The online racing simulator
Quote from Tim NL :Hi Nemox,

Try this part i removed a lot # in the drifting options.
And check the reply of Andy King

You sir, are my hero! I love you to pieces... lol

Thank you very much..

Small problem tho, it won't show toplist on !drf? what could that be?
LOL I think I read 2 posts and mixed them up sorry but what I said still needs changing. lol
Quote from Nemox :
Small problem tho, it won't show toplist on !drf? what could that be?

Change the following to the car or cars that you use on your server.

something like:
# Default car to show, when no car is specified in !top or !drf command.
DefaultTopCar = XFG
DefaultTopCar = XRT+LX4+LX6
Quote from Tim NL :DefaultTopCar = XRT+LX4+LX6

Nice one Tim never knew that would work, changing now lol brb. mmm didn't work as I show total laps in Agree screen at start and didn't look right FXR+FZR+XRR, yeah well was good while it lasted lol.

Request: Is it possible Gai that Lapper can do something similar to this as it looks really neat and professional. Sorry Conedodgers but I like the logo onscreen lol.

Help Required: I want to setup QualUser but when I enable RefreshQualUser = true; Lapper shows an error on startup saying "RefreshQualUser is not used by LFSLapper" but still runs everything else OK. I want to use a QualUser.flt file but also want to use DefGroup, is it possible to have a QualUser.flt file listed like this:

Andy King:FXR
John Doe:FXR
John Doe:FZR
John Doe:FZR
John Doe:FXR
John Doe:XRR

Do I need anything at the end of each line like , or : or ; to enable it to work or leave blank.

Thanks for any help.
Attached images
LFS 2008-07-02 03-32-01-03.jpg
Quote : DefGroup:5:5:1
Andy King:FXR
John Doe:FXR
John Doe:FZR
John Doe:FZR
John Doe:FXR
John Doe:XRR

Yes this work in file

Quote :Request: Is it possible Gai that Lapper can do something similar to this LFS 2008-07-02 03-32-01-03.jpg as it looks really neat and professional. Sorry Conedodgers but I like the logo onscreen lol.

Use 2 buttons overlapped but with little diff in coord and colour

Hi Gai,

Can you show me an example to save me about 3 hours playing and testing lol and a headache lol.
Gai, on the page, would it be possible to put the version of the LFS server? For example, after Ver " 5.6.4 ", another column, LFS " Z " or Y16, or X10, or ... just an idea, to see what people are using Lapper with.
Gai auto spectating and kicking are doesnt working. Why? because of patch Z
Hi Gai,
Can we have a quick fix for this please as gonna cause hassles, perhaps just an update on exe or similar to get this back running.
Look, at /spec command if any change do on LFS. Maybe now /spec need username instead NickName.


PS: 5.6.4 it's discontinued, wait for the 5.7.0.
Hi Gai,
That doesn't work.

Edit: Yes it does lol thanks Gai
if you wants similar to conedodgers insim, you need learn programming languages.luron isnt your coder
Quote from Max Torque :if you wants similar to conedodgers insim, you need learn programming languages.luron isnt your coder

LMAO Not even worth a repsonse.

Hi All,
I created a button /gbut logo,115,0,24,6,0,-1,2, ^3[^1A^7K^4M^3] ^1Racing UK 2; and added it to connect messages but when I change back to spectating it disapears. Any ideas where to put it so it stays onscreen continuosly.

New beta version of Lapper, with new config file with more detailed syntax error. If someone can help me to do a tutorial for config file
You can't use your old LFSLapper and trackInfo cfg file.

Quote :+----------------------------+
|Changes from v5.641 to 5.700|
1. Change config file, new version, it's more easy to create and read. I create a little scripting language, i upgrade it in the future

2. Change in trackinfo file for the split actions. Now split action reference to sub in config file

3. You can search specific user with !nearqual and !near
without arg, you can view you nearqual position
with arg you can view nearqual position for a player
arg can be a partial name !nearqual gai-lu

Example config file

# Connect messages #
# Message that is shown to players when they connect to the server.

Event OnConnect()
openPrivButton( "welc",25,50,150,15,12,-1,0,"^7Welcome " . $Nickname . " to ^1LFSLapper ^7powered server !&^2Type ^7!help ^2after leaving garage to see commands." );
openPrivButton( "pos",25,80,150,10,8,-1,0,"^7Your actual friendly Position (all visitors) : ^7" . $Posabs
. "&^2Your actual League prequalify Position : " . $Posqual . " ^6Estimate Pool : " . $Groupqual
. "&Don't use swearwords on this server"
. "&respect other player"
. "&otherwise you can be banned "
openPrivButton( "clos",78,120,20,10,10,-1,32,"Accept",OnConnectClose );
openPrivButton( "ref",103,120,20,10,10,-1,32,"Deny",OnConnectCloseKick );
http("" );
Sub OnConnectClose()
Sub OnConnectCloseKick()
cmdLFS("/kick " . $Username );

# Scheduled actions #
# Actions that are executed on schedule. Use '|' for next schedule/action pair and to separate schedule from action.
# If more schedules or actions, separate them with ':'.
# ss mm hh dd MM YYYY

Register ScheduleAction( "0 0 0 * * *", SA_mid );
Sub SA_mid()
cmdLFS("/rcm Midnight warning to all working men!");

# Action #
# Action to do on special command typed in message line
# $allow is optional if you wish to specify users, that are allowed to execute action
# You can specify more user separated by ','
# If ! before a name, force nickName authentification if UseUsernameForAuthentication=true
# If ! before a name, force userName authentification if UseUsernameForAuthentication=false
# You can use regexp expression in userName pattern, type regex=your regular expression
# Exemple : if UseUsernameForAuthentication=treu
# !regex=^\[COP\].*
# Find all user who nickname begin with [COP]
# regex=^Gai.*
# Find all user who username begin with Gai
# See regular expression on web for more info how it work
# Use & sign at end of patterns, if you wish to specify a file containing users, that are allowed to execute action. users separate by \n

$UseUsernameForAuthentication = true;

Register MsgAction("!test",MA_test);
Sub MA_test()
$allow = "Gai-Luron,lagamel";
cmdLFS("/rcm " . $Nickname . " is testing...");
cmdLFS("/rcm_ply " . $Nickname );

Register MsgAction("!license",MA_license);
Sub MA_license()
$allow = "Gai-Luron,lagamel";
setLicense( $argv );

Little explanation of the new config file

List of All variable who can be used in Players event

$Nickname -> Nickname
$Username -> UserName
$Laps -> Number of Lap done on current track and current Car
$SessLaps -> Session Number of Lap done on current track and current Car
$TotalPitTime -> Total Time stop in pit place
$Car -> Current car of Player
$Posabs -> Current absolute position
$Posqual -> Current qualification position
$Groupqual -> Current group qualification
$SwearWordsRem -> Remaining retry before SwearWordsAction2 triggered
$H_Mass -> User mass required on this server
$H_TRes -> User intake restriction required on this server
$P_Mass -> Current Player Mass
$P_TRes -> Current player restriction
$SplitTime -> Last Split time do by player
$CurSplit -> Split duration for the last sector
$BestSplit -> Best Split duration for the last sector
$DiffSplit -> CurSplit - BestSplit
$BestSpeed -> Best Speed do on this combo by player
$UnitSpeed -> Unit of the Speed of the current player
$Tpb -> Theorical PB
$DriftScore -> Drift score
$typ -> {typ} - = "Sess" if split PB for Session "PB" if split PB for PB file;
$AngleVelocity -> Last Angle velocity in degrees
$LastDriftScore -> Last drift score
$AccelerationStartSpeed -> Starting speed
$AccelerationEndSpeed -> Ending speed
$AccelerationTime -> Acceleration time achieved from start to end speed
$MaxAllowedLapTime1 -> Max Allowed Time before trigger Event OnMaxAllowedLapTime1
$MaxAllowedLapTime2 -> Max Allowed Time before trigger Event OnMaxAllowedLapTime2
$Dist -> Distance done on current combo/track by player
$SessDist -> Distance done on current combo/track by player on current session

List of All variable who can be used in all events

$ShortTime -> Server Time in short format
$LongTime -> Server Time in long format
$ShortDate -> Datein short format
$LongDate -> Datein long format

Additionnal Variable can be used in lapTimeAction. See trackInfo.cfg

$LapTime -> Current Lap Time

Additionnal Variable can be used in OnSpbLastLow or OnSpbLastUp.

$AvgSpeed -> Current Lap Time

Additionnal Variable can be used in OnBeginPit.

$Work -> Work do on current car player after Pit

Additionnal Variable can be used in votation.
$Vote -> Number player who have voted to restart, qualify or end
$Players -> Number player can vote ( player on track )
$Remain -> How many vote remain after votation conclude
$Need -> How many vote to do action qualify, restart or end

Additionnal Variable can be used in OnNotMatchFlags.

$RequiredFlags -> Flag required on this server
$PlayerFlags -> Flag for the current player

Additionnal Variable can be used in OnFastDriveOnPitL1 or OnFastDriveOnPitL2.
$RemainFDIP -> Remain count for fast drive in pit

Additionnal Variable can be used in OnAuthReached .
$auth -> Authorization reached


Command block to run when a LFS Special event is triggered
Event EventId()

Command block used by backcall command like button or scheduled action or when receive a command by player
Sub SubId()

Register MsgAction("!test",MA_test);
You can register à sub function tu call when player type special text
Firts arg = text typed in
Second arg = Sub to call when player type this text

Register ScheduleAction( "0 0 0 * * *", SA_mid );
You can register à sub function to call when time is reached
Firts arg = cron format ss mm hh dd MM YYYY
Second arg = Sub to call when player type this text

Command allowed on Event and Sub

To send a command to Lapper, see command.txt in LFS Doc

privMsg( "Message_text");
Tosend a private Message to the player who have triggered Event

openPrivButton( "help",25,28,150,10,5,-1,0,"^2Commands list" );
openPrivButton( "help",25,28,150,10,5,-1,0,"^2Commands list", backcall );
Open a button for the current player
1 - Unique id for this button
2 - Left coordinate for this button ( 0-200 )
3 - Top coordinate for this button ( 0-200 )
4 - Weigth this button ( 0-200 )
5 - Heigth this button ( 0-200 )
6 - Space between line in multiline button
7 - Duration in Second of the display button, -1 -> Don't automatically close
8 - Format of the button, look at insim.txt for value
9 - Button caption, for multiline, separate each line with &
10 - Option name of the backcalled sub

Close one or more button, you specify id of the button to close, multiple id separated by &

openGlobalButton( "bargr1",60,1,10,6,6,30,96,"Restart:" );
Same as openPrivButton, but open button for all player connected

Same as closePrivButton, but close button for all player connected

There are another function, look in config file


Please return me bugs !

Bye Gai-Luron
Wow, what a lot of work have you put into this.
A big thank you is what you deserve for this.
So here it is: THANK YOU

First thing I noticed is the absence of LFSLapper.cfg while it's still called from NETStartDefault.bat , so instead of the previous version, people have to make their own config-file before using lapper?
Second thing is the idea to make a GUI for this program which writes a LFSLapper.cfg at the end.

First bug I found:

# Idle timeout for OnIdleAction1 in 1/10 seconds.
$OnIdleTimeout1 = 200;

# Idle timeout for OnIdleAction2 in 1/10 seconds.
$OnIdleTimeout2 = 300;

Time isn't meassured in 10th of seconds but in whole seconds, so the default value of 200 and 300 is equal to 3m20sec and to 5m00sec

Second bug:

When driving a new pb you receive the message: New PB by {nickname} (Car): (unknown)
according to the config-file a laptime should be shown instead of unknown

Third 'bug':

Lapper still giving those messages: Penalty not catched PENR_UNKNOWN
And I see a message: Sub '' not found in your config file

Another thing is the split-times messages in the middle of the screen.
That's realy annoying and should not be done this way by default.
I know how to change it but I'm sure a lot of people don't know that so we end up with a lot of servers having this messages in the middle of the screen.

[edit 2]
Fourth bug:

typing !top xfg when default car is set to FBM, only shows list of FBM instead of XFG. So the cartype after !top is completely ignored.
[/edit 2]

[edit 3]
I have to blow some more sunshine on you. Using a file with an action is working flawless now and also broadcasting a RCM using a button is working like a charm. Well done mate, well done!
[/edit 3]

[edit 4]
Fifth bug:

Event OnEndPit()
cmdLFS( "msg " . $Nickname . "^8 quit pit in " . $PitTime );
privMsg( "Pit finished in " . $PitTime ." - Total Pit: " . $TotalPitTime . "!" );

msg should be /msg
$PitTime is displayed as (unknown)

Further I noticed that if you are spectated using the idle timer, all button on screen are closed.
Either change that so open buttons stay open, or make an option to open buttons in the "Race Action" session so buttons can be opened there instead of opening them in the "On Connect" section.
[/edit 4]

[edit 5]
Sixth bug:

When driving a new pb you receive the message: Average speed: (unknown) Km/h
So $AvgSpeed isn't displayed correctly
[/edit 5]
Quote from Yisc[NL] :
A big thank you is what you deserve for this.
So here it is: THANK YOU

I agree... THANKYOU

A question... I dont remeber if I can use the same file #QualUsers = &./your_file.flt; also for Auth drivers... (it would be very useful)

Many thank's for the debugging. When you dev you can't see all. Thank's

Quote :

# Idle timeout for OnIdleAction1 in 1/10 seconds.
$OnIdleTimeout1 = 200;

# Idle timeout for OnIdleAction2 in 1/10 seconds.
$OnIdleTimeout2 = 300;

Time isn't meassured in 10th of seconds but in whole seconds, so the default value of 200 and 300 is equal to 3m20sec and to 5m00sec


Quote :

Second bug:

When driving a new pb you receive the message: New PB by {nickname} (Car): (unknown)
according to the config-file a laptime should be shown instead of unknown


Quote :

Fourth bug:

typing !top xfg when default car is set to FBM, only shows list of FBM instead of XFG. So the cartype after !top is completely ignored.

you will put car in uppercase, now you can do in lower and upper

Quote :

[/edit 2]

Fifth bug:

Event OnEndPit()
cmdLFS( "msg " . $Nickname . "^8 quit pit in " . $PitTime );
privMsg( "Pit finished in " . $PitTime ." - Total Pit: " . $TotalPitTime . "!" );

msg should be /msg
$PitTime is displayed as (unknown)


Quote :

[edit 5]
Sixth bug:

When driving a new pb you receive the message: Average speed: (unknown) Km/h
So $AvgSpeed isn't displayed correctly
[/edit 5]


New release 5.701
Quote from lysergic :I agree... THANKYOU

A question... I dont remeber if I can use the same file #QualUsers = &./your_file.flt; also for Auth drivers... (it would be very useful)

I look later if i can put this option in more vars.

Next stage. Now config file it's more easy to manage for me in prog.

Very well done mate. This program is becoming better and better. I took the liberty to rewrite the default config-script a little bit and want to send you the corrected version. So here it is.

I also have a little wishlist:

- extra value to display the number of races before auto-rotation will happen
- option to skip track rotation but still have car rotation (the other way around is already possible)

[edit 06-07-08 , 11:27]

Found some other bugs:

$allow = "&./admin.txt"; or $allow = "Gai-Luron";
It does work on a localhost but when running the same settings on a dedicated host this command is completely ignored.

$InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = "0-0"; or $InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = "1-0"; or $InRaceLapsVoteMinMax = "-";
It does work the way it is supposed to be but always gives a messages on the console "vote=no" when Lapper is started
Attached files
LFSLapper.txt - 41.9 KB - 364 views
Hey Gui,

i found another "bug" of your lapper.

If there is no WR and a driver changed comparisonmethod at shift+i to wr, the lapper just puts some errors and loses connection after a short time.

Greetings CommanderMAS

Is it posible to goto a sub from a closePrivButton?
So i can close a multiline Privbutton and open a new one.

Something like this.

Sub Gotohelp()

Sub MA_help

And How to load PubStatIdk?
When i use the folling line i get a syntax error
PubStatIdk = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;

ps: i using Lapper version 5.701
Hi Gai!

Server is saying YOU ARE KICKED but server doesnt kick ??Why and
How can open the autorestart application....
You need to use Username rather than Nickname
Quote from turnbull :Hi Gai!

Server is saying YOU ARE KICKED but server doesnt kick ??Why and
How can open the autorestart application....

This will only happen if you are logged in with admin-status.

To auto restart the race you have to give a value to:

$AutoRestartRaceMn = 0;

0 = no auto restart
1,2,3 etc is the time in minutes before an auto restart is done.
This time is meassured from the moment the last player finished the race.
In the situation where the last player takes too many time to reach the finish, the time is meassured from the moment that player is spectated.
Quote from Tim NL :Hi,

Is it posible to goto a sub from a closePrivButton?
So i can close a multiline Privbutton and open a new one.

Something like this.

Sub Gotohelp()

Sub MA_help

And How to load PubStatIdk?
When i use the folling line i get a syntax error
PubStatIdk = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx;

ps: i using Lapper version 5.701

For now no, but in the future Yes! I change config file also for this .

In next stage i planned to add
- control flow
IF ... THEN ... ELSE ... ENDIF

- Loop methods

Now In event and sub you can use +-/* in expression or attribution to local var
$toto = (12 + 3)*4 + $OtherVar;

Many thank's for your tests men. I look it quickly.
Today i construct my barbecue and i have no time to look for your request. But don't worry i fix the bugs

Pubstat is a string! Quote it!

$PubStatIdk = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";

This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )