Heh, I'm having similar problems with Tiscali, i can recommned not touching them with a barge pole or any other elongated items :S. they drop packets like nobodies business between 5pm and 12am, and even when they arent at peak times we supposedly have a 2mb line and if im lucky i'll get 80kb/s and apparently our line will take up to 7mb :P. randomly throws me out of xfire and MSN and wont let me sign in because of port problems apparently. Want to move back to NTL and cable internet as it is so much better...
im not sure what i did but its fine now i have to turn off FF it just gives too much resistance on the cars so im just gonna leanr without it for a while :P thanks for all the help guys much appreciated
ok, thanks for the fast reply much appreciated. ok i have the pedals sorted they just needed inverting, now i only have one problem and thats a hyper sensitive wheel, in the diver setting i only have it on like 10% but i cant see anything in lfs for steering sensitivity, as i say it only takes a couple of centimetres to go from full lock to full lock. i think my wheel settings are in the previous screen. any more help would of course be very greatly appreciated as im very lazy and have no idea what im doing. this wheel lark is very annoying and BTW my momo wheel only spins 240 degrees closest i could getwas like 238 or something
hi all, just got my momo racing wheel through the post, looks nice and fine but i just cant get it set up for live for speed. i just dont know where to start and the logitech profiler isnt any help either. if anyone can help me out that would be superb. ill upload a screen of the settings in LFS which atm is messed up to buggery, the accelerator and brake are full on and when i push the brake pedal the car goes, so the pedals are inverted somehow :/ i dunno, check the pic out and see if you can help
EDIT: also the steering is very sensitive, like full lock within a couple of centimeters on moving the wheel yet all seems fine in the logitech setup control panel thingy
many thanks, jim.
Awesome, thanks chaps, i thought i saw in the online manual for the 9800 that the power connector looked really small or something but it should be fine. Thanks for the fast replies
Hi all, just had a birthday and got myself S2 very happy so far but i need to invest in a wheel for payday and a new graphics card. My friend is selling me his old 9800 Pro 256Mb for £60 which is a fairly good deal i think :P and even though he's said the spare power connector i have will fit the graphics card i just want some extra opions to stop me worrying about the whole thing I've taken a pic of the only spare power connector in my PC which is a 4-Pin Molex connector thingy that normally goes on Hard Drives and CD/DVD's. It's a fairly new PC im on so there hould be neough juice in the PSU as im only running a HD and DVD-RW.
Being a demo racer and all whenever i join a server i expect atleast 1 bad driver wos there to wreck the race, this i can normally put up with because the rest are after a good race and will have him kicked/banned. However i have just come off a server with about 4-5 bad drivers who would vote to ban the leaders of the race including myself at one point, and when that failed they lined up after the start/finish line and would charge at the leader (me) fortunately 2nd place was laps behind but still hugely annoying, they even followd me into the pits and rammed me off my pit area to prematurely end my pit stop and even then they were ramming me till i got out of the pits. I think i would like to see in a future version i guess when you pit your car gets "locked" in so if anyone hits you it would cause them to bounce off you like a wall or something. but anyway thats my rant over with
My Soon to be upgraded PC:
Gigabyte GA-8SIML-NF7 Mobo
Intel Celeron D 330 @ 2.68Ghz 533Mhz FSB
256Mb DDR RAM (400Mhz)
Intergrated 64Mb Graphics
80Gb Seagate 7200Rpm Disk
Microsoft Blue optical mouse
And this is what im having put in by the end of the year: 512Mb DDR RAM (333) and a Geforce FX5200 256Mb which supports DX9
Although alot of people who have an licensed S1/2 they most likely have steering wheels and pedals RWD cars are much easier however with a mouse and KB RWD's fo me are a nightmare because your either on or off the power, no inbetween so it's wheelspin out of corners etc so its my tendancy to go for FWD cars and on the demo theres only the XFGTi so not much choice, but i am going to get a license and wheel etc
If you have the latest Geforce drivers theres a problem with them and some MX cards. Happened with my friend, models and things like that are invisible, so you have to install an older driver untill they come up with a soloution :/
AFAIK, RAM doesn't change in game fps, it affects loading times, it may help and give you an extre 3-5fps but thats it. Make sure all your drivers are up-to-date by going on your cards manufacturers site and getting them.
I feel embaressed putting mine in here with all these shots but oh well apologies for the info at the top of the screenie, as soon as i figure out how to get rid of it i'll update the pic
Hey, thought i'd make a small thread for any near rolls and such heres mine round BL. Believe it or not i managed to get back on all fours without rolling but hit a wall after