To none [LLM] drivers
I'm not a Moderator of LFS forums but I'm going to say THIS
Sorry for yelling but you don't see [LLM] members going around to your teams and flaming on your topics. This Topic was made in attempt to recruit new members to our team.
Thank You
[LLM]Ghost Rider - #56
P.S. And if there is any of our members doing that please let us know.
To all [LLM] Members
Please ignore what other drivers from other teams say about us in this topic. They are this trying to raffel our feathers. Soon they will be taking back what they say about us because soon we will have our own servers for LFS. We already have a 50 slot Ventrilo server that can be used by any one that wishes to use it. Please Note that if you join our ventrilo server and start drama a Admin will ban you with no warning I will not have drama on my server.
Hostname or IP:
Port Number: 4402
And after we get our LFS server we will not allow any cheating in our servers for any reason. We will also not allow any Mods to cars in our server. If you cheat or show up witha Mod you will be kicked from the server and ask to fix the problem and if you show back up with the same problem again you will be ban from our servers.