Just to clearify, from what I know, every Finnish police officer that opens fire, have to report all the bullets that have been shot afterwards at the police station and give explanation why fire was opened. In Finland they especially train officers not to use guns (of course they teach them :P) but to solve problems other way, for example with pepper spray and just taking their time and not causing any hazards for themselves, surrounding citizens or the target him/herself.
Jakg, I don't know what's up with you, for example, you might have bad memories on working with police, I don't know, but how can you not realise that video is harsh, and it's shows some horrifying footage..?
Imo a shot to leg or hand would have been enough. That is way overdone by the police, no doubts. And afterall, this happens again and again in many clips during the video :/
Just watched it back in school as it was on front page..
I dunno really what to say about it, other than it made me feel disgusted and sad. I know it's happening almost everywhere but still.. jeez..