Possibly, do you know anyone else with a working g25 who'd be willing to let you try their PCB in you wheel and vice versa?
That is all I can think of to isolate if it is the motors or the PCB.
3. How many races have you seen a van show up full of pit crew and start repairing a car beside the track? the answer is none, even on a track day you aren't allowed to repair your car on circuit as it is dangerous.
11. once the engine is running, the alternator provides power not the battery. Have you ever had to bump start a car due to flat battery?
please can you stop making pointless posts about cruise related features. LFS is a RACING SIMULATOR
I care because 3 people make LFS not a huge company like EA.
If everyone was a thief like you and cracked LFS then Scawen, Eric and Victor would have even less income and wouldn't continue developing LFS. The master servers would be shut down and there would be no online racing with LFS.
That is why I care, but I don't expect you will understand that.
So you want Scawen to give his source code to someone else? Why would he want to do that?
I don't see it happening and hope to god it doesn't.
More than enough has already happened to aid cruising, I shudder to think how much time has been wasted which could and should have been spent on the physics.
Isnt that just the same situation as he has now?
He can see the skin but others cant .
He can't upload a blank skin (demo license) and would be wasting a skin slot uploading a blank if he could/did.
It's quite a simple argument.
He either uploads the skin (pending license being bought or skin credit) so other can see it.
because he doesn't want it stolen, he doesn't upload it and only he can see it.
cus·tom·er Noun /ˈkəstəmər/
A person or organization that buys goods or services from a store or other business.
buy Verb /bī/
Obtain in exchange for payment
The clue is in the definition of the words. Until it says something other than "Demo Racer" under your name and you have bought either S1 or S2 then you ARE NOT A CUSTOMER.
Are you on medication? On what planet would someone release source code for a piece of software to a customer let alone someone like you who just whines and bitches about a product they haven't even bought.
well first question is do you have a server? are you renting a server?
if not you will need either need to rent one, or run one locally on your home internet connection.
I have just been looking over some old news articles on LFS and decided to have another look at the Rockingham announcement.
I forgot that one of the reasons behind permission to use Rockingham in S3 was because of the V1 Championship
Now I hadn't looked at the V1 Championship site for a while so followed the link and was surprised to see that they are launching a similar thing for touring cars, more specifically the Renault Clio Cup. The specs of the upcoming touring cars demo software is the same as for the FBM demo software which was a bespoke version of LFS wasn't it?
I assume Scawen and probably Eric and Victor have been working on this for V1, I wonder if that means that S3 could feature the Clio.
aren't you a pleasant and amiable young man?
It's quite sad that you have to resort to insults and profanities when people politely point out that your ideas aren't applicable to LFS as what you are suggesting doesn't fit in with the ethos behind the development of this game.
It just highlights that you are the ignorant one.
Have fun in whatever you decide to do with the rest of your life, just don't pollute this forums with your childish tantrums anymore. Thank you.
As everyone else has pointed out numerous times, NO YOU DON'T.
You claim to be smart, but aren't clever enough to realise that when it says demo user under your name it means YOU DONT HAVE EITHER AN S1 OR S2 LICENSE. The forum user database is linked directly to the License database so regardless of what you claim, you're talking out of your "hole".
You may have access to S2 content, but that means you are running a cracked version of the game which will win you no friends on here.
No, you wont have seen anyone online as you are using a non licensed version of the game, being an online racing simulator, using a crack is pretty pointless as it stops you going online. Remove the crack, use the demo content and join a demo server, you'll then be able to race online and see what LFS is actually about rather than pottering around in single player on your own.
There is a career mode built into LFS, it is called personal development, that is you improving your driving ability. Unlike the kind of games that you want LFS to emulate it actually takes work and practice to get better, not through cheap shortcuts like buying go faster stripes and better turbos.
As boothy pointed out what you are suggesting would actually be less fun, new comers to the game cant win anything as they have the slowest cars with the least neon.
You claim to be "smart as **** when it comes to video game designing", unless you can understand target audiences it doesn't matter how smart you think you are. You don't understand the audience for LFS which is why you are suggesting features from a single player arcade "racing" game.
If you have never heard of LFS, how and why are you here trolling?
Not sure if this is the right place to mention this, but there appears to be a small bug on http://stats.airio.eu/PCS.aspx display
when there are over 24 clean laps it breaks the table with a blank row so when sorting by track it only sorts above the blank row, anything below the row isnt sorted.
It's only a minor bug but I thought Id mention it.
EDIT: Scratch that, I've worked out why there is a break in the rows. Standard cars/tracks at the top, custom cars/tracks at the bottom.
My bad, it makes sense now. It's like that by design not by accident
Last edited by gandlers, .
Reason : False alarm, my brain wasnt working properly
Exactly, totally pointless.
If you cant be bothered pressing the gas pedal, press ALT+F4. What's the point in loading up a racing game if you can even be bothered to press the throttle pedal. Next you'll be asking for auto steer.
Why devalue all the hard work that they guys have put in by turning it into an NFS copy.
If you want to play cops and robbers, there are already (rubbish) games that let you do that
they are just microswitches.
Cant remember how they mount; been a while since i took my wheel apart.
You will just have to ensure that you use the correct connectors on the switch; Normally open or normally closed contacts.
It should be a straight forward swap