID
Last edited by Gai-Luron, Sun 23 Dec 2007, 19:23 .