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S2 licensed
Pretty awesome codebase if I'm honest. Also if you convert the source to use rather than LFS External and strip all dougies outdated cruise stuff like I did' Your left with a pretty good Insim application source ready to build what u want on with a working mysql user save already in place
S2 licensed

i found a piece of code on Sourceforge i think it was called PHPLFS or something along them lines i will double check when im home, but from what i could see in that code will do what i want "i think", but i would still be very interested in seeing the code that yourself and morpha have put together

*Puts Hands Together and Prays to God For Morpha's Approval*

Posted On Apple Iphone 3Gs
S2 licensed
i've been programming with C# and C++ for a few years now, Ideally i wouldnt mind coding a project in PHP or Even Visual Basic would be pretty cool. I've been using and programming PHP from the age of 13 and i'm 20 now so i feel i could utilize the features of this Language alot more than other languages, I see it as a challenge which i like also not seen many Insim Addons that run from php, If i can get to a decent level with Essentials Cruise Insim in PHP i may even Release an Open Source System For creating your Own
S2 licensed
Quote from broken :Yayyyyy, diegooo... I'm sooooo not gonna play on your server.

Oh... hayward is in the club too. That has GOT to delay it's death. With an hour or two.

Guys, if anyone rents a server from them, post how it's going, so we can have some laugh. Please. ;d

You honestly cant help yourself can you, also please explain the "have a laugh about the servers we host." becuase im sure the owner of Rack-Srv would love to hear about u bad mouthing his network
S2 licensed
It's totally up to you guys I just wanted to get an idea of programming for lfs with php with insim in particular as I was planning to do a complete recode in php of the V2 essentials cruise insim.

Regards Aaron

Posted from Apple iPhone 3Gs
Looking For Complete PHP Insim
S2 licensed
Hey Fellow Coders,

I see that Dygear has indeed developed a PHPInsim but from what i can see doesnt allow the sending of packets e.t.c. i know that krammeh is in fact running LTC from php so i know this is possible any chance anyone has developed something they are willing to share?

Thanks, Aaron
S2 licensed
Essentials will be offering LFS Servers for rent also just want to know how many would be interested? just a show of hands lol

Any Size, Any Use, LFS Server Latest Version will install different version if requested. (Free Start/Stop Edit Config e.t.c Control Panel)

£2.50 per month

Hosted In USA on Intel Core 2 Quad 3.0Ghz, 4gb Ram Machines Connected to a 100mbps Port

Just Post Here If Interested so i can get an idea of how many machines i need to send to the datacentre
S2 licensed
the reason i know that code was messy becuase Racer had infact sent me a copy of your program MC or something? not sure.

i can 100% assure you that our insim program uses none of your code, and 100% uses MySQL database to save all the data.

So are you going to stop with the arguing now? as i can see your getting as bored as i am with this thread.

if u want to continue it will be only arguing with yourself as i am now not going to be posting in this thread any longer.

Have Fun!
S2 licensed
rofl that news post was ages ago, why are you wasting your time whining about Lc if you dont like it so much? You seem to be fuelling all the Lc drama right now. So just stop with the attitude and the smarmy comments. just isnt needed.

And for the record, the insim contains 0% of your messy code from an insim that isnt even the same programming language as the Lc Insim, Im not sure how this is even possible and considering your post about the "sell all your cars and your host" was complete bullshit as the the Lc Insim is powered by an SQL databse (text files suck), maybe thats why all the stats are outputted to the website? c'mon broken i thought maybe you had the sense to realise that. Tbh im bored of this very petty arguing with a minor . If you have that much of a problem with me then either email me or PM me as you have my msn addres. unless of course if everybody here has a problem with me then so be it email me.

Feel free to continuing to bitch in this thread as you seem so sad that you have to reply almost instantly after me posting, Are you that sad that you sit there refreshing the page until im done posting?

And Again could a moderator or administrator please remove this thread or even lock it as it's now a verbal warzone
S2 licensed
broken you seem to amaze me more and more everytime you post, you clearly have your tongue in so many peoples asses it's unreal i feel the saying "how does your top lip smell" coming on. and tbh we hate him because he cant code the insim no more? thats why we have had 4 updates since he left and progress on the insim hasn't been better!, "LC is going to die" once again server is paid for until mid 2010 and insim we'll recieve weekly updates, our team grows bigger everyday and the server becomes more popular everyday, i have a very strong feeling that your maybe jealous or you just havnt had any pussy in a while, now like povo says Stop whining!. If you dont like LC dont go there, im not bothered tbh im sure there is another great cruise server that will welcome foul mouthed children like yourself. Now if a moderator doesnt mind could this thread be deleted as it's just causing more and more arguments!

Thanks Flame
S2 licensed
"he gets a nice guy to give him a source code of an insim"

How long will it take to register in your brain this insim is by me and racer not you or any of your bum buddies.

again thanks for the support from everybody else making this project what it is already! Currently got the following stats just after 1 1/2 weeks after the db reset caused by broken exploiting bugs!

Total LC Users: 512 Total Jobs Completed: 7521 Total Cash in Server: £3997114
S2 licensed
ok... broken if your head gets any bigger you won't be able to leave this thread.
S2 licensed
Broken you clearly have no respect for anybody except yourself, if you have nothing positive/constructive to say about this project then i rather you said nothing at all! To be Honest i cant see how this Project is going to die the server co-location is already payed up until 22nd August 2010 so we have no problem with the servers going offline unless our server machines decide to go bang whilst sitting in the rack which i highly doubt! btw broken i wish you the best of luck running your OSC server on your home made bedroom server on a home broadband connection .

P.S Thanks to everyone else providing excellent support with this project and positive comments and suggestions
S2 licensed
Quote from Ndead :make demo lc instead....

demo servers to follow very soon! just getting most features working/running in main server
S2 licensed
Quote from Ales_M :Another fake copy

not fake at all lol, if the old Lc died then i decide to make a new cruise system under the same name doesn't make it fake.
[LC] Liberty-Cruise is Back!!!
S2 licensed
Hey All,

LC is back under new owners/insim/server

Server Name: [LC]Liberty-Cruise 1

Check Website for Info:

Please Come on Over and check it out!

Daily Insim Updates! (Post Sugesstions in Forum)

Regards FlamexXx
Last edited by hayward, .
S2 licensed
this is only good when ur server host will reply to a help ticket asking for the ports to be opened lol
New Cruise Community
S2 licensed

Would anybody be interested in hosting a cruise server in return for admin rights on the server.

Some of you may remember me for [CC]Chronic-Cruise, basically i completly scrapped that idea, and decided to go for something new so i have come up with Cruise-Nation. I am currently writing a new insim and am currently 75% complete with it. We also have a website being designed at coded.

Server Required would have to be 24/7 with at least a 10mb connection.

Please let me know if anyone is interested.

Thanks Logic