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S2 licensed
win 95 is boot on psp only 10minutes ^^
you cant.... psp like 300mhz... with processor graphics card :\
S2 licensed
i made it for 2 indicator
if players like it i upload to youtube
S2 licensed
yes we need
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
WTF??? lol sry:

Veoh is no longer available in HUNGARY.
If you are not in HUNGARY or you think you have received this message in error, please report the issue below.

i hate it
No Smoke!
S2 licensed
No smoke here, sry i dont know whats this in english...
Sound reactive indicators :P
S2 licensed
I made this for first to gmod. (see on my profile DeviMauz)

Woo, i made it for LFS.... hahaha
i dont know why, it is funny?!

see the video:

use high quality

do you need first winamp... now winamp is gone bad and need oldesd winamp for plugin work
like winamp 5.24
download discolitez DiscoLitez Standard v2.1
and my rigs... download here
and my software download here

how to work?
first is a program pressing 8 9 0 buttons!!!
if this on you CANT write in chat or you write 8 9 0

start winamp
control + k --> start discolitez
option open rig , open rig style 1 , or style2
i made 2...
okey start my program
and start one song go to lfs and press home
and to stop press home button
i made it in delphi , if you need it tell me in pm!

Last edited by Gegry1992, .
S2 licensed
Quote from jonaz lindberg :And how have all the other people from Hungary fixed their S2 licences then?

cuz i not have bankcard

Mike: No i dont.
S2 licensed
i cant buy lfs i'm from hungary
i dont have personal bank card : O
Easter EGG in Lfs?
S2 licensed
all games have "easter egg"
where is a easter egg in lfs?
S2 licensed
i have game account (password) and 20-30server at yesterday :S
Where is a demo servers?
S2 licensed
i and some players see only 12-15demo servers :S why?
S2 licensed
players vs mac?
S2 licensed
Originally Posted by Mikkel Petersen View Post
It's this one.[/QUOTE]

plz write the lyrics

i find it

oooooooohuuu yehaaaaaa …. sea.. sou.. jhonn macarron.. yeah macarron nooon

Chacarron, Chacarron, Chacarron, Chacarron , ualuealuealeuale ualuelaelaellalea, alsualsualualauusualulus ,,,alsualsualualauusualulus …

Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron,, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron ,, Chacarron, n’ ,, Chacarron, ,, aliluliron ,, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron,,

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Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron,, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron ,, Chacarron, n’ ,, Chacarron, ,, aliluliron ,, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron,,

Chacarron, Chacarron, Chacarron, Chacarron , ualuealuealeuale ualuelaelaellalea, alsualsualualauusualulus ,,,alsualsualualauusualulus …

Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron,, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron ,, Chacarron, n’ ,, Chacarron, ,, aliluliron ,, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron,,

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Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron,, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron ,, Chacarron, n’ ,, Chacarron, ,, aliluliron ,, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron,,

Chacarron, Chacarro,, Chacarron, Chacarro,, Chacarron, Chacarro
S2 licensed
haha great
Grand Theft Auto Stunts :P
S2 licensed
if you have stunt video gta 4 or sanandreas or more, post here:P

here is my:P
S2 licensed
i send email
S2 licensed
Thank You man!
S2 licensed
if youinstall 1.5for psp fat is ok... then you 1.5kernel install for psp slim your slim is bricked
Automatic clutch for Formula BMW FB02 :)
S2 licensed
hello! First sorry for my english!
i maked one program for Formula BMW FB02!
it is 0.1 beta )
and use only , if you driving in lfs with mouse!
bind in lfs!
J to up shift
X to down shift
M to clutch
MOUSE1 ( left button) to gas!
MOUSE2 (right button) to brake!

and start lfs , next my programm, and press inject!

now is a S is a upshift
x is a downshift
and you press gas ... i dont know... try you press gas, and you shift
with S it is automatic clutch and not overheat a cluth....... tryyyy plz
S2 licensed
worked i try with gtr2
S2 licensed
In order to use the mouse for steering in RFACTOR , here is a guide ;
(tested on WinXP 32bit Pro En)

1 - Create a standard game port .
Go to Control Panel->Add Hardware->Add a new hardware device->Advanced->Sound,Video and Game Controllers->Standard Systems Devices->Standard Game Port .
You can verify that the port has been created by checking the device manager .

2 - Install mouse joystick drivers .
Download jmouse.msi
Install and restart the pc .

3 - Configure mouse joystick .
Go to Start->Programs->Mouse Joystick->Mouse Joystick Properties and set the axis and buttons you wish your joystick to have .
Button1=Left mouse button
Button2=Right mouse button
Button3=Center mouse button
I recommend not using button1 because it may cause problems when clicking on games' menus etc.
I also suggest leaving axis scales at their defaults .

4 - Add Game Controller .
Go to Control Panel->Game Controllers->Add->Mouse Joystick .
(-If you get an error message and you can't add it , go to device manager->game controllers->standard game port->properties->resources and change manually the configuration to a next one.This may happen because of conflicts.You can verify that no conflicts exist when no '!' symbol is next to the game port in device manager.When the port has no conflicts , try again to add the joystick ) .

5 - Calibrate Mouse Joystick .
Go to Control Panel->Game Controllers->Mouse Joystick->Properties->Settings->Calibrate and follow the instructions .
Make sure you move the mouse at the whole presented box area in order for the axis to work properly .
ONLY after you see that the crosshair is moving along with the mouse movements , the joystick is ready for use .

6 - Mapping buttons and axis to the game .
The last step is to map the mouse joystick axis and buttons to the game's controls .
Go to controlls and do as you would with a steering wheel .
S2 licensed

1. Download joystick emulator called MouseJoystick here (freeware, w98/2k/xp): broken)
2. Add "Standart Game Port" if you dont have one:
>Control Panel>Add Hardware>Add a new hardware device>go Advanced>Sound, Video,Game controllers>(Standart system devices)<>Standart game port.
3. Run jmouse.msi (you'll need windows installer if using w98 w/o IE5.5 or higher) and install mousejoystick driver.
4. Run Start>Programs>Mouse Joystick>Mouse Joystick Properties
and tune it as in "pic1.jpg","pic2.jpg" and "pic3.jpg"
5. Add a new game controller (>Control Panel>Game Controllers) called "Mouse Joystick" (don't check "Enable rudders and pedals" checkbox).
and calibrate it as usual. Note that mouse center button centers virtual joystick by X and Y, left mouse button acts as button1, and right as button2.
6. Run NetKar, go Settings>Controller and tune it as in pic "netkar_.jpg"
also point "gear up" as button1 and "gear down" as button2.
7. Enjoy NetKar powered by mouse! Much better now, IMHO...
S2 licensed
And you good programmer? :

i see your webpage, yes, you good programmer
Last edited by Gegry1992, .