The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
I've downloaded the PHP viewer for the website. I can't get it to display any stats, that page apears fine, just without stats.

I want stats for BL1 with the XRT if anyone can help.

this is my def.txt

IDENT=Blackwood GP Best Times
FILTER=Tous les pilotes:%|Les FRH:FRH%

and my

$STR_SPLIT1="Split 1";
$STR_SPLIT2="Split 2";
$STR_SPLIT3="Split 3";
$STR_BYCAR="Par voiture";
$STR_TOT="Full Lap";
$STR_LIBRESULT= "Résultats disponibles";

$path_pb = "http://necmedia/lfs/lapper/lapperview/";


Put link to PHPView. I think different structure of new PB.txt and old PB.txt
it's internal on our own network. This latest version of LFS lapper is the first one iv'e tried, and same with PHPView. Is PHPView picky with the PHP version? cause i copied all the settings and pb.txt files from one posted in this thread (thanks for have directory listing turned on ) And i still got the same problem.
Try to replace




Now car are in short format in new version of insim X

@Yisc[NL] : can you explain me more what do you want please? With example. Thanks for the config file

tried that still dosn't work .

Gai-Luron: I copyied all the settings from your site (i think it was yours), even used your pb.txt files, and i still get the same problem.
I hope I can make myself clear enough in the English language
First of all, I want to know when LFS gives a 30 or 45 second penalty? In other words, what do you have to do to receive such penalty? I already know you get a 30 sec penalty if you skip a mandatory pitstop (or fail to do so before the last lap) in a race. Doing so results in a 30-sec penalty but that's no reason to kick of ban someone for. If there are more reasons to give someone a 30 sec penalty, I think those things have to be split case by case in Lapper.

Second thing I’d like to see implemented, is some kind of warning before someone is kicked or banned. Say I get a Stop and Go penalty and the maximum for that penalty is set to 2. It would be nice if a person receives a warning after the first time so he/she knows where he/she is standing. Ofcourse, the notorious wrecker etc. etc. doesn't mind at all but for normal driving people who just smashed the pedal a bit too far, it would be nice for them to know they've had their final warning so they can pay extra attention to their driving.
LFS bugs
I'm running a LFSlapper server, everything works fine (like drift scores, automsgs) but AutoMsgPrivate commands dont work, Lapper does not process ! commands.. They used to work but now they dont.

The PB.txt and DriftPB.txt files are still growing.

My logerr.txt is attached, I wonder what's the matter..
Attached files - 6.8 KB - 255 views
There is probably an error in your cfg file

Please can someone help. When I type !top it only works for the car set as the default in cfg file. How do I get the top list for other cars without changing the config file? Also, say I set a server to fxo only can I not just type !top and it will give the fxo top times? (without changing the cfg file).
Quote from jasonmatthews :Please can someone help. When I type !top it only works for the car set as the default in cfg file. How do I get the top list for other cars without changing the config file? Also, say I set a server to fxo only can I not just type !top and it will give the fxo top times? (without changing the cfg file).

!top FZR etc
Hmmmm, doesn't work It just gives me the fox ones, which I made default... when I am in fox..

When I change default to anything other than fox nothing happens at all either..
I searched the file thoroughly, I dont seem to find an error.. If there's an error in the cfg file it Lapper wouldn't even run.. and since everything else is working fine I would assume the error has to be somewhere around the AutoMsgPrivate section but comparing it to the original cfg file there's no difference?
No there is no difference. Had this problem with lapper 4 & the 5.13...
Glad that someone has the same prob

post file.

But it's probably due to suppression of tabulation before multiline parameter. Some editor replace it with spaces. Look for this!! I have not this kind of this problems. In the next release i modify cfg file structure to avoid this issue

Quote from jasonmatthews :Hmmmm, doesn't work It just gives me the fox ones, which I made default... when I am in fox..

When I change default to anything other than fox nothing happens at all either..

Look for the "MaxLapTime" of the combo on TrackInfo.cfg if present. Look at your PB file if time are present

Hi, I have a problem with LFSLapper, on my dedicated server (Windows XP Pro).

It shows this error when I start them (Error traduced, because it is in spanish: The app has not been able to initialize correctly.)

Attached images

Need .NET 2.0


I have a new problem, now with .NET 2.0 installed.

When LFSLapper are running 5 or 10 minutes, shows this error.

Attached images
Help, I still dont know what's wrong with my cfg file!

Everything works except for the ! commands..

p.s. PB.txt and DriftPB.txt are still growing
Quote from revolucio :Hi!

I have a new problem, now with .NET 2.0 installed.

When LFSLapper are running 5 or 10 minutes, shows this error.


Who can help me, please, I need urgent help.

Thanks in advance
I have been mucking around with the handicaps and can see that you can state handicaps per driver, I was wondering if there is a way to state handicaps for all drivers that enter the server or for a particular vehicle.

Quote from revolucio :Hi!

I have a new problem, now with .NET 2.0 installed.

When LFSLapper are running 5 or 10 minutes, shows this error.

Make sure your dedi server is running on the same insim port as Lapper.
Also make sure you run the Lapper properly, you need a shortcut and in the target box it should be:

"X:\LFSLapperX.XX\bin\LFSLapper.exe" "X:\LFSLapperX.XX\bin\LFSLapper.cfg"
Quote from wonderous :Make sure your dedi server is running on the same insim port as Lapper.
Also make sure you run the Lapper properly, you need a shortcut and in the target box it should be:

"X:\LFSLapperX.XX\bin\LFSLapper.exe" "X:\LFSLapperX.XX\bin\LFSLapper.cfg"

Hi, all is correctly, but into the dedi server when LFSLapper stops, shows this: "INSIM ERROR: WOULDBLOCK"

Help, please
Attached images
What's is your OS?

This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )