I'm just sick to such degree, from which you can stay at home and don't go to school :P
It is now
Good thing that I noticed that wheel was too flat so fixed it and here's small final render, after fixing it:
Download link:http://www.mediafire.com/?mowmirmwjmh
Added center cap texture, just you need to crop it, because I made that whole texture for TE37.
And also if anyone is interested I can share my other wheel, BBS GT (I guess)
Because I'm sick past days so accidentaly I remembered that some time ago I've learnt modeling And today made Volk CE28N wheel. Tommorow will try to texturize it a bit more and assign correct and realistic looking materials, also I need to correct outter part of rim because it doesn't really look round aswell as other minor bugs. Anyways, render for now:
It's impossible to get it working for demo racers in legal way and nobody here won't tell you the illegal way. Simpliest way would be to buy S2 licence or just to forget the tweak
I had some problems with "shattered" glass, try to convert whole body to editable poly, select all vertices and press weld, with small treshold, such that wouldn't make noticable changes.
Maybe you're doing something wrong? Because I can't find any difficulties converting car to v-ray. Let me explain this:
Import car from cmx file (3ds max 7)
Save it in .max and open it in your primary 3ds max
Press M for material menu, then press button "Get material", then go to scene "tab" and you will find one material, drag&drop it into free slot and choose copy method "instance".
Then press right mouse button somewhere in viewport and select "V-Ray scene conversion", it will convert all materials to V-ray ones.
Assign map to each material(if it's not already) and change some material to proper ones, like glass.
Hey guys, maybe anyone could help me, I'm having some problems, I attached few screens so you could see my problem. So that black poly looks like it has different material assigned, but there's no such poly like it, just one bigger