The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
as long as there wasnt any pbs from the cars that arent allowed it shouldnt show them
ok, new question...

how do I get "£" in LFS?


I tried putting it in the .txt but it doesnt show up in LFS, and then I tried to type it in lfs, and transfer it to the .txt, but both failed :|
LFS error
logger.txt attached..

I have another prob.. I used to have a PB.txt file of about 100KB now it's reduced to 30KB? I have two servers, and I began the second server much later. Surprisingly the second server's PB.txt file is larger. It's kinda weird. It only kept the newer PBs and remove the older ones(I only see july PBs, from march to june has disappeared)?

And I get the warning for both server's lappers:
Quote :6 (MSO) Warning: Player not found

Attached files
logerr.txt.rar - 4.7 KB - 221 views
£ = pound
i grasped that knowledge at a very early age, but what do you mean by "£"?
sorry for being unclear...

im trying to get the pound sign into lfs via a script, but it wont show (its a onprivatemessage thing)
no points
hey all i can get the lapper to work and points to go in the file so there saved
but i cannot get the points to show ingame i can type !dstats and the points show then but not when your drifting

have i missed a option or have configured it wrong ? please help its great lapper the first one that has worked for me :P
also i wanted to know how to remove spectating/kicking when speeding in pit lane

cheers for the great program keep up good work
To get the drifting messages to show, look for these lines in the config file :-

#DriftPBAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!
#DriftLapAction = /msg {Nickname} ^3drifted to ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts
#PrivateMessageOnDriftScore = Score: ^7{DriftScore} ^3+{LastDriftScore}
#GoodDriftAction = /msg {Nickname} ^3made excellent drift: ^7{LastDriftScore} ^3pts

then remove the # sign from the start of each line so they looks like this :-

DriftPBAction = /msg {Nickname}^3 made new PB: ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts!
DriftLapAction = /msg {Nickname} ^3drifted to ^7{DriftScore} ^3pts
PrivateMessageOnDriftScore = Score: ^7{DriftScore} ^3+{LastDriftScore}
GoodDriftAction = /msg {Nickname} ^3made excellent drift: ^7{LastDriftScore} ^3pts

Next, to remove the pitlane speeding kick, look for this section in the config :-

StopGoPenaltyAction = /msg {Nickname}^1 kicked to fast drive on pit|/rcm ^1WARNING-BAN POSSIBLE|/rcm_ply {Username}|/kick {Username}
# Maximum Stop-Go penalties to tolerate.
MaxStopGoPenalties = 0

add # signs at the start of the lines like this :-

[COLOR=Red]#[/COLOR]StopGoPenaltyAction = /msg {Nickname}^1 kicked to fast drive on pit|/rcm ^1WARNING-BAN POSSIBLE|/rcm_ply {Username}|/kick {Username}
# Maximum Stop-Go penalties to tolerate.
[COLOR=Red]#[/COLOR]MaxStopGoPenalties = 0

If you want to remove the pitlane speeding = spectate option also, then look for these lines :-

DriveThroughPenaltyAction = /msg {Nickname}^1 Dont try this at home|/rcm ^1WARNING-KICK POSSIBLE|/rcm_ply {Username}|/spectate {Username}
# Maximum Drive-Through penalties to tolerate.
MaxDriveThroughPenalties = 1

And change them to :-

[COLOR=Red]#[/COLOR]DriveThroughPenaltyAction = /msg {Nickname}^1 Dont try this at home|/rcm ^1WARNING-KICK POSSIBLE|/rcm_ply {Username}|/spectate {Username}
# Maximum Drive-Through penalties to tolerate.
[COLOR=Red]#[/COLOR]MaxDriveThroughPenalties = 1

Shoe Maker

thanks mate works a charm :P much appreachaded
hi there, i finally had a go at installing lapper and it is working great!!!!

there was a few things that i wanted to find out though, as i wanted to create a config for the laptop when i play this on the lan at work with my boss, when there is only 2 of us playing i wanted to try and make lapper more "in yer face", i was trying to change some of the drift score options from apearing in the top left corner and have them show across the screen instead, but i cant seem to get it to work this is what i got...

GoodDriftAction = /msg {Nickname} ^3made excellent drift: ^7{LastDriftScore} ^3pts

i changed it to this but it will not work...

GoodDriftAction = /rcm {Nickname} ^3made excellent drift: ^7{LastDriftScore} ^3pts|/rcm_all

i did the same with DriftPBAction & DriftLapAction and they work fine, but obviously only at the finish line, i wanted GoodDriftAction because this should happen anywhere on the track (whenever someone does an "Exellent" drift), i have tried it in all sorts of combinations of |,/,: even joining the msg and rcm with pipe-tab but i must be missing something lol, if someone can tell me where i'm going wrong that would be fantastic

also, a final question, is there any preconfigured (demo) speed-drift server configs floating around because i did read (by Gwendoline iirc) a few pages into this thread that there were 5 cfg's to be released but i cant find them anywhere. from what i can tell, this lapper looks very powerfull and i would love to see what could really be done with it.

thanks again for a class program, so glad i took the plunge and installed it
Quack!! (QD)

i forgot to ask, is AI not supported yet? (not that it matters) because if i add AI to the server, lapper goes crazy, lol
i need some help how do i set the !drf part so it will show a table out of the top drifter in the server?
where i have the driftpb.txt
its there something that i have to correct in the script below

# Private multiline messages to send to player. Use '|' for next pattern/message pair and to separate pattern from message. Use ':' for new line.
# Possible variables to use:
# {UserName} - Username of driver that sent message
# {Nickname} - Nickname of driver that sent message
# {Laps} - Number of laps on current car and track
# {SessLaps} - Number of laps on current car and track for session
# {TotalPitTime} - Total Time stop in pit place
# {Car} - Car of current player or default car if in spectate mode
# {ShortTrackName} - Current short Trackname
# {TotalPitTime} - Total time of pitting
# {*} = Rest of command line ( argument )

AutoMsgPrivate =
!hand|/hand {*}|
!statsqual|/statsqual {*}|
!dstats|/dstats {*}|
!stats|/stats {*}|
!nearqual|/nearqual {*}|
!near|/near {*}|
!topqual|/topqual {*}|
!top|/top {*}|
!drf|/drf {*}|
!laps|Laps done on {Car}/{ShortTrackName} = {Laps}, session = {SessLaps}|
!pit|Time in pitting {TotalPitTime}|
!track|Track in use {colon} {ShortTrackName} = {LongTrackName}|
!time|Server time clock reference {colon} {LongTime}|
^2Commands list:
^3!top ^8[table offset] [3-letter car name] ["filter" pattern]:
^3!drf ^8[table offset] [3-letter car name] ["filter" pattern]:
^3!stats ^8[playername pattern]:
^3!dstats ^8[playername pattern]:
^3!near ^8Gap with 14 pilots near you on rank:
^3!spb ^8Split times and TPB (Theorical PB):
^3!razspb ^8Restart new spb session (eg when changing car):
^3!track ^8Name of actual track:
^3!time ^8Server time (to leagues mettings):
^3!ver Version of LFSLapper:
^2Special leagues commands:
^3!topqual ^8Rank to pilots specified on *.flt file:
^3!statsqual ^8Actual Position on prequalify session:
^2New functions:
^3!laps ^8Total laps number + session laps number:
^3!hand ^8Handicap by pilot ordered by league-host admin:
^3!pit ^8Total pit stop time:
^3Shft+i ^8Configure your display messages
LFSLapper insim4 Release
All working except points :vomit:
Need Help Very Bad !!!!!
hi all

i tryt so often to get the lapper to work but no chance

i start it after 2 seconds the lapper goes down thats it

pw is ok
port is ok

what can it be??

using the standart lapper cfg (accept pw )

fot those who can speak german to explain or english pls if u can come on (teamspeak)


i forgot

when i start the lapper the server tells me new guest has timedout
Quote from gegeg :
when i start the lapper the server tells me new guest has timedout

i dont think think this has anything to do with lapper, it is probably a result of lack of port forwarding
I run 3 lappers as services in Firedaemon so it is possible, I have never tried the prog you are using so would have no idea how to set it up.
Quote from quackdougal :

GoodDriftAction = /rcm {Nickname} ^3made excellent drift: ^7{LastDriftScore} ^3pts|/rcm_all

try putting a colon in instead of |

GoodDriftAction = /rcm {Nickname} ^3made excellent drift: ^7{LastDriftScore} ^3pts:/rcm_all
Quote from Punchy :I run 3 lappers as services in Firedaemon so it is possible, I have never tried the prog you are using so would have no idea how to set it up.

It the standard tool from MS to run almost any things as a service. Comes in the resource kits for NT/2000/XP/2003.

I've run many other programs using srvany, including LFS and other addons. This is the first program I've found a problem with.

I have heard of firedaemon, but never needed to use it in the past. Plus it's not free.

Has the new author of LFS Lapper got any comments?
Author cant answer you, because he's on hollidays to 1 month in Italy and he dont have ADSL there
Quote from Macfox :Has anyone managed to get LFS Lapper running as a service.

I'm using instsvr and srvany, but the application quits as soon as it sees a logoff message. WM_QUERYENDSESSION, WM_ENDSESSION, CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT

Maybe it would work if you recompiled LFSLapper for non-console application (/target:winexe switch for csc compiler)and then use instsvr. I haven't tried tho.
Using firedaemon made no difference.

I will try to recompile and advise the of outcome
(imthebestracerthereis) DELETED by imthebestracerthereis
Quote from Macfox :Using firedaemon made no difference.

I will try to recompile and advise the of outcome

How did you set up lapper in firedaemon?
Quote from vane :try putting a colon in instead of |

GoodDriftAction = /rcm {Nickname} ^3made excellent drift: ^7{LastDriftScore} ^3pts:/rcm_all

thanks Vane, but unfortunately this does not work here, shame, it was this one i wanted to rcm the most, lmao

could it be a limitation of lapper?, cos i can seem to rcm other stuff fine (DriftPBAction, DriftLapAction etc.)

Quack!! (QD)
Hiya people i want to build something into lfslapper that will auto restart at the end of a race,now i know about the scheduled action but races dont always end at the same time,so that woudnt work propley.any1 got any ideas......?
This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )