hey has anyone heard that one of the companines is giving out free servers if you allow them to put advertising up around the track and agree to race with their livery all the time
i so badly want a server and now i can't find the site anymore
search outgauge where, i can't find anything in google or on this forum they refer to it but never a download link or how it works
"what u mean by gauges and other information?
tyre temps, speed, fuel?" yes that kind of stuff or lap times
The patch sounds great so i downloaded it and it installed flawlessly and i was pluging in my great racing keyboard and getting my headphones when it came up with i must unlock again so i thought that's ok i have 2 unlocks left so i entered my details and it said that i had used my unlock codes, which seemed strange so i check on the live for speed site and it said the same thing You have used all available unlocks. You will get new unlock request available on the first day of the next month.
which would be today wouldn't it or will i have to wait a couple of hours due to it still being the 29th where lfs is located, if not can i get another unlock code somehow?
hey guys i have just bought s2 and i am wondering what to do you see just because i have the money doesn't mean i have the skill can anyone recommend a good steering wheel that is cheap cus i keep losing in s2 races with the keyboard
i paid THIRTY bucks for it
the user has deleted his account (on ebay)
he gave a link to download the latest version (direct download from you guys)
AND A USR NAME AND PASSWORD WHICH I ENTERED into LFS and it said S2 Licence (which i was happy about) then i went into single player and TRIED to select a car other than the demo ones when i click a blank screen comes up (except for car, and ok) i thought i was strange so i just clicked ok it said could not load unamed's car
p.s logining into the site doesn't work with the given details
hi i have just bought a copy off ebay of your program live for speed
and it claimed to be a proper version with all the cars but when i open it it works and says i have an S2 account registered in the players name i bought it from but when i go to select any car except for the demo ones it doesn't load them