The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Punchy :ScheduledAction = 0 * * * * * : 30 * * * * *|/spectate unnamed|
0 0 * * * * : 0 10 * * * * : 0 20 * * * * : 0 30 * * * * : 0 40 * * * * : 0 50 * * * *|/msg ^3Visit the forum at ^|
0 5 * * * * : 0 15 * * * * : 0 25 * * * * : 0 35 * * * * : 0 45 * * * * : 0 55 * * * *|/msg ^3Check your PB's at http//

If i put that in my cfg in the correct position lfslapper gives an error that the thing you gave me is not correct etc......
It is correct as it's working fine on our server, it looks like the forum may have put some huge spaces in between the the lines so if you copied and pasted it won't work, (it was only an example of ours), to make it easier for you just make it one long line, no spaces before and after the | symbol although it is easier to have separate lines for each message.
Please come to my server :s
The Racing Community
Here's a copy of our cfg from our demo server, I've changed the extension from cfg to txt so i could upload it, change things to suit your needs also, it has a long list of swear words for the bad language filter you can remove or leave them as you wish.
Attached files
LFSLapper.txt - 24.2 KB - 295 views
K Ty i got it working

Now only need to find away to combine lapper with stats :s

But if i want it to say the message every minute how do i have to do that than?
0 1 * * * * : 0 2 * * * * : 0 3 ........ or what?
to make a message come every minute put "* * * * 0"
Quote from vane :to make a message come every minute put "* * * * 0"

Please also put in a message because i don't get where i have to put the message than like with a space or..
oh cr*p i think i did it wrong try "0 * * * * *"

0 * * * * * |/rcm {insert race command message here!!!}:/rcm_all|
Quote from vane :oh cr*p i think i did it wrong try "0 * * * * *"

0 * * * * * |/rcm {insert race command message here!!!}:/rcm_all|

doubt it

0 * * * * * =
s m h d m y

(second , minuet, hour, day, month, year)
Quote from Private6 :K Ty i got it working

Now only need to find away to combine lapper with stats :s

But if i want it to say the message every minute how do i have to do that than?
0 1 * * * * : 0 2 * * * * : 0 3 ........ or what?

if you want a messege to be said every certain amount of time its fairly easy this is an example command

ScheduledAction = 0 * * * * * : 30 * * * * *|/msg Kicking time (every 30 seconds)!:/kick unnamed

now this is a good command cause on the end it has /kick unnamed this will also kick any unnamed person in game(demo only) every 30 seconds.this is how it works the 0 * * * * * = ssmmhhddMMYYYY so thats how you work out your time so if it wanted a command to say "visit my site at" then i would do this

ScheduledAction = 0 * * * * * : 30 * * * * *|/msg visit my site at

that will then be said on screen every 30 seconds

hope that helped
Quote from mcgas001 :
ScheduledAction = 0 * * * * * : 30 * * * * *|/msg visit my site at

that will then be said on screen every 30 seconds

hope that helped

Works perfect

Now i only need to combine my lapper with stats, I have no freakin' idea how to do that
Issue: Lapper keeps dying every couple of days without warning (no debug message, no log message, just a clean exit) with mono v1.2.4 on Linux 2.6.9. I can't seem to compile it with mono either, keep getting various error messages. Any ideas?

Note: Example of our LFS stats page:
Quote from quackdougal :i think you may have mis-understood me, i do not want stats for the AI (macfox may tho, i dunno). i would much prefer that lapper ignores the AI completely, because at the moment, if you add AI to the server, lapper goes crazy, like macfox said above

Yes... The problem is if AI is running on the server, LFS Lapper floods with messages. 20-30 a second. Not using AI isn't a real solution. Sure a lot of people don't like them, but they will eventually get improved and will be come more popular. It's only a small fix form looking at the code, but better for the devs to fix, than me hacking the code, as I did to get it to run as a service correctly.
bug report

!cleanspb command works without effect - see picture.
(very poor for hotlappers
Attached images
Quote from [d9] :hi,

!cleanspb command works without effect - see picture.
(very poor for hotlappers

In LFS, Type SHIFT+i and select Session from the buttons and try

spb = Session PB

If you are in Session mode the PB is replaced by SES

Well at least it does on mine
oh, thanx. then !spb command in normal (non session) mode is...
spb = SessionS PB
i didnt know if its feature or just not implemented.

... both are theoretical PBs (tpb), nothing to do with any PBs. only temporary (session) one can be cleared? ohh... what a bad luck, i must clear non session ones by hand in *pad

Quote from birder :In LFS, Type SHIFT+i and select Session from the buttons and try

spb = Session PB

If you are in Session mode the PB is replaced by SES

Well at least it does on mine

in my game is no FXO car how you did it?

Quote from likeME :thanks but not working anyway ....

My problem is that when I drift results not showing in the game,show only split times...but if I type: !drf FXO My drift score shows points

And in the DiftPB.txt all player scores are displayed

I don't know what to do

Quote from likeME :thanks but not working anyway ....

My problem is that when I drift results not showing in the game,show only split times...but if I type: !drf FXO My drift score shows points

And in the DiftPB.txt all player scores are displayed

I don't know what to do

what car are you trying to find the drift score for?
Quote from Gai-Luron :Special thank's

The initial programm was written by MonkOnHotTinRoof. I have his autorisation to maintain and developpe this programm because he stop Dev. Thank's a lot Monkter for your initial prog


LFSLapper will work for both Demo and Licensed hosts and can be used also for single player games.
Will also work on dedicated servers and Linux OS (Mono required).

Some features
  • Public personal best lap notification
  • Public split times notifications
  • Best laps ladder; each track, each car with its own table
  • Storage of personal best laps into easy to edit text file
  • Auto actions
  • Auto private messages
  • Time scheduled actions
  • Welcome message
  • Race restart action
  • Simple drift scoring
  • Idle car detection
  • Pit actions
  • Flooding protection
Quick start
  1. Make sure you have .NET Framework installed (Mono will work, too).
  2. Extract archive to arbitrary directory.
  3. Open cfg/LFSLapper.cfg with Notepad and modify value in line Password = Pass, so that Password matches Admin password of your LFS server.
  4. Start LFS server and type /insim 29999. Do not expect any confirmation from LFS.
  5. Start bin/NETStartDefault.bat and ignore warnings about some files not being created yet...
If having trouble with installation & configuration, please read doc/readme.txt and doc/FAQ.txt before asking questions here.


Trackinfo maker
Trackinfo maker is an utility who generate a trackInfo.cfg with splitting of wr with your own coefs. I generate the default trackInfo.cfg with this utility

Clean SPB
CleanSPB.exe is an utility who clean all spb on PB file

For viewing your PB file on your WebSite
Webstats By MonkSter (Lapper 5 )
PBLFSLapperPHPViewer By Gai-Luron

All prog by Gai-Luron

LFSRelax :
LFSLapper :
LFSStat :

To compile

- Do not use framework 1.1 for compiling. The best way is to install c# visual Studio. You can find it here :


euh ta msn ?

é tu peu me le dir en francais jcomprend rien
Tu serais pas un peu fénéant toi ? / Are you not a bit lazy kid ?
Google est ton ami / Google is your friend

[Edit] translated
Speak english not french!!
This application is getting better and better. Thank you for all the work. Please allow me to make some suggestions:

First of all, there's a small glitch in the default config-file:

Original file:
PrivMessSpbLastUp = {typ} ^7SPL{colon} {CurSplit} ^1({DiffSplit}) ^7=>TPB{colon}{Tpb} Avg:{AvgSpeed} {UnitSpeed}
PrivMessSpbLastLow = {typ} ^7SPL{colon} {CurSplit} ^2({DiffSplit}) ^7=>TPB{colon}{Tpb} Avg:{AvgSpeed} {UnitSpeed}

Should be:
PrivMessSpbLastUp = {typ} ^7SPL{colon} {CurSplit} ^1({DiffSplit}) ^7=>TPB{colon}{Tpb} Avg{colon}{AvgSpeed} {UnitSpeed}
PrivMessSpbLastLow = {typ} ^7SPL{colon} {CurSplit} ^2({DiffSplit}) ^7=>TPB{colon}{Tpb} Avg{colon}{AvgSpeed} {UnitSpeed}

Second thing is about the penalties. When is a 30sec or 45sec penalty given?
I know you get a 30sec penalty for not pitting when that's required but you shouldn't be kicked/banned for that. So if there are more reasons for getting a 30sec penalty, the punishment should be split (if possible). The other thing I want to ask is about some warning before a kick/ban is given. So is it possible to make some option to give warning first and after a next break of the rule a kick/ban is given.
Small bump of this topic in hope to get a reaction of the developer of this great addon.
You do wait some few days more...he's on hollidays until 5 september.
Quote from gwendoline :You do wait some few days more...he's on hollidays until 5 september.

Ah, thanks for the information. I try to be patient
This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )