So that you know when someone goes into the garage!
As an example, I have scripts that whenever you join, i.e. when the IS_NPL is sent, that check to see if you are in the right car and have the right handicaps. Those scripts are to stop if you a) spectate which you can tell when a IS_PLL packet and b) if you go to the garage/pits which is the IS_NPL packet.
Both work prefectly well when "in game", but when in the lobby screen you never get the IS_NPL packet so you don't know the player as entered the garage so the scripts continue because they haven't been told to stop.
The IS_PLP packet is not sent when a driver enters the garage when at the "multiplayer lobby" screen. The IS_NLP gets fired as expected, but not the IS_PLP.
Wow... the guy just asked a question, he didn't asked to be bashed/flamed/etc.
Krammeh, I'd try the suggested phc-win compiler and see what results you get on something small of course first. Can't really stand PHP myself, but I think its a great idea to provide an exe for ease of use plus the source (personally I think all LFS utilities should be released as GPL) if someone wants to run it in as just PHP scripts.
Try the Lfs State Inspector ( and see if you are able to connect. That will at least rule out issues with luaLFS or with your environment.
No, running LFS with in the /insim command-line switch does work.
If you are typing /insim=2999 after launch LFS (without the command-line switch) will only work if you first go into the single player or get to the server entry screen.
Have you tried connecting starting LFS up with the /insim command-line and trying to connect luaLFS to it and see if it works? Have you stopped the firewall and tried connecting?
I believe the point was that if other LFS leagues have to play-by-the-rules as far as posting league event information, promotions, etc. in the league section, then all leagues should have to do it too. Doesn't really matter if its GFC, CTRA, LOTA, OLFSL, BOTT, etc.
FYI, you can use sdsether's LFSLib (written in C#) with any VisualStudio.NET language (VB, COBOL, J#, IronPython, think there is a Ruby one somewhere, etc.) and its up-to-date and fully functional.... one of the beauties of the .NET platform.
P.S. Before anyone gripes, I know there are compilers that compile other languages into the Java bytecode...
Yeah, bog... n/m. Delete this topic, totally bogus. Another issue was causing the problem and I was fixated on new code that was added (i.e. checking mass/intake) as the culprit.
Player structure to contain voluntary handicaps...
struct IS_NPL // New PLayer joining race (if PLID already exists, then leaving pits)
byte Size; // 76
byte Type; // ISP_NPL
byte ReqI; // 0 unless this is a reply to an TINY_NPL request
byte PLID; // player's newly assigned unique id
byte UCID; // connection's unique id
byte PType; // bit 0 : female / bit 1 : AI / bit 2 : remote
word Flags; // player flags
char PName[24]; // nickname
char Plate[8]; // number plate - NO ZERO AT END!
char CName[4]; // car name
char SName[16]; // skin name - MAX_CAR_TEX_NAME
byte Tyres[4]; // compounds
byte H_Mass; // added mass (kg)
byte H_TRes; // intake restriction
byte Model; // driver model
byte Pass; // passengers byte
int Spare;
byte Sp0;
byte NumP; // number in race (same when leaving pits, 1 more if new)
byte V_Mass; // added mass (kg)
byte V_TRes; // intake restriction
<first part removed> I was again thinking it was cumulative between voluntary and server... doh.
However, there may be a bug with regards to the H_Mass in InSim when the 200kg of voluntary mass is used on the FZR; if you choose the FZR, add 200kg of voluntary mass, then it seems that InSim may be crashing (or could be LFSLib, not sure yet).
For replays you have to send a TINY_NPL packet. Personally for replays I do a TINT_NCN then when I've gotten all the connections I send the TINY_NPL packet.
In the TBO/GTR cars, does setting the voluntary handicap override the server handicaps? i.e. if the server handicap is 70kg for the FZR, if I set the voluntary handicap to 10kg, does that make it 10kg handicap or does it make it an 80kg handicap?