You sir, are my hero! I love you to pieces... lol
Thank you very much..

Small problem tho, it won't show toplist on !drf? what could that be?
# Connect messages #
# Message that is shown to players when they connect to the server.
Event OnConnect()
openPrivButton( "welc",25,50,150,15,12,-1,0,"^7Welcome " . $Nickname . " to ^1LFSLapper ^7powered server !&^2Type ^7!help ^2after leaving garage to see commands." );
openPrivButton( "pos",25,80,150,10,8,-1,0,"^7Your actual friendly Position (all visitors) : ^7" . $Posabs
. "&^2Your actual League prequalify Position : " . $Posqual . " ^6Estimate Pool : " . $Groupqual
. "&Don't use swearwords on this server"
. "&respect other player"
. "&otherwise you can be banned "
openPrivButton( "clos",78,120,20,10,10,-1,32,"Accept",OnConnectClose );
openPrivButton( "ref",103,120,20,10,10,-1,32,"Deny",OnConnectCloseKick );
http("" );
Sub OnConnectClose()
Sub OnConnectCloseKick()
cmdLFS("/kick " . $Username );
# Scheduled actions #
# Actions that are executed on schedule. Use '|' for next schedule/action pair and to separate schedule from action.
# If more schedules or actions, separate them with ':'.
# ss mm hh dd MM YYYY
Register ScheduleAction( "0 0 0 * * *", SA_mid );
Sub SA_mid()
cmdLFS("/rcm Midnight warning to all working men!");
# Action #
# Action to do on special command typed in message line
# $allow is optional if you wish to specify users, that are allowed to execute action
# You can specify more user separated by ','
# If ! before a name, force nickName authentification if UseUsernameForAuthentication=true
# If ! before a name, force userName authentification if UseUsernameForAuthentication=false
# You can use regexp expression in userName pattern, type regex=your regular expression
# Exemple : if UseUsernameForAuthentication=treu
# !regex=^\[COP\].*
# Find all user who nickname begin with [COP]
# regex=^Gai.*
# Find all user who username begin with Gai
# See regular expression on web for more info how it work
# Use & sign at end of patterns, if you wish to specify a file containing users, that are allowed to execute action. users separate by \n
$UseUsernameForAuthentication = true;
Register MsgAction("!test",MA_test);
Sub MA_test()
$allow = "Gai-Luron,lagamel";
cmdLFS("/rcm " . $Nickname . " is testing...");
cmdLFS("/rcm_ply " . $Nickname );
Register MsgAction("!license",MA_license);
Sub MA_license()
$allow = "Gai-Luron,lagamel";
setLicense( $argv );
List of All variable who can be used in Players event
$Nickname -> Nickname
$Username -> UserName
$Laps -> Number of Lap done on current track and current Car
$SessLaps -> Session Number of Lap done on current track and current Car
$TotalPitTime -> Total Time stop in pit place
$Car -> Current car of Player
$Posabs -> Current absolute position
$Posqual -> Current qualification position
$Groupqual -> Current group qualification
$SwearWordsRem -> Remaining retry before SwearWordsAction2 triggered
$H_Mass -> User mass required on this server
$H_TRes -> User intake restriction required on this server
$P_Mass -> Current Player Mass
$P_TRes -> Current player restriction
$SplitTime -> Last Split time do by player
$CurSplit -> Split duration for the last sector
$BestSplit -> Best Split duration for the last sector
$DiffSplit -> CurSplit - BestSplit
$BestSpeed -> Best Speed do on this combo by player
$UnitSpeed -> Unit of the Speed of the current player
$Tpb -> Theorical PB
$DriftScore -> Drift score
$typ -> {typ} - = "Sess" if split PB for Session "PB" if split PB for PB file;
$AngleVelocity -> Last Angle velocity in degrees
$LastDriftScore -> Last drift score
$AccelerationStartSpeed -> Starting speed
$AccelerationEndSpeed -> Ending speed
$AccelerationTime -> Acceleration time achieved from start to end speed
$MaxAllowedLapTime1 -> Max Allowed Time before trigger Event OnMaxAllowedLapTime1
$MaxAllowedLapTime2 -> Max Allowed Time before trigger Event OnMaxAllowedLapTime2
$Dist -> Distance done on current combo/track by player
$SessDist -> Distance done on current combo/track by player on current session
List of All variable who can be used in all events
$ShortTime -> Server Time in short format
$LongTime -> Server Time in long format
$ShortDate -> Datein short format
$LongDate -> Datein long format
Additionnal Variable can be used in lapTimeAction. See trackInfo.cfg
$LapTime -> Current Lap Time
Additionnal Variable can be used in OnSpbLastLow or OnSpbLastUp.
$AvgSpeed -> Current Lap Time
Additionnal Variable can be used in OnBeginPit.
$Work -> Work do on current car player after Pit
Additionnal Variable can be used in votation.
$Vote -> Number player who have voted to restart, qualify or end
$Players -> Number player can vote ( player on track )
$Remain -> How many vote remain after votation conclude
$Need -> How many vote to do action qualify, restart or end
Additionnal Variable can be used in OnNotMatchFlags.
$RequiredFlags -> Flag required on this server
$PlayerFlags -> Flag for the current player
Additionnal Variable can be used in OnFastDriveOnPitL1 or OnFastDriveOnPitL2.
$RemainFDIP -> Remain count for fast drive in pit
Additionnal Variable can be used in OnAuthReached .
$auth -> Authorization reached
Command block to run when a LFS Special event is triggered
Event EventId()
Command block used by backcall command like button or scheduled action or when receive a command by player
Sub SubId()
Register MsgAction("!test",MA_test);
You can register à sub function tu call when player type special text
Firts arg = text typed in
Second arg = Sub to call when player type this text
Register ScheduleAction( "0 0 0 * * *", SA_mid );
You can register à sub function to call when time is reached
Firts arg = cron format ss mm hh dd MM YYYY
Second arg = Sub to call when player type this text
Command allowed on Event and Sub
To send a command to Lapper, see command.txt in LFS Doc
privMsg( "Message_text");
Tosend a private Message to the player who have triggered Event
openPrivButton( "help",25,28,150,10,5,-1,0,"^2Commands list" );
openPrivButton( "help",25,28,150,10,5,-1,0,"^2Commands list", backcall );
Open a button for the current player
1 - Unique id for this button
2 - Left coordinate for this button ( 0-200 )
3 - Top coordinate for this button ( 0-200 )
4 - Weigth this button ( 0-200 )
5 - Heigth this button ( 0-200 )
6 - Space between line in multiline button
7 - Duration in Second of the display button, -1 -> Don't automatically close
8 - Format of the button, look at insim.txt for value
9 - Button caption, for multiline, separate each line with &
10 - Option name of the backcalled sub
Close one or more button, you specify id of the button to close, multiple id separated by &
openGlobalButton( "bargr1",60,1,10,6,6,30,96,"Restart:" );
Same as openPrivButton, but open button for all player connected
Same as closePrivButton, but close button for all player connected
There are another function, look in config file