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S3 licensed
Does that was an race or you was alone on track and raced?

cuz Marco1 raced alone with nobody on track these 1001km
S3 licensed
the style of the car i would leave alone
just let it stock..

and only i want to put in 800hp+
S3 licensed

Car wash babe
S3 licensed

Extreme crash
S3 licensed

ultra virus
S3 licensed

S3 licensed
Yea i can reproduce it:

Here some things wich should help you to reproduce it.

Just follow the Replay how to drive
Last edited by Heiko1, .
S3 licensed
Yes, Sure it should be banned in LFS..

cuz i h8 this time with this sign.
S3 licensed
Ok, Ill make a picture with a message from lfs for you. and any command of the insim
S3 licensed
Quote from Btoryo :Meh.. Crap server.
Walked in and asked if I wanted a kick, to where? back to LTC.
For real, get some mature admins.

You only think you are popular because you used the Lc name, if it was named NewCruise or what not it would have not rose to any kind of popularity.

Thats completly right...
these arses just banning you if u was a REAL [Lc] Admin.. cuz they got fear that they go down soon.. because they got the cheapy Forum insim with alot of lag and bugs...

that only to the admins...

now to the server..
theyre just copying [Lc] with no permit from the Founder and they are just a cheapy fake server... because they dont bring up something new..
it would be ages better if they tryed to REAL recode the complete insim... but for that theyre to nooby in coding..
Ive recoded a popular InSim within 5Months of hard work.. and it looks/works exactly like the real one and ive just recodet the whole Insim with pictures and knowledge of basic coding.
I think EVERYBODY who knows the basic of coding in C# and know good basics in LFS_External got a very good chance to get a good InSim application.

At the end:
Does these guys are just using a popular "Teamname" to be sucsessfull in the cruise scene?
They realy should think about what Mr_Xerxes (founder of [Lc]) done and what they done.. its just 1/1000 of the work as Xerxes done... thats the bad thing on this server.

Thats what i've wanted to say to the community
Best Regards Heiko1
Last edited by Heiko1, .
S3 licensed
Last edited by Heiko1, .
S3 licensed
a G25 is hard to destruct
with a cheap wheel like Speedlink you only need to push it against a wall and its broken xD

S3 licensed
Looks kinda funny but ive got an "bug" to:

If i started lfs once and startet to search for serverlist my background was black and explorer.exe got a error and needed to be end.

Sry that i dont got a picture or something else
but im trying to reproduce the "bug"
S3 licensed
For me are all "lfs" sites very slow

Maybe a good news (working on updating something, or something else)
Maybe a bad news (i dont know)

S3 licensed
Just a great video
S3 licensed
Why you say everybody is dumb who says ur a hacker or somebody else?
It says in my eyes that UR one.. because a nonhacker wouldnt annoy that...
S3 licensed
LoL ^^

I think it would be better if lfs read out the best time of the drag race so than its done in the real drag races..
not by the guy who is crossing the finish line first

But guys with penaltys will be disqualifited (disqualifiziert) ^^
S3 licensed
Quote from jasonmatthews :Sounds like a great idea

It dont sounds like a great idea it IS a great idea
S3 licensed
+999 on this
S3 licensed
Oh bose... ^^ Regards .. now i know it.

It can be sure the ram stick wich is broken! because ive got the same effect with an broken ram stick...

Regards Heiko1
S3 licensed
Try to convert the speed not to int32, try to convert it to int16
S3 licensed
why only the half of ram is working?
if a ram is not working then its broken and if its broken ur computer wont work right
Check ram or put it off from ur computer

Regarts Heiko1
S3 licensed
Quote :case 15:
int trapdistance15 = ((int)math.sqrt(math.pow([i].x - (-200 * 196608), 2) + math.pow([i].y - (-1 * 196608), 2)) / 65536);
if (trapdistance15 <= 30)
if (convert.toint32(([i].speed * (100f / 32768f)) * 3.6f) > -->150 <--&& connections[getconnidx(players[getplyidx([i].plid)].uniqueid)].intrap == 0)
int excessspeed = (convert.toint32(([i].speed * (100f / 32768f)) * 3.6f) - 150);
int speedfine = excessspeed * 4;
insim.send_mst_message("/msg ^6| ^7speeding: " + connections[getconnidx(players[getplyidx([i].plid)].uniqueid)].username);
insim.send_mst_message("/msg ^6| ^1" + connections[getconnidx(players[getplyidx([i].plid)].uniqueid)].username + " was fined " + speedfine);
connections[getconnidx(players[getplyidx([i].plid)].uniqueid)].cash -= speedfine;
connections[getconnidx(players[getplyidx([i].plid)].uniqueid)].intrap = 1;

The red one is the speed

Regarts Heiko1
S3 licensed
Last edited by Heiko1, .