Hello sun
that is the code for the cash. Now i give u a Message Timer (a message wich comes at every [second,minute,hour] read what i wrote at the las line.
System.Timers.Timer MesaggeTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(1);
Fil that in The insim conect (at there where is that with PayUser)
MesaggeTimer.Enabled = true; MesaggeTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(MesaggeTimer_Elapsed);
And now the thing for you message (what it does shows)
foreach (clsPlayer Ply in Players) { if (Ply.Payout > 3) { Ply.Payout = 0; Insim.Send_MST_Mesagge("YouText"); Insim.Send_MST_Mesagge("YouText"); } }
at the if(Ply.Payout >3) [the three are the seconds]
And here is the command to check if its open or closed
case "!bank": if (Connections[GetConnIdx(MSO.UCID)].Bank = 1) { InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^8 Bank is Open"); } else { InSim.Send_MTC_MessageToConnection("^8 Bank is Closed", MSO.UCID, 0);
} break;
PS: You cant copy and paste it u must change some things on it.
1. Coordinates
2. Button Id / Position
3. The "Bank" thing. u must add it in you Client.cs
I want help with a automatical Cash-Reset after ban.
How i do it?
i made something like this:
for (int p = 0; i < System.Math.Min(8, Players.Count); i++) { Connections[GetConnIdx(MCI.Info[p].PLID)].Cash += 5000; }
But dont work.
Please help me guys.
PS: its in MCI also when i got -5000€ and leave pit it ban me for to much in debt.
But after the ban it dont reset my cash
How i do that it reset the cash.