Open your LFS directory, and search for cfg.txt. Open cfg.txt and search for 'Screen info'. For example: "Screen Info 0 60 1440 900". Monitor 0, 60Hz, 1440*900. Change it to whatever you wish.
Perhaps there aren't any servers active with S1 combos. To see if you're doing well, just check for the world record on your combo. You could also type "/w wr" whilst racing to see the current world record.
Name: Erik / Longcat
Vehicle: NASCAR with trailer.
A trailer with a long cat.
A guinea pig cannon, firing poisonous guinea pigs. It's like trojan horse. First you'll embrace the walking cuteness, but it will make you suffer.
A powerful 9000bhp (or slightly more) engine. This engine runs on guinea pigs. This eco-fuel gives it a meaty powerband. Guinea pigs reproduce quickly, so they're an infinite power source.
An advanced steering system. The wheels can only turn left. If you want to to turn right, just steer the rear wheels.
Left foot braking takes some time to get used to, but it's not what I'd call dangerous or anything. Dirk, it's still the same brake pedal you're pressing. Whether you do it with your left or right foot doesn't matter. Just apply the correct pressure and you'll be fine.
It could depend on mastering differences between your FLAC recording and your MP3 recording. What bitrate does your mp3 file have? If it's any lower than 192kbps you'll notice great differences in sound.