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Formula BMW 2012 - Fecha 1
S3 licensed
Fecha 1 - Blackwood

Clasificación: 12 minutos
Carrera 1: 20 vueltas
Carrera 2: 20 vueltas (largada con grilla invertida)
Formula BMW 2012 - Inscripción
S3 licensed

Día y horario: Jueves 22hs (GTM -3:00)
Clasificación: 12 Minutos (No se permite Shift+P o Esc+Boxes y regresar a clasificar)
1ra. Carrera: 25 minutos aprox. (No se permite Shift+P o Esc+Boxes y regresar a la carrera)
2da. Carrera: 25 minutos aprox., grilla invertida (No se permite Shift+P o Esc+Boxes y regresar a la carrera)
Servidor: CAP[]on[]Line DS-1
Password: Se notificará mediante mensaje privado


1º 45 puntos
2º 39 puntos
3º 35 puntos
4º 33 puntos
5º 31 puntos
6º 29 puntos
7º 27 puntos
8º 26 puntos
9º 24 puntos
10º 23 puntos
11º 22 puntos
12º 21 puntos
13º 20 puntos
14º 19 puntos
15º 18 puntos
16º 17 puntos
17º 16 puntos
18º 15 puntos
19º 14 puntos
20º 13 puntos
21º 12 puntos
22º 11 puntos
23º 10 puntos
24º 9 puntos
25º 8 puntos
26º 7 puntos
28º 5 puntos
29º 4 puntos
30º 3 puntos
31º 2 puntos
32º 1 punto
Pole Position: 1 punto
Record de vuelta: 1 punto

Para el campeonato de equipos sumarán los dos mejores resultados de cada fecha.

Formato de inscripción:
Se Recuerda que al inscribirse se está aceptando el reglamento - Reglamento CAPO

Deberán contener los siguientes datos:
Usuario del foro:
Usuario LFS:
Nick del piloto:

Se podrán inscribir tambièn en nuestro foro privado AQUI

ATENCION, solo post de inscripción. Consultas y comentarios favor realizarlos en este ENLACE.
Last edited by HL_Nano, .
Formula BMW 2012 - Consultas y comentarios
S3 licensed

Pueden realizar aquí sus comentarios o consultas en general sobre el campeonato.
Servidor On Line
S3 licensed
El nombre del servidor es CAP[]on[]Line DS-1 y ya pueden ingresar, los esperamos
S3 licensed
Quote from Masterboy19660815 :Well, I actually think, that the Openconfigs are a good thing for LFS. LFS got boring before they came.

S3 licensed
hola de nuevo!
S3 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :


Quote from PMD9409 :Already have it made, with both pit exits.

Just didn't put it in the pack I guess, probably because we didn't have an image. Not like it matters, all the old images in the OP are out of date anyways.

I'll post it if you wish. The alternative pit road had to be "slowed down" due to it being much faster than the normal route. So serving a DT in a league race wouldn't actually lose you time, if anything you would gain time.

It's too late for this track?
Try this alternative pit road please.



S3 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :thank u
the last one is fun to drive with UF1/XFG and XRG

Is really very fun
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Very nice
S3 licensed
Nice idea!
Let me try later.
S3 licensed
Thank you guys
S3 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :Looks nice
will try it soon

welll done

Thank you
S3 licensed
Looks very nice!
AU1 Layout - MRT or UF1
S3 licensed
I make this layout for MRT5 or UF1000, maybe an FBM...

The track is 15 meters wide on average between 14 and 16 meters. All full track have 2575 meters.

Some pics

I hope you enjoy this layout.
S3 licensed
Looks nice, let me try..
S3 licensed
some can fly...

...some can walk on the air

S3 licensed
Quote from aroX123 :I usally dont like drifting videos but this one I actually enjoyed.

Good job

S3 licensed
Quote from vicbel :This is a classic! We can't let it die like this because some of us are too whiny!!

We should be all thanking Commandermas!

@commandermas As an admin I can understand your frustration. Next year (because I still hope you'll reconsider), if you need help just say the word! I am sure there are a lot of us with admin experience that would be more than happy to help.

Support as published.

I join to help next year.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from d_cury :

Te quiero sonsa
S3 licensed
Quote from jsrk :What is capo-lease race number and car ?

I edited the post

Quote from jsrk :What is capo-lease race number and car ?

And i can't accept a single team. Try to get other driver there too

I'm working on it
S3 licensed
Team: HL Racing 2
Drivers LFS username:capo-007-chodita
Race Number: 11

may not be able to participate one of my teammates, in the case of only two drivers's edit the entry to a single team.

Edit: Selected car.
Last edited by HL_Nano, .