LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Tim NL :Hi Andy ,

This will work
Start your Logo when people click on Acept.

Sub OnConnectClose()
openGlobalButton( "logo",115,0,25,6,0,-1,0,"^3[^1A^7K^4M^3] ^1Racing UK X",);

Hi Tim,

That does exactly the same as it does in OnConnect which is were I put it, it still disapears when a racer spectates after racing.
Quote from Andy King :Hi Tim,

That does exactly the same as it does in OnConnect which is were I put it, it still disapears when a racer spectates after racing.

I'm not completely sure but I think this is behavior of LFS instead of Lapper.
Maybe I'm wrong about it but then Gai have to give the final answer

Yes, it's LFS who turn off button. I take a look if any chance to do in other way.

Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

Yes, it's LFS who turn off button. I take a look if any chance to do in other way.


Thankyou Gai
Hi Gai ! pls help on tuo noob questions, hou do u make automated unnamed kick and swear kick, thx a mill
Quote from mitza_rally :Hi Gai ! pls help on tuo noob questions, hou do u make automated unnamed kick and swear kick, thx a mill

That isn't too difficult:

Auto kick unnamed:

Register ScheduleAction( "* 0 * * * *", SA_kick_1 );
Sub SA_kick_1()
cmdLFS("/kick Unnamed");

Register ScheduleAction( "* 5 * * * *", SA_kick_2 );
Sub SA_kick_2()
cmdLFS("/kick Unnamed");

etc. etc.

Swear kick:

$SwearWordsList = "****,asholes,bastard,idiot";
#$SwearWordsList = "&./swear.txt";
$SwearWordsMax = 2;

Event SwearWordsAction1()
privMsg( "^1Don't use this words on this server" );
privMsg( "You will be kicked in ^2" . $SwearWordsRem . " ^1 more attempt(s)" );

Event SwearWordsAction2()
privMsg( "Too many swearwords, kicked" );
cmdLFS( "/kick " . $UserName );
Thx Yisc, it was a noob question but thats whie this forum is here.
Hi, I have some problems with the lapper (5.703)

There´s no kicking when driving to fast in the pit, have tryed username instead of nickname and im Not using Admin rights.

Then there´s no kicking when swearing and flooding the chat

Have I done something wrong or is it the lapper?
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Lapper.txt - 1.4 KB - 264 views
Quote from The_saint :Hi, I have some problems with the lapper (5.703)

There´s no kicking when driving to fast in the pit, have tryed username instead of nickname and im Not using Admin rights.

Then there´s no kicking when swearing and flooding the chat

Have I done something wrong or is it the lapper?

I don't see anything wrong. The only boobytrap is testing this with an admin account. An admin can't be kicked or banned, so it looks like nothing happens.
I have tested both, with admin and without, no changes :S im going to try reinstall lfs dedi (Z) and see if there something wrong with the server.
Quote from The_saint :Hi, I have some problems with the lapper (5.703)

There´s no kicking when driving to fast in the pit, have tryed username instead of nickname and im Not using Admin rights.

Then there´s no kicking when swearing and flooding the chat

Have I done something wrong or is it the lapper?

Do you use UTF-8 editor, try PSPPAD
Quote from Gai-Luron :Hello,

Yes, it's LFS who turn off button. I take a look if any chance to do in other way.


I think it's the Lapper that clears the button...I tried to log the insim communication and it seems that Lapper sends a 42 - ISP_BFN packet right after LFS has sent a 23 - ISP_PLL (Player Leave) packet.
Infact, trying with another app (LFSAdminRights), I do not lose buttons on screen when going from race to spectator.

Btw, congrats for all your work on LFSLapper, I haven't used it much (yet) but it looks amazing
The possibility of using user-defined scripts is absolutely brilliant

Quote from Gai-Luron :Do you use UTF-8 editor, try PSPPAD

Yes I have tried that, i've also tried lapper 5.54/ 5.641 same thing but it has worked before on 5.54 and 5.641, is it becos of Patch Z ?

LFS Patch Z, No admin password

Drive in pit 80+km/h = not kicked

Cfg file Lapper 5.641 = at Penalties
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Lapper.txt - 1.2 KB - 259 views
Hi Saint,

Try my old one....

Quote :
OnFastDriveOnPitL1 = /msg {Nickname} ^3PITLANE SPEED ^150 MPH !! ^3Please Slow Down;
OnFastDriveOnPitL2 = /msg {Nickname}|/pm ^3Spectated as exceeded ^150 MPH ^3again|/spec {Username};
OnMaxFastDriveOnPit = /pm {Nickname} ^3Banned for repeatedly exceeding pitlane speed limit|/rcm ^3YOU ARE BANNED|/rcm_ply {Username}|/ban {Username};
MaxFastDriveOnPit = 4;
OnFalseStartL1 = /drive-through {Username}|/msg {Nickname} ^3Drive Through Penalty False Start!;
OnFalseStartL2 = /Stop&Go {Username}|/msg {Nickname} ^3Stop & Go Penalty False Start!;

See if that works as it always used to.
Quote from Andy King :Hi Saint,

Try my old one....

See if that works as it always used to.

Thx, it worked, how, i dont know but now its working again.
Hi All,
How do I use the schedule to kick Unnamed Racers.....

Register ScheduleAction( "00 * * * * * : 30 * * * * *", SA_Unnamed );
Sub SA_Unnamed()
cmdLFS("/kick Unnamed");

Can anyone tell me why this won't kick.
Kick with nicknane don't work in Z patch

Wait for a future extension of LFSLapper
Quote from Andy King :Hi All,
How do I use the schedule to kick Unnamed Racers.....

Register ScheduleAction( "00 * * * * * : 30 * * * * *", SA_Unnamed );
Sub SA_Unnamed()
cmdLFS("/kick Unnamed");

Can anyone tell me why this won't kick.

Hi Andy,

You can only kick players with the username unnamed if you use a ScheduleAction or on connect ( /kick Unnamed )

Players with a nickname unnamed and a different username you can't kick
Thanks guys will wait for IF & AND commands to be implemented as thats what I think you mean Gai.

If Nickname = Unnamed /KICK the muppet lol
Quote from Starblue :I think it's the Lapper that clears the button...I tried to log the insim communication and it seems that Lapper sends a 42 - ISP_BFN packet right after LFS has sent a 23 - ISP_PLL (Player Leave) packet.
Infact, trying with another app (LFSAdminRights), I do not lose buttons on screen when going from race to spectator.

Btw, congrats for all your work on LFSLapper, I haven't used it much (yet) but it looks amazing
The possibility of using user-defined scripts is absolutely brilliant


Exact Sherlock, i forgot this . I remove it. I hope this don't impact in other way.

Im have this problem

help me please
after press any key lapper will be closed
O! Sorry! ALL WORK!!! utf-8 ))))
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Hi Gai,
I got a feature request...

Is it possible to implement a rotational message system.

We all send messages using Lapper saying "Respect the BLUE FLAG at all times !" etc etc. Instead of using the Schedule could you implement it so we can rotate a list of messages say every 120 seconds or whatever to server.

If this sytem had 2 areas within itself....
1) Send messages through server to all drivers.
2) Send messages through rcm_all to cockpits.

This would give us the best of both worlds. We could add as many messages to each system as we wanted and the server wouldn't be flooded as only 1 message is sent every 120 seconds on a rotational system.

Thanks for all you help.
Hi Gai,

I got also a feature request...

The posibility to store user and or nicknames in a database when they press a button.So we can set up a race in the schedule and people can register them self by pressing a button.
If the stored username's are place on a new line in the database we can use the database for QualUsers.

second one: A posibility to fill the text from (multiline)button from a text file. This makes it posible to change the text of a multiline button without restarting lapper and make the config file a bit shorter.
Hi all!
Drift score
LFSLapper 5.703
How I can correct this?

I need this
Help me please
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Another plea for help.

Is there a way of notifying people when a new top Drift Score has been posted?
This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )