Ok. I recently upgraded my GPU (from an ATI Radeon 9200SE 128MB AGP to a Sapphire Radeon HD2600 Pro 512MB AGP) and my system memory (added 1024MB PC2700 DDR333 to existing 512MB PC2700 DDR333 for total of 1.5GB). I saw a pretty good improvement in LFS when racing alone (highest resolution, full textures @ 100 fps with the HD2600/1.5 GB RAM vs. 1024x728, not full textures @ 30 fps with the 9200/512MB RAM), but I saw hardly any improvement when I have a full grid of cars (20). Before the upgrade I was getting about 5 fps (unplayable) and now I'm getting around 10 fps (still unplayable). Is there a way to increase the fps when there's a full grid of cars? How much memory is needed for that?
BTW I tried to reduce the resolution and texture quality, but that didn't do anything; highest resolution, full textures = 10 fps. Lowest resolution, lowest textures = 10 fps.
There is a problem with the BF1's cockpit camera; it's way too unstable. Maybe that's there to simulate the g-forces. If so, it shouldn't be that crazy in real life. Whenever I race with the BF1 I have to switch to the camera after that (just shows the tires). The cockpit camera needs to be stabilized because, most of the time, I cannot see where I'm going.
How about interactive interiors as well. Maybe a mileage reader (or a whole trip computer to see which cars you have been driving the most), a radio (listen to your own music)...
I would like to see the cars be more interactive. For example you can open the doors, windows, hood/bonnet, trunk/boot and pop the lights up on cars that have pop-up lights (like the XRGT.)
I know this is pretty pointless, but it would add to the realism.
I know this was probably mentioned before, but I would like to mention it again, and for the last time, so the devs will notice it more.
LFS badly needs some sedans/saloons. I would like to see a small 4-cylinder sedan (100-150 hp), a bigger V6, not-so-powerful sedan (200-300 hp), and a big, powerful V8 sports sedan (300-500 hp), and at least two of each for comparisons.
And also a V12 mid-engined hypercar (500-1000hp), a big V12 FR coupe (500-600 hp), a V8 mid-engined supercar (400-500 hp), an off-roading truck/suv (stock and super-offroad specifications), and MORE V8's (coupes, sedans)!!! And all those need at least two or more for comparisons.
If the devs include this list into S3, I will happily pay another $50 (or half for people who have S2.)
I would like the LX8 to be in LFS, but with the current cars, it can't be compared to anything; The LX6 compares with the FZ50 and the RAC. If they make the LX8, they should also make a two more V8's like a mid-engined V8 (Ferrari F430) and a big powerful V8 coupe (Mercedes CL63/SL63).
Ok. I admit my idea of removing the passengers is a bit daft and removing them completely is going to be a waste of time. It was early in the morning and what I was initially trying to say isn't an improvement suggestion at all. What I wanted to say was that the devs wasted their time putting this feature in the game, when they could have made a whole car instead. And now, since it's done already, the passengers can stay because I realized that they can be useful sometimes.
What's the point of having a choice of putting passengers in your car? I know maybe because it can give some people a handicap, and makes it more realistic, but I don't get why the devs waste time on that? I know they are finished with it, but when they were making that option, they could have made a whole new car.
I think this would be more suitable for single player play and if you want a proper race, then don't select this layout. Maybe some people wanna just mess around and have fun and have huge highway drag-races.
You know how there are sign posts that say that *whatever city* is 4 or 6 km's or miles away, I wanna go to those cities and have another race around them . So people can finish a lap on South City and then get on the highway and go full speed to the next city/town and race around it.
I would much rather have this than an extended drag strip.
I have a great idea. You know when you're driving on the longest South City layout and you get on that mini-highway and there are barriers that are blocking the continuing highway.
My suggestion is making a totally open layout for South City which gets rid of those barriers so you can go travel on those highways (maybe 10 km's or so each way ). And that would be meant for just personal cruising, and won't work for races. They should make another layout that makes the highway stretch longer than the little segment it is now for proper racing.
And if you go drive on it now, you can see that beyond the barriers (the continuing highways) the roads are already modeled so it's just a matter of making them solid (because if you get in a crash and go flying on over the barriers, your car would just fall through.)
You see that's the point. I don't want to have to change the gear ratios to get lower revvs in top gear. I want it to be like that in stock configurations, meaning original gear ratios. That would just be more realistic.
No one who drives on the highway (100km/h) in a modern car exceeds 2500 rpm in top gear. So driving on the highway in top gear doing 4000 rpm is unrealistic.
I would like it so that the stock cars have overdrive transmissions (as an option) because sometimes I just wanna cruise around a track and I don't like doing 4000 rpm (in top gear) when going about 100 km/h.
OH YESSSS!!!! I would love to have wipers on every car that is supposed to have them.
And +1 for this idea. Rain would be cool. If they do make this, they should show raindrops hitting the car (especially on the windshield) and they should make sound effects of rain hitting the car's metal. They should also physically put water on the track so you can see that little spray when the tires are hitting it.
If that were my car she was hitting and I saw the video tape, I would hunt her down and just destroy her car, after she paid for the damages of course.
I'm sure some of you know about that new BMW M3 game (developed with the GTR/2/RACE engine). Imagine if BMW teamed up with LFS and made a game just for the M3 (like it is now), but with the LFS engine? How awesome would that be?
And all car companies should do this instead of going with "more popular" game engines.
Ok. I'm sorry if this was mentioned before. I looked at all the road car's dashboards/interiors and I noticed that they are all slightly different. What I would really like is different steering wheels on different cars.
I cannot believe no one suggested this yet, but, how about different dashboards/interiors for all of the different cars. Currently all cars have the same "racing" dashboard (except single-seater's). I would like to have the normal road cars have their own dashboards. For example the FZ50 should have a dashboard and wheel like a Porsche 911.
I think this should be done because the current wheel and dashboard is really boring to look at and it would be awesome to drive the road cars with their real dashes/interiors.
What do you mean you don't see your helmet while racing (in real life I suppose), you don't see your visor; the little tint and maybe one of those stripes at the top of the visor?
And about the blurry vision; i only want it to come on when you have a significant crash (not when you bump something). And I want it to be like in some games like Splinter Cell and Farcry when you get hit by a flashbang and your ears ring and you get blurry vision.
Here's a new idea. How about having LFS focus more on the driver model (the guy/girl sitting in the car). Like in the new RACE game it has an in-helmet view, that would be cool in LFS. Also, how about when you get in a serious crash (but could still continue the race) you get blurred vision or something.