DUDE!!!! I live in Oregon! I will soooo do your skins. I am a Beaver fan, though. If you are going to do some sort of 'civil war', let me know I will join.
ok... do you want anything special on them? Like Racer Names, etc. Also, do you want the impala headlights? I could probably find a good picture to get them from, or I have some Dodge Charger headlights. Anyways, lemme know, I will begin the main details ASAP.
EDIT:: I just realized that the FXO already has headlights...so nevermind on that part.
Edit: If your interested my wife and I is looking for a driver to be our second driver in the races. My wife can only fill in for me if i can't get on.
If your intersted you can Sign up for I-Scar then make a NAS car and post it in I-SCAR series skins and if you don't already have the mod then you might want to go here and down load it then down load the FXO patch for the mod. by the way you will need the LFS.X to use the mod and where you download the mod you can get Patch X with all the needed updates for X